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I opened my eyes slowly, breathless with pain.

My eyes widened as I remembered Jamie. I shook Popkins and Mel off, they were trying to move me. I held Jamie in my arms, tears streaming down my face

"Cassie, sweetheart, we need to..."

"No. No, no. Please tell me this isn't happening."

I struggled to sit up, thunderbolts of pain still shooting through my body. My throat burned, nausea sweeping over me as I realised my arm was covered in Jamie's blood.

"Just let us move you, then we can see to Jamie. Come on darling. We can help him."

I shook my head, then closed my eyes, trying to get myself together. Popkins was being firm and gentle. I trusted the wizard with all my heart and if he thought there was a way to help him, I had to believe it. I kissed Jamie, on his forehead, pain searing through me once more. But this was a different kind of pain. This was heart break.

I tried to stand up, but my legs were shaking. Popkins and Mel grabbed an arm and gently guided me up. I leant heavily on Mel while Popkins magiced up a sofa and lifted Jamie easily, placing him on the soft, red pillows. I knew he had picked red so the blood would blend in and it wouldn't look as terrifying, but it didn't help.

Miles was silent, as he sat next to Dianne's body in his wheelchair, watching for any signs of movement. I didn't understand what I had seen before I passed out. I didn't get what Maisie going in to Dianne's body meant. But right now, selfishly, I only cared about Jamie.

My breath caught as Popkins lifted Jamie's arm up, more blood pouring out of his wound from the movement. I shook my head while Mel kept a steadying arm around me, soothing me.

"Cassie, tell me anything you know about the weapon, I can see it's not an ordinary knife."

He nodded over at the knife that had just plunged through Jamie, now laying on the floor near Dianne and Miles.

"She.. she said" My voice was shaking, I was distraught. I didn't know how I was supposed to form normal sentences when Jamie was laying motionless in front of me. Somehow, I had to get it together. "The knife was...was designed to..." I took a breath, knowing the next words would be awful to say. "It was specifically designed to kill him."

Saying the words literally sent shooting pains through my body once more. My legs started to buckle, but Mel kept a hold of me. Popkins shot Mel a worried glance. I closed my eyes momentarily, not wanting to think about what the look meant.

"The knife seems to have plunged in nearer to his right shoulder than anything else. It's missed the main organs, it's even missed arteries and veins. If it were any other knife, the wound would be easy to treat." He examined him some more, his wand held limply in his hand. "But..."

My head swam, I could barely see from the tears clouding my eyes.

"But?....Oh Popkins, don't say but. Please...there has to be..."

The wizard shook his head, letting out a huge puff of air. He rose up from the sofa. I felt the moment my heart tore in two as he wiped a tear from his eye. He muttered something and flicked his wand. Bandages and medical wipes appeared in his hands.

"Cassie, I would do anything to save him. I would give my life before any of yours. You are all family to me. You know that if I thought there was a way, I.... I would." He sniffed, and took his spectacles off, wiping his eyes. "The only thing I can do is stop his bleeding and take the pain away. I'm so sorry darling girl."

I bit back a sob and stepped forward, enveloping Popkins in a hug. I had to be brave. I had to have courage. I knew that I wouldn't be able to survive for more than a day or two without Jamie. I had made up my mind that I would be joining him soon. But I would get my revenge first. I kissed Popkins on the cheek, wiping my eyes free from tears. I had to be brave for Jamie now.

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