Josephine's Appreciation Party

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Josephine was so shocked to see that the Rider's not only liked her but wanted her to stay. She was hesitant to join the festivities at first, but she couldn't resist the chance to be see everyone and get to catch up. She noticed Snotlout come in and he looked Sad, she looked to Dagur who went over to him, she couldn't hear their conversation but a minute later Dagur turned and flew off on Sleuther. She approached Snotlout. "Hey, big guy, you alright?"

He smiled. "Am now. I got Dagur back for pranking me and making me late to your party." Snotlout chuckled then said seriously. "I do hope you'll stay, it would crush Dagur if you and the rest of the riders didn't become friends."

Josephine smiled back. "I don't think I'm going anywhere any time soon." Then she heard what he said. "The other riders? What about you?"

He shrugged majestically. "Dagur doesn't really mind me all that much, but I'm not a very easy person to like or be friends with. You shouldn't worry about me."

Josephine hugged him. "Snotlout, since I've been here, you been one of the coolest people I've met, yes we all get upset sometimes, but I like you for who you are. I'm happy to call you my friend."

His eyes widened as Dagur entered the room and spotted them. His eyes narrowed angrily, but he didn't approach or make a scene, instead he went over to Hiccup and Heather, never once taking his eyes of Snotlout.

Snotlout stuttered nervously. "I'm glad to have you as a friend too, Josephine. You really helped us out today. We won't have to worry about those hunters anymore." He was sweating nervously by the time she pulled away, with Dagur's eyes on him, he knew that somewhere along the line, he was going to be in big trouble. He tried to shake it off, but he knew that somewhere behind the anger in his friend's eyes lurked Dagur's disappointment. "You were pretty impressive out there today, where'd you learn all those moves?"

Josephine looked away shyly. "I don't know, all I know was I saw red and other than that I barely remember anything." She looked at Snotlout. "You feeling ok? You look really flushed." She hadn't noticed her love come in.

"I'm fine, it's just really hot in here, I'm gonna step outside for a moment and get some fresh air. You should go talk to Fishlegs and Heather, they've been gossiping about you for a while." He then excused himself and walked calmly as he could outside. But the minute he was outside his calm faded and he started to run towards Hookfang.

Something barreled into and had him pinned.

Too late. Snotlout's thought. He got me.

"You promised!" The voice yelled.

Snotlout's eyes were blurred from the impact of his head on the floor, but he knew all too well who had him pinned. "Dagur, it's not like that-"

"I trusted you and you lied to me!" The chief of the berserkers sounded heart-broken and angry all at the same time, but over the sound of the party happening inside, no one else heard him.

So Snotlout knew whatever happened, no help would come. "Dagur, we're just friends, I'd never-"

"Don't even play that with me, I know what I saw!" Dagur growled and punched Snotlout, hard in the face, making the poor riders head roll.

"No you don't! I would never do that to you!" Snotlout said defensively.

"And yet you did." Dagur said getting ready to punch him again.

"Dagur! Don't, please you don't understand!" Snotlout pleaded as he slowly regained his vision and saw what his friend was about to do, he cowered in front of the Chief of the Berserkers who was most likely going to kill him for something he didn't do.

"Oh I understand, I understand everything." And he brought down his fist.

But it never landed.

Someone had grabbed Dagur's arm to prevent him from hitting Snotlout. "No, love, you really don't."

Dagur turned and was shocked to see Josephine standing there. "Josephine, I-he, but."

"Don't speak, just let me explain. Yes we hugged, but he didn't instigate it, I did. He thought he wasn't a good friend, he thought you didn't care whether or not me and him became friends but you did for all the other riders. Dagur, he was down, so I comforted him like any good friend should. Please don't hurt him." Josephine said.

Dagur looked shocked and then as he looked at his friend he had pinned, he was horrified. "Snotlout, I-" he breathed shakily, getting off the rider and trying to help him up. "I'm so sorry. I should've listened, I should've believed yo-"

Snotlout surprised all of them by hugging the Berserker chief. "It's alright, I understand how you felt. But I made you a promise, Dagur. Never forget that."

Dagur hugged back, silently shedding a few tears on his friend's shoulder. "I promise, Snotlout. I'll never forget again. I'm sorry I hurt you. Are you alright?"

Snotlout grabbed his head. "Well, I have a huge headache and I'm probably going to have a black eye in the morning, but other than that, yeah, I'm great." He laughed, and jokingly punched Dagur's arm. "You're gonna have to do better than that to keep this Jorgenson down!"

Dagur smirked. "Don't tempt me." He teased.

Snotlout shook himself off, he had went numb, but now he was fully back to himself. "Oh and Dagur, buddy?"

Dagur chuckled. "It our secret, Snotlout."

Snotlout nodded. "Thanks." he smiled. "Means a lot."

"It's the least I can do." Dagur said. "And again sorry for-"

"Turning into a jealous rage warrior?" Snotlout suggested.

"Ok, I was going to say jerk, but that works too." He said nervously, avoiding Josephine's eyes, rubbing his neck nervously, and giving an uneasy chuckle.

"It's all good, Dagur. No hard feelings?" Snotlout replied.

"No, we're good." Dagur said.

"I'd hope so, otherwise I'd have just lost my coolest friend ever." Snotlout said sincerely.

"Stop, you're gonna make me tear up." Dagur said, blushing slightly.

Josephine cleared her throat. "As beautiful as this is, if you ladies are done gossiping, we should head back to the party. They'll be wondering where we all popped off to."

Dagur and Snotlout looked to each other at being referred to as "Gossiping ladies" but just wound up laughing about, and then, when they composed themselves enough, they followed Josephine back to the party.

I had originally planned on this being a five part thing, but since this is the sixth part of the story, I'm going to be adding some new elements and twists. I hope you enjoyed this one, the idea for this just ate and nagged at me and refused to go away so I'm proud to bring this moment to life. Also I know it's going to come out in someone's mind, the obvious meme: "Imagine Dagur getting Jealous over a friend hugging you." Maybe not, but I certainly thought of it so there it is. XD. See ya in the next one. Hope you enjoy!

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