Josephine's Appreciation Party Part 2 (Dagur's PoV)

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Dagur, Josephine, and Snotlout all went back to the party.

Hiccup had been really the only one to notice their absence. "Where have you two been?"

Dagur shrugged. "In a fight."

And as Hiccup caught sight of Snotlout, he winced. "I think I know who won."

"Yeah," Josephine said. "Me. I stopped them before anyone got too hurt."

Snotlout scoffed. "Hurt? Me?!"

Dagur laughed. "Nothing on him is hurt except his pride."

Hiccup laughed too. "Maybe that will help deflate your ego a bit, eh, Snotlout? Thanks brother."

Dagur smiled. "Maybe"

Hiccup looked concerned. "May I talk to you outside, brother to brother?"

Dagur nodded. "Josephine, I'll be back." And followed Hiccup outside.

Hiccup sighed. "Look, Dagur, you're my brother, and there's something that's been eating at me since you saved Toothless and me from the hunters."

"Yeah?" Dagur said calmly.

"I-I'm sorry I pushed you off a cliff and then threatened to kill you-"

"Brother, when we shook hands on that beach, I forgave you, but thank you for formally apologizing. It means a lot."

"Dagur, Toothless is my best friend, he means so much to me, when I thought you caused me to lose him for good, I lost it, but it means more than you'll ever know that you saved him and asked for nothing in return." Hiccup attack-hugged Dagur, crying on his brother's shoulder, and softly thanking him.

The shock of the impact of his little brother made him falter a little bit as he stood, but he soon regained his balance and comforted his little brother to the best of his ability. "Oh Hiccup, I know how much T means to you, when I saw how worried over him you were, I knew I needed to help. I'm just sorry it seemed like I hurt him, I really didn't mean for the antidote to be painful."

Hiccup refused to let go. "You ended the war between us, you saved my dragon, you saved me and there's someone else who wishes to speak with you." Hiccup pointed to the sky as a rumblehorn flew into view carrying the Chief of Berk.

"Dagur." Stoick the Vast called. "Nice to see you again."

Dagur the Deranged didn't fear much, but Stoick the Vast happened to be one of the things that terrified him. "Chief Stoick, it's always a pleasure."

Stoick landed, and noting the worry in his voice and on his face he said. "Oh lighten up lad. I'm here to give you something."

Dagur looked confused. "Give me something? What?"

Stoick smiled warmly. "A proper family. I'm adopting you and Heather."

Dagur breathed in sharply. "What? Sir-are you serious? Adopt? Me? I mean Heather I understand, she's great. But me? Stoick, after all I've done?"

"All you've done is the reason I've decided to do this. You stopped a war, you saved my son, you helped protect Berk against that shady dragon hunter, you saved many lives, and Hiccup's told me you've helped him on many missions and would rather have no other brother. But Heather also needs a father and I wasn't willing to just leave her to the wind." Stoick didn't mean it, but what he had just said triggered a bit of ptsd for Dagur. But Stoick saw confusion and sadness on his face and pulled him into a hug. "It's ok, son. Everything's going to be alright now."

Dagur embraced the hug from his father. Stoick had always felt like some sort of Family to him, but to officially call him his father, it made Dagur feel like he was no longer an orphan, that he now had someone to model himself after, to help him become a better chief to his own tribe. "Stoick, can I call you Dad?"

Stoick smiled again, and gave a soft small chuckle. "Of course, son, you may call me what you wish."

Dagur felt a twinge of guilt as he remembered the time where he threatened to kill Stoick in order to gain Toothless. Dagur growled silently to himself, he wanted so bad to go back in time and kick his own ass just to keep himself from ever hurting his new family. He had done so much with the intent to hurt Hiccup and the others, and he now loathed himself for it, knew he would give his own life just to take it all back. He had so much to make up for, and so help him, he was going to prove himself to his father. "You might be having two daughters soon, dad. If she'll have me, I'm going to take Josephine as my bride."

Stoick patted his back. "She's a splendid girl, I wish you the best, son. You deserve a good girl like her, I remember when Gobber found her, some shifty character was trying to sell her for a profit, without regard for the people she went to or whether or not they were fit to raise a child, but Gobber stepped in and took her to a good family on a little island. The peaceable tribe, free of war with both dragon and viking, and she was raised there by a couple of farmers. Until someone attacked her island, the outcasts were the prime suspect, and were found guilty of slaughter most, including her family, and by this time we had made peace with the dragons and she rode here on her skrill, Obsidian, and told us her story. That she kept having these dreams of a beautiful island of laughter and fun. She kept hearing what she could only suppose where her birth parents voices mentioning how she was a berserker and that she would do great things for the tribe someday. But then she told us about her foster parents, and how they died and we let her stay with us for a bit. I'm happy she's found you."

"No one's happier then me, I love her more than I could ever imagine, I honestly didn't know what love was until I met her, at least on this type of level, I mean I loved my siblings and everything-" Dagur started to ramble again.

But Stoick cut him off. "But this is different."

Dagur smiled as she came out to look for him. "She's different." And as she came over to him, he kissed her and then smiled back at his father. "And I like that."

Dagur looked at Hiccup. "Oh, dad, with your permission there's something I want to do..." And he whispered his plan to Stoick, who surprisingly agreed, knowing Dagur meant well. Dagur approached Hiccup with one of his daggers in hand and sliced it across his own skin. "Hiccup, you are already my brother in all but blood, but I wish to make this official, take this dagger to your hand,"

Hiccup did it without hesitation.

Dagur smiled at his brother and took his slashed hand in his own bleeding palm and let the blood mix in each other's hands. "It is done."

The f***ing feels! Stoick adopted Dagur and Heather! Dagur and Josephine are taking themselves to the next level! And Hiccup and Dagur have become blood brothers! What's next?! Find out in the next chapter of "Dagur's Dagger"

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