I'm Here

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A/N: I will usually be doing updates every Monday, but I figured... I would go ahead and post this one a couple of days early. I will still put up Chapter 5 on Monday so don't worry (if you're invested in the story that is.) Things will soon be getting more interesting soon, I swear.

And without further adieu. Here is Chapter 4: I'm Here



It had been a few weeks since the hunt with the Shaman. Sam and Dean seemed distant but neither would confront the other. Ashleigh had grown closer with the brothers, she did her own hunting but she always came back to the boys. She couldn't help herself, she felt connected to the brothers and felt responsible for them, even if she was only three years older than Sam, Dean being the eldest.


Ashleigh stared down at her laptop, chewing onto the inside of her cheek before she lifted her hand, closing the screen with a sifh. She was quick to stand and begin gathering her things, a fire in her eyes. Dean stepped into the library, glancing at the brunette curiously as she nearly ran into him "Going somewhere?" Her brown eyes drifted up to lock onto his green ones, pausing for a second before she turned her head, averting her gaze.

"I have a lead on a hunt. I'll be back in about a week" She tried to step by him before he reached his hand out, placing it on her shoulder to stop her.

"I'll go with you, I could use an excuse to get out for a few days." The hazel eyed girl looked up at him, the internal tug-of-war visible on her face before she sighed and pushed past him.

"Fine. But, this is MY hunt" Dean nodded with an almost childlike smile. "Of course.. Its all you." The brunette nodded quietly before heading out to the garage to load up. This wasn't going to be as easy as she thought. She wasn't yet ready for the brothers to know about her past, not yet. They have enough on their shoulders. This was her burden.


Knoxville, TN; 6:27 pm

Ashleigh stepped beside Dean as he spoke to the woman behind the hotels desk. The woman behind the desk smiled kindly as she handed the older hunter the key card "Here you are sir. If you two need anything don't hesitate to ask." She winked at the brown eyed woman, earning a confused look before she cleared her throat with a forced smile, taking Dean's arm "Thank you very much. Come on honey" she began dragging Dean down the hallway before he opened up the door. She stared at the room with parted lips "oh come on..."

Dean smirked slightly as he tossed their bags on the only bed in the room "Oh don't be like that. I don't bite.. That hard" he winked before going to the fridge and pulling out a drink for the two of them. The brunette woman groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance as she shut the hotel door behind her.

"So, want to tell me more about this hunt of yours? You didn't exactly give me much to go on, on the ride over here" Dean popped the cap off his beer as he slid the woman's bottle of liquor over to her. She was silent as she grabbed hold of the cold glass before she averting her gaze.

"This case is personal.. Call it revenge if you will. I got a lead on what killed my family and I tracked it here." She took a swig of beer, trying not to notice Dean's stare.

"So... What was it that killed your family?"



Two days later..

Ashleigh and Dean walked inside the abandoned warehouse after tracking one of the demons here. Dean motioned to her before they quietly split up, heading in opposite directions to scope the place out. The woman steered silently, her eyes scanning her surroundings as she entered what looked like the main production room. She looked around quietly before taking in a soft breath as she began drawing out a few devils traps in what she believed to be stratigic areas.

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