Dog Dean Afternoon

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It took them about a day and a half to get back to the bunker. Dean parked the Impala in the garage as Ashleigh pulled her Chevelle in behind him, looking around in awe. She was quick to gather herself as she pulled her vehicle into its new space. After putting the car in park, she climbed out, shutting the door behind her and grabbing her bags from the backseat.

Let the adventure begin.


Sam gave the woman a quick tour of their home, otherwise known as the bunker. He also gave her the rundown about the Men of Letters. She listened curiously, taking in all the new information before the two were interrupted by Dean placing a bottle of whiskey on the table, causing the woman to slightly jump in surprise befpre her eyes narrowed. Dean smirked softly as he screwed open the top and began pouring himself a glass. "Do you want a drink Ash?" The woman rolled her eyes with a slight smile "Yeah, sure, why not. Its only three in the afternoon after all." She said sarcastically as Dean poured her a glass and placed it near her, taking a seat beside the brunette. He took a quick swig of his whiskey, gritting his teeth as The alcohol hit his tongue. The woman straightened up as she lifted the glass to her pink lips. The younger Winchester pulled out his laptop and opened up the article "A taxidermist was killed" Dean lifted an eyebrow as he scoffed before Sam cleared his throat "He was ripped in two. A literal human pretzel." Deans eyes widened momentarily before he shook his head "Me and Ash can handle it. Honestly man, you need to stay back and rest" the woman looked up towards the two brothers before taking a quick gulp of her drink, licking her bottom lip as Sam sighed "I'm fine Dean. Let's just go" Ashleigh looked up at the two before standing up as Sam left the room, leaving her alone with Dean who held an irritated look in his eyes. She exhaled after downing the rest of her drink before setting her glad on the table "if you two are done being children, lets get this case over and done with shall we?" She smiles gently as she heads off to gather her things, leaving Dean sitting at the table alone. He grumbles under his breath before standing and heading to his room to grab his bag.


A few days later

"Ask about the cats" Sam said as he tossed a wrapper into the garbage bin a few get away. Dean quickly reached over and grabbed the wrapper, handing it back to his brother "So, what about the cats?" He stared at the German Shepard as Sam glanced at the wrapper "I don't want this.." Ashleigh leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Dean as he began scratching behind his ear. Sam stared at his brother "Dean, what are you doing?" The older Winchester shifted his gaze from the dog before snapping "I don't know" he shrugged his shoulders defensively before tilting his head down at the dog "Oh, what are you laughing at?" Ashleigh lifted an eyebrow as the dog began barking and raced to the window with Dean right beside him. "Hey! ... Hey! Hey! You! .... You!" Dean barked at the mailman just outside as the woman and Sam gave eachother concerned looks. Sam looked up at his brother "Uh... Dean? I think the spell worked.. In fact, I think it worked a little too well."

"What?" Dean sat in the chair across from his brother, resuming scratching at his head.

"I think you might be a dog"

"What?" Dean asked like his brother was crazy. Ashleigh quickly stifled a laugh,warming a glare from the green eyed hunter.

"You're scratching your head. You're barking at the're playing fetch" he tossed his wrapper into the him yet again. Just as Dean was ready to argue, he turned his attention to the wrapper, seeming to fight not going and grabbing it again. His head tilted back to his brother, glancing over at the woman as he let out what sounded like a whimper "Ruh roh.."


"Yeah, okay... Alright, thanks." Sam hung up the phone as he cleared his throat, looking at his brother who looked to be having a staring contest with the dog. Ashleigh looked between the two, crossing her arms "So?"

"Apparently, the Inuit spell has some side effects."

"Oh, well that would have been nice to know before I downed it. What kind of side effects?" Dean furrowed his eyebrows in frustration

"Well obviously, becoming a dog is one of them." The woman giggled out quietly, causing Dean to shoot daggers at her.

"When you mind-meld with an animal, it's possible to start exhibiting some of its behavior." Sam watched his brother as he turned his attention back to him. Dean cleared his thrust before looking down at the dog.

"Well, how long am I going to have the urge-" his eyes widened as he looked down at the sheppard "woah hey" he laughed "I don't have the urge to sniff butts"

Sam lifted an eyebrow as Ashleigh laughed out "Do you really have the urge to-"

"NO! Come on!" Dean yelled out.


"Avant-Garde Cuisine... Looks kind of like a dump honestly" Ashleigh and the boys step out of the Impala and head to the trunk to gather their weapons "you're telling me" Dean grumbles before shutting the trunk as the three of them make their way to the building. Dean breaks in and the other two follow closely behind, checking their surroundings. Soon enough, they head into one of the offices, searching for any clues. Ashleigh checks the drawers in one of the desks before lifting an eyebrow "Pills..?" Dean glances over before his attention shifts "you hear that?" He searches the room for a moment, soon finding a small rat cage. He's quiet as the listens to the rats before he stands straight up and heads over to the fridge to open it up.

"Ugh... Seriously? That's disgusting..." Ashleigh says quietly from behind him as Sam catches their attention "I found a book.. According to this, if you eat a certain animals organs, you gain the qualities of that animal for a short amount of time."

Ashleigh sighed as she shook her head "nothing can just be simple.. Can it?"

Dean smirked lightly at her comment "Oh, you don't know the half of it sweetheart."


"You're my main course.." The chef smirked as he stared at Sam's unconsious form, referring to how quickly he had healed himself.

Ashleigh opens her eyes, realizing that she had been tied up along with Dean. She lifts her head towards the hunter as he glares at the Shaman. "So what? I have cancer, but I'm,not ready to die. Can you actually blame me?" Dean shrugs lightly as he cuts through his rope, the chef begins reciting a spell over a wolf heart before pulling it to his mouth and taking a large chunk out of it. Ashleigh's eyes widen as she frantically cuts through her ropes, Dean glancing at her with a reassuring smile. "Wolf beats dog" the chef smirks as he bares his fangs. Dean however, was quick to stand and race out of the door, taunting the man to keep his attention. Once they disappeared out the door, Ashleigh hurried up to her feet, wincing slightly before she made her way to Sam to rouse him.


The hunters made their way back to the vegan bakery to give the Colonel to whathe believed would be loving owners. After the exchange, Sam and Dean make their way back to the Impala, Ashleigh stood to the side, eyeing the younger Winchester quietly.

"Hey Dean, what did the chef mean when he asked what I was?" Sam broke the silence, causing Dean to tense.

"Come on man, he was bonified crazy. Don't take anything he said to heart." Sam gave his brother a look as his jaw cpenched before he nodded "Yeah... Okay" they both climbed into the vehicle as Ashleigh let out a sigh, climbing into the backseat. She was intrigued honestly, she had seen something happen with Sam and she was smart enough to know it wasn't a normal occurrence. In the short time she had known them, she had slowly began to care for the two childish brothers, but she'd never admit it.

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