The Fight

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Matthews footsteps thudded on the dark wooden steps as he made his way up to us on the balcony. He looked at every one of us in turn, before his gaze settled on Mel.

They really did look so alike. It was crazy to me that two people could look so identical yet be so different personality wise.

"I trust you have made a decision over night. The right one I hope."

His voice was cool and measured. Mel took a deep breath.

"At first, we wanted to imagine a life where we could live. A life in The Rubies, all of us together. But we realise that it was only ever a dream. What you are suggesting is wrong. We would rather face death than live a life where everyone is miserable because they are being forced into a generation they didn't want."

Matthew kept his expression poker straight. Her words didn't affect him at all.

Popkins hugged Mel to him, then to all of our surprise, swivelled her around and kissed her slowly on the lips. She was startled at first, but within seconds had her arms around his neck, eagerly kissing him back. He pulled away, smiling at her from beneath his round spectacles.

"I'm proud of you. kind of rock my world you know."

She giggled, her cheeks turning pink. I could see she was lost for words, which was certainly unusual for Mel. Matthew sighed and rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest.

"History repeating itself I see. Falling for an Emerald."

We all looked from Mel to Matthew, confused to say the least.

"What do you mean?"

Her eyes were wide as she asked the question, her cheeks still flushed from the kiss.

"Have you ever wondered why you aren't like every other Ruby? Or why you can show emotions and be stupid enough to run away with strangers?"

"Of course I've wondered. But I've also been busy trying to hide from the authorities and you so it's not been at the front of my mind."

Matthew smirked, as he always did. He managed to look disgusted at the same time.

"Your Mother was an Emerald. You are half and half. So I really shouldn't be surprised that you have feelings for an annoying wizard."

My mouth fell open as I looked at Mel. That explained it. That's why she was so different.

"My Mum was an Emerald? Wow. Tell me about her. I want to know everything."

Matthew chuckled as he uncrossed his arms and pulled up on the wooden ledge, sitting down and swinging his legs.

"Mel, I'm here for your choice to my proposition, not to tell you your life story. Your Mother was an Emerald, yes. The authorities killed her when they realised she could magic herself to the Ruby generation and see me whenever she felt like doing so. That's all I have to say about it."

Mel looked crestfallen. Popkins hugged her. I touched her arm briefly to let her know I was here. I didn't know what to say. None of us did. Finding out you had family only to realise they were dead or to have them erased like Drew was must be unbearable.

"Anyway, nevermind all that. You don't have time to sob about someone you never knew. Are you telling me, with certainty, that you are not accepting my offer?"

Mel was still visibly upset, so I decided to speak.

"We are refusing your offer, that is correct. It's wrong. And deep down, you probably know it is."

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