Dagur's visit to the edge

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Dagur flew in on Sleuther, his triple styke dragon. He wanted to bring Shattermaster, but the lovable little gronkle refused to move from his sleeping stable. All the fuss Dagur had gone through trying to get him to move so he could come back to his siblings with the first dragon they helped him train and all his efforts were laid to waste. He had sighed, given Shattermaster some boulders in case he awoke and got hungry then mounted Sleuther who gave him no trouble, and with a smug look in Shattermaster's direction he said. See? Life would be so much easier if you didn't do whatever you wanted to all the time. I swear, you're lucky you're adorable.

Shattermaster groaned and rolled over to his back.

Dagur couldn't help but chuckle at him. The dragon pain in the butt knew how much he loved Shattermaster, so even with his teasing threats, they never did any good to motivate the gronkle. See you soon bud. I'll have someone check up you every once in a while to make sure you're alright. And with that he had flown off towards the edge. He was excited to see Hiccup and Heather. He was stoked to see what new ways he could get Snotlout angry. Honestly, he did feel kind of bad for what he had done to Snotlout last time he had arrived at the edge. He was ashamed in fact, he got angry over something so stupid and showed his old self. He hadn't meant to push the rider into the side of the cage like that. It just happened, and he never got to apologize. And he didn't think he really wanted to until recently.

Sleuther seemed to remember it to as he saw Snotlout wave hesitantly from his hut. Dagur waved back then petted Sleuther as he whined worriedly towards Snotlout's hut.

Yeah, I know Sleuther, I'll apologize. And I'll go easy on him this time. But I thought the first time he called me that I made it clear I wasn't a fan...

Sleuther shook his head, lightly batting Dagur with one of his horns. Yeah I know I tease and mess up his name name but... The flashback of his action towards Snotlout's nickname came back to him again, and Dagur felt guilty again, he sighed. That's how Snotlout felt everytime I did it to him, but he just didn't take action against me. He veered towards Snotlout's hut.

Oh no... Snotlout mumbled quietly to Hookfang. Why's he coming this way? Is he going to bash me again? You'll back me up if he does, right?

Hookfang rolled his eyes and went back to sleep.

Oh c'mon Hookfang! Who's gonna feed you if I get killed by him?!

Dagur heard the patch of fear in his voice as he landed, it would have once made him so glad to let it fill his ears and savor it, but he was different now and seeing anyone, even Snotlout like this, made him feel angry at himself. However he was calm when he spoke, Hey Snotlout...uh, do you got a second to talk?

Oh ho ho hey Dagur, what's hap- wait, did you just get my name right? Snotlout questioned in shock.

Yeah, messing it up got old and honestly...I know how you feel when I do it. I'm here not because I want to hurt you like last time, but to apologize to you for my actions through the time we've become allies. I understand what it felt like because when you called me that nickname, I felt it, I know you felt the same way, but you were too afraid of me to stop it. That's not how I want to be seen. So please Snotlout, if I ever upset you like that again, tell me, and I promise to stop immediately. Alright?

Yeah, but I-

Snotlout, I know you were afraid, I've seen fear in the eyes of too many in my life to mistake it. But if it makes you feel any better, as a sign of good faith, I promise to keep that between us. Dagur reached out his hand to Snotlout.

Snotlout flinched away momentarily, but then when he peeked back at Dagur, he smiled apologetically and shook his hand. Thank you for apologizing, Dagur. I'm sorry I upset you with the nickname thing. It wont happen again. I promise.

Dagur turned and put his hand up to his chin, like he was thinking, but he had already decided. Actually Snotlout 'Dagster' isn't the worst nickname I've ever heard. If you want to call me by that, you can and I wont...smash you into a cage again.

Snotlout noticed he looked extremely guilty as the battle scarred chief of the berserkers rubbed his neck and turned his eyes away from his own. Well, I'll leave that up to time, for now, I think reaching the top of this hill together will be accomplishment enough. You stick to my name and I'll stick to yours. If we feel like having special names for each other in the future we can, but for now, we should stick to the present.

Dagur smiled. I like that idea. He looked back at Sleuther. I got to head to the mainland, do you maybe wanna come with me?

Snotlout looked torn. Dagur, I would, but... he sighed embarrassed about what was about to come out of his mouth. Stoick and Hiccup are giving me Gustav-sitting duty. They said you did great last time and that you shouldn't have to put up with him again for a long while if ever. And he's related to me. So for the time being, he's my responsibility. Sometimes it makes me wish you would've killed him when he was your helper the first time.

Dagur winced. He had planned to kill Gustav after he had helped him steal the dragon eye from his brother. A kid! The old Dagur would've gone as far as to kill an innocent child to get what he wanted. He clenched his fist at his side as the memory flooded to him. Snotlout, that's not funny. He's just a boy. He didn't know what he was getting into. He could mature, become a great man, but he's a teen, he gets energetic and talks back and disobeys. Its part of growing up and as his family you have to understand that about him and teach him to be that great Viking one day. He looks up to you and the riders, he wants to be like you. That's why he came to me, because he believes you guys think so lowly of him that he had to settle his lot with criminals to show you how much he could mean to a team.

Snotlout looked slowly back into his hut at the boy who was just looking and examining everything on the walls of his home, he remembered being like that once, only he had no one to lead him by example, except his father. And his father wasnt exactly a good role model. He looked back at Dagur. You know, I never really thought of it that way, as annoying as he can be, he's my family, and he's just like I used to be. Thank you, for showing me how wrong I was. And I'm sorry for being so insensitive towards you and him. I'll meet up with you guys later after he goes to bed. I gotta talk to my little cousin. And then he turned and walked into his hut to Gustav.

Dagur smiled, he was still upset that Snotlout had wanted him to kill Gustav, but he was happy he set things right. He mounted Sleuther and took off toward the mainland again.

Hey guys, yeah I know I made this about RTTE, I have a lot of fandoms and watch a lot of shows that I'll continue to write about, for now this is my current project. Hopefully it will go over well. And I'm sorry I've made this chapter surrounding Snotlout and Dagur, but I've been waiting for it to happen and I've grown impatient, so this is what I have so far. Dont worry Jospehine will be taking over the next chapter, and she doesnt exist on the show shes just an OC that I actually made on the School of Dragons game.

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