The Ghost House

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I shivered violently. I couldn't tell if it was because I was in The Diamonds Generation which still really spooked me out, or if it was because of what Drew had just said. He was looking at Mel, who we had just discovered was his twin sister, his eyes full of worry. Being a ghost, he couldn't show any other emotion other than sad ones. But at this point, he wouldn't have wanted to anyway. After all, he had just informed us that Matthew Perkins, the Mayor of the Rubies was on his way to kill us. And that he was Mel's and Drew's Father. It was a lot to take in.

"Look, why don't the three of you come back to my house? I have the ability to watch Matthew at all times, I know exactly where he is. I can keep you safe for a while. At the moment, he's still in The Rubies Generation. He's already killed two vampires out of pure anger in the last hour. He's always been violent, but the news that his vampire daughter has run off to help a Sapphire has tipped him over the edge. Come on."

Drew started floating away just ahead. I nudged Jamie.

"Do you think you could go ahead and walk with Drew while I talk to Mel. I want to make sure she's OK."

Jamie smiled and nodded.

"Just remember not to walk through any ghosts. They can appear out of nowhere."

I nodded as he walked off in front to catch up with Drew. It looked quite comical seeing Drew above Jamie as he glided along and Jamie struggling to keep up.

I linked Mel's arm and gave her a little squeeze with my heavily bandaged hand that was still throbbing.

"Are you OK sweetie?"

She shrugged, staring blankly ahead.

"I don't know. I'm not supposed to feel anything Cassie. So why am I so shocked? Why am I terrified? And why do I feel so heartbroken that my own father wants to kill me?"

I squeezed her again, noting how sad her light blue eyes looked. If she had the ability to cry, she would.

"Remember what you said to Jamie when he asked why you wanted to help me? You said that just because something dictates you should be a certain way, it doesn't mean you have to be. I know you aren't a Sapphire, but I truly think that you are unique. You aren't like all the other vampires Mel. You are my best friend. Which is silly as I have only known you for a day."

Mel smiled at this.

"I never knew I wanted friends and family. Until now." She studied Drew, who was still talking with Jamie in front.

"When we get to his house, make sure you go and spend time with him. I will go off with Jamie and leave you two alone. He's your brother. We don't know how much longer we have left. In this generation or any generation. Make the most of it."

She nodded, glumly. We carried on walking for a while. Drew told us that the house was only around the corner, but that it would take twenty minutes because of how slow everything was in the afterlife. I let go of Mel's arm, wanting to run my hand through my hair which I was sure looked terrible after a day of travelling and bombshell news.

Before I could do anything about it, an elderly female ghost appeared right in front of me, her eyes as wide as saucers. Her hair was grey and frazzled, her skin wrinkled. Her eyes were grey like her hair and her teeth were decaying and yellow. She had on an old white night gown which showed off her wrinkled arms. I couldn't stop in time. It all happened in slow motion.

As we collided, my body temperature plunged to such a low level, I thought I had fallen into an iced over lake. My whole body trembled with cold and everything went dark. I could see a far off, dim light in the blackness so I started heading for that, my teeth chattering. I wrapped my arms around me to try and keep warm, but nothing helped. As I approached the dim light, my ears filled with the noise of people screaming. I could hear children and adults crying and wailing for help. But I couldn't see anything, just the dark and the tiny, dull light which seemed to be getting further away. I shook my head and covered my ears with my hands, trying to drown out the noise. Nothing was working. Everything was black and cold. The light had disappeared. I yelled as I tripped over, falling to the ground with a thud. Suddenly, I could see everything. All around me were thousands of skeletons piled up. I had fallen over a bone. I desperately tried to scramble up, realising with horror that the skeletons had started to rise too.

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