Blade Runners - Part I

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Sam was sitting at the table, scrolling through an article on his laptop about Cain and Abel while Dean paced the room with his phone pressed to his ear.

"Come on Crowley. Pick up!" He turned towards Sam as Ashleigh stepped until the room. "Where the hell is he? Its not like he's got a social life." He grumbled.

"Uh, are you actually worried?" Sam asked, squinting at his brother just as Crowley's voice mail echoed on the phone, earning a groan from Dean. "Guy's got one job.. Find the First Blade, bring it back. How hard is that?"

"You're the one dumb enough to trust him in the first place." Ashleigh mumbled, taking a sip of her coffee. Dean glared in her direction only getting her shrugging shoulders in return.

"She's got a point. I mean... Its Crowley. He's not exactly a team player." Sam interrupted.

"Yeah, but his ass is on the line too." Dean countered in a gruff voice. "He goes missing for weeks on end without a peep? Listen to this." Dean puts his cell on speaker phone and sets it on the table.

"Dean... Ummm..." Gibberish like sounds come from the phone, it does sound like Crowley, but it sounds strange.

"Is he high?" Ashleigh asked with a dumbfounded look in her eyes.

"Wait a second... Did he.. Drunk-dial you?" Sam asked, looking at Dean. The elder hunter shrugged lightly, licking his lips before grabbing his phone and turning off the speaker before placing it back to his ear and dialing Crowley yet again. "Come on" he sighed.


By the time it was dark, the three hunters stood in the middle of a crossroad while Sam buried a small metal box in the dirt as Dean and Ashleigh finished spray painting the large devil's trap. Once everyone was finished, Dean tossed his spray can to the side and Ashleigh dusted her hands off.

"Alright, do it." Dean spoke as the three made their way back to the middle of the circle.

"Daemon, esto subiecto voluntati meae." Sam chanted the summoning spell as the three began to look around them. Ashleigh's eyes drifted to a shorter, dark red haired woman who was facing away from them, nudging Dean lightly. The two brothers turned towards the demon just as she turned to face them.

Ashleigh's jaw dropped and her eyes widened "Is this some kind of joke..."

The woman's eyes faded to red as she groaned "Winchesters. Oh... And a Kimbrell, haven't seen one of those in a while. What happened to the rest of you?" She grinned, causing Ashleigh's shocked look to turn into anger.

Before it could escalate, Dean gently grabbed Ashleigh's arm, pulling her back behind him "Well, that explains a lot." He said, eyeing the woman in front of them up and down as Sam cleared his throat "Okay uh... Look Snooki.. Can I call you 'Snooki'?"

"No, it's Nicole now." She smiled, twirling the ends of her hair between her fingers.

"Okay then, Nicole.." Sam mumbled, shooting a glare at Ashleigh as she tried to muffle the giggle that pushed through her lips.

"We can do this one of two ways." The tall hunter continued "The easy way... You talk. Or... The easier way..." He said, reaching into his jacket, pulling out the demon blade "You still talk."

"I vote for number two." Dean commented as Ashleigh nodded in agreement. "Yep, door number two sounds pretty great."

"We just want some basic information on Crowley. That's it." Sam shrugged.

Nicole scoffed softly, rolling her eyes "Google him. Are we done?"

The three hunters exchanged irritated looks before Sam quickly stepped toward the demon, holding the blade firmly.

"Whoa! Not the face! Are you crazy?"  Nicole yelled, placing her hands up in defense. "Listen guys, what happens in hell stays in hell. I got nothin'"

"Yeah, but you so have a pretty sweet deal with Crowley in charge." Dean grumbled as Ashleigh crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at the demon "If Abaddon wins, you can kiss all that goodbye.. All the fancy cars, the book deals, the money"

"Show biz can be tough." Dean said, squinting his eyes.

"I'm doing fine, thanks." Nicole argued.

"Oh, well good luck landing your next gig inside a devil's trap." The older hunter spoke with a slight smirk, causing Nicole to sigh, shaking her head. "What do you want to know?"

"Where is Crowley?" Sam demanded.

"Last time I heard, he was somewhere in the western pacific." She sighed, annoyance lacing her voice.

Sam turned towards Dean and Ashleigh "Makes sense."

"Really?" Dean questioned.

"Floating around in the ocean while his kingdom goes up in flames" Nicole said, waving her hands around for dramatic effect.

"Meaning?" Ashleigh asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Hell's getting crazy. Even the loyalists want to sign on with Abbadon. She's gonna make her move." Nicole explained as the three hunters exchanged concerned looks between themselves.

"Are we done? I got a thing." Nicole explained, fixing her hair. Dean glanced at Ashleigh, who was staring at the demon with a dumbfounded look before the two looked over at Sam. Dean nodded his head slightly and Sam smiled faintly in return.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus..."

Nicole scoffed, eyeing Sam "Seriously? An exorcism? We had a deal!"

"See ya Snooks." Dean smiled as Ashleigh waved mockingly "Bye, bye now."


A/N: Hey guys, I'm so so sorry this chapter is super late! I've just had so much going on, its been difficult to have time to sit down and write. Sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual as well, I figured I'd just go ahead and post this one and do my best to get next weeks up on time. I love you guys, thanks for sticking with me!~

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