Josephine arrives on the Edge

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Josephine Raven was a beautiful young lady, with raven black hair that when the sun shone on it seemed like black smoke rose from her, ocean blue eyes that sparkled pure like sapphires in the moonlight. She had a sweet but strict voice, but she was shy and she was embarrassed of her laugh. Every time she laughed, people looked at her like she was nuts. She hated that, she knew she was a pure Berserker, even though she had never been to her homeland, but she never went crazy. She never lost her mind to battle-rage like some other Berserkers. She was flying on her massive skrill Obsidian, she had noticed another rider flying toward the Edge, from the distance all she could see of them was their flaming red hair, she quickly veered her dragon out of sight of them. She watched as they veered towards Snotlout's house, they spent a while talking to him, so she landed on the edge of Dragon's Edge, she nearly didn't make it before the person flew back out and towards the edge. She had hid behind a bush and watched him land and OH MY GODS! He was hawt! Muscles, the hair, he had stunning green eyes, like deep dark emeralds, and he had a rich red beard, and he was battle-scarred which honestly made him hotter in her eyes. Hiccup approached the newcomer with Josephine's friend Heather, who had called her here to meet someone, but Heather had never specified who or why. Heather looked to the sky searching for her. She moved to get a closer look after Hiccup blocked her view of the delicious looking hunk, but she tripped over a root and loudly crashed on the ground, tearing at the bush to get her footing, but failing miserably. She looked back up to see if anyone had noticed. Hiccup, Heather, and the new Viking were all looking at the bush.

The newcomer glared, narrowed his eyes, and pulled out the dagger from his belt and prepared to throw it, but Heather stopped him and approached the bush pulled it away and gasped. "Dagur, she's hurt, help me get her up."

To her surprise the muscled hottie came over to her and stared at her, shocked for a moment. The sympathy and wonder and lust sneaking through his eyes.

"Dagur!" Heather yelled to get his attention.

"Don't yell at me!" Dagur yelled back cause she startled him back to reality. Heather winced as did the girl he was taken aback by, and he sighed. "Sorry, Heather, and to you, you just startled me, I didn't mean to lose my temper. Here, let's get you up." Dagur bent down and gently picked her entire body up in her arms and took her to his hut that Hiccup had built for him when he visited. He set her down on his bed and started examining her leg, he was relieved to find it wasn't broken or twisted, maybe sprained but she would be able to walk again soon. "You'll be alright. You just need a wrap for your leg, I'll get it." He went to retrieve it out of his bin, and he started wrapping up her leg to make sure she didn't strain it any more. "My name's Dagur the Deranged, slightly less deranged now, but I can see you're smart and were listening to when Heather addressed me by my name. So...what's yours?"

She swallowed nervously. She was actually sitting next to this guy who she thought was a god, and she had to get all shy now. "Josephine," She said softly as her voice betrayed her.

"You heard about me, huh? I was hoping you hadn't, but you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not like that anymore." Dagur said kindly.

Josephine got a bit of strength in her voice back as she said "No, Dagur, I'm not afraid," then she got quiet again. "I'm just very...shy, and it's embarrassing for a Berserker." That and you're super freaking hot and what girl wouldn't be at least a bit intimidated trying to get you to like them? She thought to herself.

"You're a Berserker? Strange, I've never seen you around the island before." Dagur said. "I would've definitely remembered if I had." Dagur thought it was actually cute that this gorgeous Berserker was a tad bit shy, everyone that he ruled over were all so bold, and their flirting got old because it was pretty much all the same.

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