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I sat with Miles, willing him to be OK. I knew that what Popkins was saying about him being paralysed forever was true by the way he kept looking at him and shaking his head sadly, but somewhere in my mind, I needed to believe it was all a nightmare.

He opened his eyes, moaning in pain. Popkins muttered a quick spell and flicked his wand towards Miles. The groaning stopped straight away, and the colour in his cheeks came back. I brushed his hair away from his head so I could see him better.

"Hey you. How are you feeling?"

He frowned, turning his head every direction to have a look around. I didn't know what he was looking for. He was agitated.

"I feel... I'm not sure. Weird, I guess. Everything's a blur. One minute I was trying to help you and then...then everything went black."

I nodded, laying my hand on his chest.

"Matthew is dead. Popkins killed him."

Popkins nodded, guiltily. I chanced a look at Mel who was still stood over her Father's body. I couldn't tell what she was feeling. Her face was a mask. Maisie floated at Mel's shoulder, clearly not wanting to leave her side.

"Yes. As an Emerald, you have to take a vow in front of our Mayor, Kitty Harris, that you will never use your wand to kill another person of any generation. It was the first time I've ever killed someone." I wanted to give the kind wizard a cuddle. He looked traumatised and his hands were shaking. "I hope I can be excused just this once."

Miles tried to sit up. I helped him, propping his arm over my shoulder while Jamie did the same on the other side.

I could see Miles trying to work out what was wrong. His nose was crinkled in confusion and he looked about him once more.

"Something feels weird.... I ....I don't know what it is....did I bump my head?"

My heart sank for him. Popkins and Jamie both met my eyes and I knew without them saying a word that they wanted me to tell him.

"Actually, you did bump your head. In fact, your whole body took a hit, it was brutal. Are you in any pain?"

He shook his head, then locked eyes with me. At least I could be reassured for now that he wasn't hurting.

"Miles, I... I don't know how to say this. Everything happened so fast, I didn't know how to stop it."

Some part of me believed that he already knew. He looked down at his legs, then back at me.

"It would seem that because you were hurt so bad, you...erm....your...." I looked from Popkins to Jamie. They both looked at the floor. Miles was still staring at me, waiting for me to finish. "I'm so sorry darling, but we have good reason to believe you are paralysed. Your spine has been injured pretty bad. Matthew really did a number on you. Miles... I.... I don't know what to say."

Miles didn't look shocked at my words. He looked down at his legs once more and I wondered if he were trying to move them. After a long silence, he shrugged and to my complete surprise, smiled.

"Not to worry. It's a good job we know a wizard then, isn't it?"

He sounded certain. Certain and hopeful. Popkins shook his head, his eyes kind as he spoke to Miles.

"I'm sorry buddy. There's nothing I can do. I can't reverse this type of injury."

Miles laughed. Jamie and I looked across at each other, nervously.

"So you're telling me that's it? That I'll never walk again?"

Popkins nodded sadly. I kept silent. What could I say? There was nothing that was going to make him feel better. Miles tried to push Jamie and I away, but I kept my arms around him. Eventually, he collapsed on me, hugging me so tight I could barely breathe. Jamie gave me a little nod and walked away, giving us some space.

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