Heather Comes Clean

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It had been an hour since Josephine and Dagur had arrived back home, but he couldn't sleep, he kept having this feeling that his sister had been involved in his and Josephine's meeting and now relationship. And he loved Josephine, but he needed to know the truth, he gently took his arms out from around her, she moaned but didn't wake. Dagur got up and left to Heather's hut, only to find she wasn't home. IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!  "Where else could she be?!" Dagur wondered, he whistled to Sluether who woke up and silently flew out to him, he jumped on and flew after Heather, letting his worst fears subside as Hiccup's words came back to him. Heather was a berserker and she had Windshear. She'd be fine. But as he heard the clanging of metal on something hard he landed, extremely worried about his little sister. Heather was fine, to his relief, she was just training. Dagur hung back in the shadows. Hiccup was right again, he was the best at lurking around while not being detected. He moved around silently to get a better vantage point, he waited, like a cat ready to spring until she exposed an easy attack point. She had her back completely exposed as she went to stick her ax in the tree again, and Dagur pounced, grabbing her in a light berserker choke hold, he didn't want to hurt her, much as he had done with Hiccup back in the cave when Toothless got hit with a dragon root arrow.

She gasped and struggled to get free, not sure who was grabbing her.

"And what would a little lady like you be doing out here all alone in the middle of the night?"

Heather knew that voice. "Who says I'm alone?"

All of the sudden another female jumped out of the brush and attacked Dagur, knocking him off Heather. Dagur smiled, he didn't have to see her to recognize her work. "Nice move, Astrid."

"Thanks Dagur. Coming from you, the compliment is greatly appreciated." Astrid said smiling.

Dagur's eyes narrowed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Astrid put her hands up to show she meant no offense, though they all knew she could easily take him. "Heel Dagur, I only meant that you are a master of stealth and any compliment coming from you is great considering our previous relationship. I always assumed that you would hate me if you ever came over to our side considering I was the one who whupped your butt most often.

Heather giggled.

Dagur smiled. "You're a great warrior Astrid, I've never met a better opponent in battle. However if Hiccup wasn't so attached to you, I'd kick your butt into next month."

Astrid smirked. "You wish you could.

Heather looked to her brother before they both got too over-competitive that they actually started something. "Did you want to ask me something?"

"As a matter of fact, I did." Dagur said then looked to Astrid. "Privately please." He requested politely.

Astrid looked to Heather for approval to leave him alone with her, she narrowed her eyes as if to say "He's my brother." but nodded.

She nodded to them both, called for Stormfly and left them in peace.

Heather sighed.

"Oh I wouldn't be so relieved yet if I were you." Dagur said, trying to keep his anger in check.

Heather looked worriedly up at him, clutching her axe at her side, just in case.

Dagur noticed, he wanted so much to comfort her, remind her that he wasn't like that anymore, but he pretended like he didn't see it to show her why he was upset. He sighed. "I want you to be honest with me about something, sis."

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