The Sapphire Heart

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I suddenly realised that having thrown myself at Jamie when he opened his eyes, I may be hurting him. After all, he had only just been invaded by thirteen ghosts, it was a wonder he was even alive right now.

"How are you feeling? I...I thought we were going to lose you."

He grimaced as he gingerly sat up on the sofa. I was still crouched on the floor, not daring to take my eyes off him in case he fell unconscious again.

"I've felt better. But...I've also felt worse."

His voice broke slightly and he closed his eyes. I had seen him do this before, remember the haunting memories of those agonising years when he and his fellow Sapphires were tortured, some or even, most, to their death.

"Say no more, I have a spell that will get you feeling tip top in no time."

Until he spoke, I had forgotten that Wizard Popkins was in the room with us. I jumped up from the floor and practically flung myself at him. It was somewhat hard to get my arms around his neck being that he was so tall, but I squeezed him as tight as I could manage.

"Thank you for bringing him back Popkins, I don't know what I would have done without you."

I stood on tiptoe to give him a kiss on the cheek. Popkins flamed nearly as red as the rubies from the vampire generation. He awkwardly patted my back, then stepped away pretty quickly, clearly not used to affection.

"It was nothing. You came for my help, I obliged." He walked over to where Jamie was sitting groggily on the couch and held out a hand for him to shake. "Hello Jamie, I'm Wizard Popkins and I'm going to cast a little spell to make you feel better, OK?"

Jamie weakly shook his hand. He was still as pale as the whitest bed sheet.

"Honoured to meet you Sir. There are no ways to thank you for..."

"Oh hush. No thanks needed. Besides, if I hadn't saved you, Cassie would have no doubt found a way to make sure I was as dead as you anyway."

I pursed my lips trying to hold back my amusement. He wasn't far from the truth.

Popkins took out his wand and pointed it directly at Jamies head.

"Magic wand, Enchanted spell....This is Jamie, Make him well."

He swished the wand and what looked like a sprinkle of gold glitter flew out and covered Jamie, fading as quickly as it appeared.

The colour returned to Jamies cheeks and he stood up from the couch, as good as new. He rubbed his head and raised an eyebrow, staring at Popkins warily.

"That was it? That was the spell?"

I giggled, not sure which I found funnier. Jamies confusion or Popkins offended expression.

"Yes Jamie. That was the spell. As I told Cassie when I was trying to bring you back from the dead, you must never declare a false spell while holding your wand. What exactly is it that you all find so funny about the spells?"

I wanted him to know that we weren't laughing AT him, that we appreciated him.

"I'm sorry Popkins. We really didn't mean to offend, they just seem so simple, that's all. Back in Pearl Eds, we learnt that the old human world had a mythical form of witches and wizards, and the spells they used were full of complicated chants. Each generation just takes some getting used to."

Popkins was just about to continue the conversation when the front door opened with a loud bang and in sauntered Mel.

"You vampires have no care for things do you? You don't have to show off your strength by breaking my whole house apart you know. The front door has never done you any harm."

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