Heather Tells Josephine The Truth (Girls' Day Out)

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Heather, Josephine and Ruffnut walked through the forest on the side of the Edge closest to the mainland, they were talking about their love interests.

Ruffnut sighed. "It's complicated for me right now, I mean there's Throk and he's a charmer, but then again...there's this other guy we met a while back...a former dragon hunter with the type of bod that just makes you drool."

Josephine smiled. "Sounds like Dagur."

Ruffnut growled. "Are you kidding me?! Dagur's gross!"

Josephine glared at her.

"I mean, he's not my type." Ruffnut corrected herself under her gaze.

"Well you both know about me and Fishlegs," Heather chimed in, trying to break the tension.

Ruffnut spoke all their minds. "Fishlegs is generally trusting guy, but does anyone get the feeling he's having a hard time trusting Dagur?"

"No," Heather sighed. "He wants to see the best in everyone, even Dagur. But every time he thinks he's made progress with him, the memory of him being locked in a cage, starved for three days, then fed rotten cod heads just eats at him. He's confided in me that he's worried about how anyone with that much hate in their heart could ever change."

Josephine eyes narrowed. "Dagur did that? Has he ever thought to apologize?"

Ruffnut giggled. "It's not really his area of expertise."

Heather smiled. "Anything concerning brute force and he's all game. But sentiment," She rolled her eyes. "Not so much."

Josephine knew she had to fix it. She made a note-to-self and stored it in the back of her mind, she wasn't going to let it ruin her day with the girls. Josephine was snapped out of it when she heard wing beats over head. She looked up only to see a familiar nadder swooping down.

"Hey guys!" Astrid called. "Room for one more?"

Josephine giggled. "Always, Astrid."

Heather smiled. "We were just talking about boys."

Astrid bumped arms with Heather. "Knowing you, I'm not surprised."

"So Josephine, I know I've been a bit distant with you. I apologize. I'm just-I have a lot going on."

Josephine tilted her head. "Distant? What do you mean?"

"I haven't exactly been a good friend or host. But I just, I remembered last time you visited Berk. Stoick looked at you like he wanted you to marry Hiccup instead of me. I've been watching our chief to see if he still has that gaze for you, but he doesn't now that you're marrying Dagur."

Josephine scoffed. "With all due respect, Astrid. Hiccup's not my type. I mean, he's a great friend, but I never held any interest in him. I respected your relationship with him."

Astrid smiled. "Thanks."

Astrid looked at Heather, glared at her. Then said to Ruffnut. "Tuff's looking for you. Said he's got a message from the defenders of the wing for you."

"Oh! But I don't have my dragon!"

Astrid smirked. "Then you better get going before he decides to hold it for ransom or blackmail."

"You mean I got to walk?! But that's so much work!" Ruffnut whined, but then got going.

Heather sighed. "Josephine-"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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