The Battle

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Dianne raised her hands and the authorities came running at us, guns still pointed at our heads. I screamed and tried desperately to hold on to Jamie, but it was no use.

"Cassie!" He yelled for me as we were dragged apart, both of us struggling against the hands that now held us. I could see the others being taken as well. Instead of the authorities pointing guns at Maisies head, they held wands. Whatever spell they were casting was working, as Maisie struggled against an invisible tether.

I glanced at Jamie again, hating the panic on his face. Suddenly, the room started spinning and we were being transported through the air at seventy miles per hour. We were going too quick to actually see anything. I couldn't tell if people still had hold of me or not. I closed my eyes, waiting for it to be over.

When we landed, I managed to stay upright, mainly due to the fact that the authorities still had hold of me. I looked about, fear striking me when I couldn't see Jamie. He landed next to me just a minute later, as did the others one by one.

We were in a large, white room. The carpet and walls were bright white. There was no furniture inside, no windows to look out of. I had no idea where we were. I knew that I didn't have much to be thankful for right now, but I was relieved we hadn't been taken to The Coal Jailhouse.

"Are you OK baby? Are you hurt?"

Jamie was struggling once more against the people that held him. My heart sunk as I remembered it was all real. This was actually happening.

"No, I'm fine. Are you OK? Have they hurt you?"

He shook his head and grunted, still trying to get away.

"No, and I won't give them the chance to. We are getting out of here."

The authorities laughed at his words. It was menacing and freaky, all of their laughter sounded the same. I quickly scanned everyone else, my head hurting when I saw Miles who was in his wheelchair. The authorities were holding his wheels instead of him. He couldn't escape even if they gave him a head start. 'Are you OK?' I mouthed at him.

He gave a slight nod, but his eyes were teary as he glared at his legs. I knew he was willing them to move.

Popkins and Mel were looking at each other, while Maisie who was still frozen by the wands in front of her was looking from Mel to Jamie, helplessly. I was just about to tell them all that we would find a way out, but not quite convinced myself of that, when Dianne Cash appeared in front of us again.

Her orange hair glowed fire like. Her eyes were purple today. I wondered why she chose that colour. It was obvious they were contacts, but I didn't understand the look she was going for. They weren't dark enough to be menacing and evil, yet they weren't soft enough to forge a nice persona. Her eyes were at odds with her bushy orange hair. She was wearing a cream skirt suit, looking every inch the head of the Pearl Eds authorities.

She walked around each of us in turn, laughing at Jamie and Popkins who were still struggling against the people that had them. She circled me for a minute, making my anxiety sky high as I couldn't tell what she was going to do. I puffed out some air as she walked away, heading instead, towards Popkins.

We watched as she got her wand out and held it in front of his face. My heart thudded, I couldn't witness this. I just couldn't. If she was about to kill us one by one, I wanted to go first.

Mel screamed and I cried out as Dianne flicked her wand with a fast muttered spell and Popkins eyes rolled in the back of his head, his whole body jerking as the authorities that held him struggled to keep a grip. After what seemed like an age, the convulsing stopped and Dianne took Popkins hand in hers. She stretched out his arm and began to make dashes in his skin with the wand. Nausea hit me as I realised she was cutting his flesh, the smell of burning filled the room. Blood poured from Popkins arm, but he didn't react. He bit his lip against the pain, determined to look her in the eye as she hurt him.

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