Josephine Wakes Up

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Warning: This chapter is the marker for when shit gets real, and by that I mean, yes, this is where Dagur and Josephine do it for the first time. Shit might get detailed, graphic and profane to the limits of the universe. So if you are uncomfortable with intercourse please do not read this chapter. And one last thing, I am 16, and the things you are about to read will shock you, and I apologize if it does, but I did warn you.

Something bright shone in Josephine's eyes and she opened her eyes to find the full moon glowing on her, but as she tried to move she noticed two things, first was that she couldn't move and second-

"Oh, you're up." Dagur yawned.

"Yeah, I'm u-OH MY GODS!" She turned to look at him and he was laying in the bed next to her, arms behind his head and WITH NO TOP ON.

Dagur laughed, and for once, not his crazy iconic laugh, this was a sexy laugh if not bit forced, but sexy nonetheless. "What?"

He had a few battle scars on his body, but they were cleaned and healing, what really got her attention was his 8 pack abs, which were untouched by axe or blade. She turned around and settled back into the crook of his arm.

He rolled over to hold her close to his chest again. And he felt something familiar but still foreign rising up in him again.

Josephine giggled. "Is that a dagger under your belt or are you just happy to see me?"

Dagur growled attractively behind her, then leaned forward and whispered softly in her ear "Maybe a little bit of both...why?" He teasingly nibbled the rim of her ear then said "Did it turn you on?"

Josephine didn't know that Dagur could be so seductive, but it was working and she wanted him to do what he wished on her. She felt something rising in her too, lust, and she wanted him so badly it was driving her mad the more he toyed with her like a cat would a mouse. "Yes, my chief...yes." She said, her breath shaking with her unhidden arousal.

Dagur came close again so Josephine could feel his warm breath on her neck, she shuddered at it's touch. "Tell me what you want, kitten." Dagur said, the lust creeping through his voice.

Josephine could barely make a sound, but she managed to get out "You, I want all of you."

Dagur smiled and pulled away and undid his belt, letting his trousers and briefs fall to the floor, then he stepped out of them and put them on his stool.

Josephine couldn't resist after she heard the belt thud on the floor, she turned to peek at her now nude chief, and a gasp escaped her lips as she saw what had poked her earlier, it honestly didn't feel as big as it looked, but then again, it was hiding under a metal pair of leggings so she wasn't surprised there. But she stood gawking at it nonetheless until-

"Well well well...someone's a naughty kitty, I didn't say you could look yet." Dagur teased.

Josephine looked up into his eyes, and slowly took off her tunic, then untied the strings that kept her bra up, letting both fall to floor, then went her pants and undergarments and she looked from another stool in the room then back to Dagur. "Um...m-m-may I?" She stuttered.

He nodded and gestured to the stool in approval.

So she put her clothes down and approached her chief, slowly, trying to tease and arouse him.

He growled, craving her, desire clear in his eyes. "Give me one good reason to not pin you to that bed right now..."

Josephine smiled, brushing the hair out of her eye. "I can't think of one. Can you?" She ran her hand down his member, and as he gasped, she said. "Come honor this common girl with your seed. Make me yours till the end of time etern-"

She didn't need to say anymore, Dagur had her on the bed and pinned before she could finish her sentence, he was gentle, and careful not to hurt her, but he had her pinned nonetheless, not that she was resisting anyway.

Josephine opened herself to him, waiting for him to make his move.

And Dagur wasted no time inserting himself into her. And both of them moaned in sync as her walls closed around him, pulsing and throbbing as he started to repeatedly thrust in and out of her.

She moaned as quietly as she could until it was too much for her to bear.

Dagur smiled down at her, then leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Scream all you want, no one can hear you."

And so with her chief's permission her moaning turned to yells of pleasure.

And Dagur felt like he was already about to burst, but he wanted to keep his lover happy, so he tried to keep up his game.

She was screaming louder, "Please Dagur, please, let me...let..."

Dagur roared in ecstasy as he came into her. She yelled his name as she did the same, when she was done, she was left panting, but filled. And Dagur chuckled. "Well that was fun, but now we should get cleaned up, even though it happened I'm still not exactly an expert on sex, but this stuff is sticky and not pleasant to wear. I'll grab us some cloths, and since at this time of night no one will be up to see us, we can fly to the waterfall and wash this stuff off."

Josephine sat up and smiled as he released her with a final kiss. "Yeah, I agree, it is uncomfortable, but what if someone happens to be up right now and sees us?"

"That's what the cloths are for, just in case. We wrap ourselves in them, mount our dragons and head to the falls. Also with the cloths, none will get on the dragons or their saddles." Dagur said, also grabbing some towels to dry off when they got out, he packed those in a satchel and attached it to Sleuther's saddle, before wrapping himself in the cloth. He then turned to Shattermaster. "I'm riding Sleuther there, but you're welcome to come if you feel up to it."

And Shattermaster, as only Dagur's little Gronkle could gave a distinct uninterested yawn and rolled onto his side to sleep.

Dagur laughed. "Alright, ya big lug, stay here and sleep, but you're gonna miss all the fun."

The Gronkle only groaned and wacked Dagur lightly with his bulbous tail.

"Alright, alright, fine, I'll leave you be." Dagur brushed himself off and handed the other cloth to Josephine and she gathered her clothes in her bag and attached it to Obsidian's saddle. They both mounted their dragons and flew off towards the falls.

Yeah, that happened...and if any of you are worried or horrified, don't be, I just watch a lot of Game of Thrones and Shameless (USA) and I pick up a few things from what I watch. I hope you liked it, and if you didn't I understand, but regardless of good or bad let me know what you thought of this chapter and find out what happens at the falls in the next one. See you all then!

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