Josephine's Secret

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Dagur had just kissed her and Josephine's heart was soaring through the stars. She finally knew that he definitely loved her. But something also ate at her, she had been keeping a dangerous secret from him. Another thing she hid from people because she was afraid she'd be shunned for it. And no one, not even her closest friend, Heather, knew about it. She had the ability to do something that she was sure no one else could. She had read so many books, seeing if it was ever written in history about someone else who could do it, she could only ever come to the conclusion that if there was, they also hid it from the world. She wanted to tell him, she'd always wanted to tell someone, but whenever she got her confidence high enough to even try, her paranoia shot her down. But she trusted Dagur, more than she trusted most people, and honestly, even more than she had trusted Heather. So she decided that she was going to tell Dagur, and she was going to tell him tonight. She had to, she just couldn't keep it in anymore. 

Dagur smiled at her. "Josephine, there's something I need to tell you, Stoick adopted me and Heather. I have a father, I have a family, and I want you to be apart of it." He got down on one knee and produced something from under his belt, a gold ring with shining inscription of their names in beautiful script. "Will you marry me?"

The shock of the question made her hesitate, but as her cheeks started to flush red and she came to the full realization that this was actually happening, she said "Dagur, my love, yes, yes I will." And as he stood up she kissed him.

Hiccup smiled at her. "Guess I'm getting two new sisters instead of one. Well, the more the merrier."

Dagur looked to Hiccup "And soon I might be expecting another myself." He said softly, then winked.

Hiccup giggled then nodded. "I know what you're hinting at brother, soon."

Stoick interjected. "Well, if you and Josephine don't mind, I'd like me and Gobber to attend the wedding when it occurs."

Dagur smiled, as he saw his idea sparkling in his fiancé's eyes. "Father, all are welcome."

Stoick gave a great big belly laugh. "Trust me, I wouldn't miss my own son's wedding," He gave Hiccup a look. "Either of them..." And then gave his attention back to Josephine. "And Gobber's been worrying about you ever since you left, his paranoia will be the death of him, I swear. He seems to think you need his protection."

"I've tried to tell him otherwise," Josephine said sweetly. "Silly Gobber thinks he needs to watch over me since he was the one who rescued me from that shifty seller as a defenseless infant."

Dagur growled lowly at himself, but then said pleasantly to his bride-to-be "I should be the one to watch over and worry about you."

Stoick looked to his Eldest son. "Calm you jealousy there son,"

"Yeah," Josephine said to her husband-to-be. "Gobber's always been like an uncle to me. Nothing more, love."

Dagur breathed in deeply then exhaled slowly "Alright, I'm sorry. I believe you." Then his eyes lit up. "The skrill that saved me the other night...was the same one that was at that battle yesterday."

"Yeah, Obsidian's my dragon. He's a good boy, does what he's asked-" Josephine started.

"Your dragon saved my life, Josephine!" Dagur said.

Josephine's eyes widened, she had suspected, but now that she heard it from Dagur, everything she now knew started to piece themselves together like a puzzle in her mind. Hiccup was Dagur's brother, and he wasn't just any ordinary berserker passing through. And then another thing hit her. "Heather's your sister." Then her mind finished the thought, she invited me here to meet you, she set this relationship up. I'll have to thank her later. She smiled at the thought of it. Heather somehow knew this would happen.

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