Blade Runners - Part VI

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"I thought that whole thing died out after '58" Magnus continued, leaning forward in his seat.

Sam glanced between Dean and Ashleigh as he clasped his hands together "Well, we are... we are legacies. But actually, uh... We're hunters."

Ashleigh tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as she let out a quiet exhale "Well, pretty sure they're the only legacies, my dad was a hunter and I started hunting after he died." She explained.

Magnus glanced between the three of them, his lips slightly parted in a slight smirk as he let out an airy chuckle. "Hunters?" He laughed, placing his hands against the arm of his chair "Wow! Hunters. With the key to the kingdom!" He leaned back in his seat, an amused look on his face. "The boys must be spinning in their graves. Damn snobs."

Dean lifted an eyebrow as he watched him, giving a quick look towards Ashleigh and Sam, who both just kind of seemed to shrug in equal confusion.

"Bunch of librarians if you ask me." Magnus continued "Although, I was always fond of Henry. I was his mentor, you know? Yeah, till the squares gave me the boot. Yeah" he mumbled, looking out into space before he looked towards the group in front of him. "Course, he came here to visit me, in secret. Called out to me, same as you did." The three hunters exchanged looks, catching Magnus' attention "Oh, yes. Quite the wild hair, your grandfather was."

Dean cleared his throat "Listen, Magnus, uh... We got ourselves a little situation. Abaddon, the last Knight of Hell, is looking to up her pay grade and take over the place."

Ashleigh bit lightly onto the inside of her cheek, furrowing her eyebrows slightly as her fingernails began to pick at a hole in her jeans. That's when Dean, glanced at her quietly before placing his hand against hers comfortingly.

Magnus lifted an eyebrow, shaking his head "Things never change, do they? I kept telling the boys over and over again.. I would say We could stop all this. We could rid the world of monsters once and for all if we just put our minds to it." He leaned forward in his seat, a serious look in his eyes as he watched the three of them. "But Oh no, they said. No, no, no it's not our place. We're here to study. We're here to catalog." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, no.. we get it." Dean stopped him.

Ashleigh scoffed slightly, shrugging her shoulders "They're geeks."

"She can be stopped" Dean started back. "But we need something that we hear you have... The First Blade." Dean stated, earning a quiet stare from Magnus as his eyes drifted over to Ashleigh, who was now gripping Dean's hand a little tighter. He then looked down and nodded slightly "Hmm.. I see. Interesting. But if you'd really done your homework.." he grinned "you would know that it's absolutely useless, unless of course, you're possessing the mark..." He stopped as Dean pulled his hand from Ashleigh's to lift up his sleeve, showing off the red mark on his arm. "The Mark of Cain" Dean finished.

Magnus stared at the mark, his eyes tense in surprise. He blinked and placed his fist to his mouth as he stared, an amused smirk appearing on his lips when his eyes met Dean's "Oh my. How did you come by that?" He asked seriously.

Ashleigh shook her head and leaned forward, clenching her jaw slightly "Listen, if Abaddon takes over, the one thing she wants more than anything is to make Hell on Earth" she said firmly as Dean placed his hand back down against her knee.

"Not even you can escape" Sam spoke with a serious tone, trying to get their point across. They needed this blade and they were going to get it, one way or another.

Magnus chuckled as he looked over at Ashleigh and Sam. "And they say all hunters are morons. It's right there behind ladies and gentlemen" he said, motioning to a strange, bone looking blade on display behind them.

The three hunters turned in their seats before quickly standing to their feet, their eyes wide as they took it all in. It had a leather strap wrapped around the handle and the blade itself was curved slightly, teeth sticking out from the edge of it.

"Listen, if you're serious about taking action," Dean started, pointing his finger towards Magnus as he stood as well. "This... This is taking action. You loan us that blade and we will stop the bitch." He practically yelled, clenching his jaw.

Ashleigh couldn't take her eyes off of the blade but finally, she turned to face Magnus, her eyes watching him closely.

"Hmm. Let me think about it." He said, reaching down on the end table beside him and grabbing some kind of powder "Alright, I've thought about it... Abi, ab oculis mei's!" He then blew the powder at the younger brother, who disappeared out of thin air. Ashleigh and Dean looked over to where Sam used to be and Ashleigh clenched her fists "Where the hell is Sam?!" She questioned as Dean turned to face Magnus in utter confusion.


Crowley was leaning against the Impala when he heard someone running through the bushes and trees towards him. He turned to face Sam as he ran onto the road "Magnus as Dean and Ash." He said with urgency in his voice.


"What did you do to my brother?!" Den asked angrily, worry lacing his words.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Magnus said calmly, stepping around Dean and Ashleigh, earning glares from the two of them. "But I did what any good collector would do... I separated the ordinary from the extraordinary. I had the First Blade. And now I have the Mark of Cain to complete the set."

"Yeah, well the problem is.. it's attached. But that doesn't explain why Ashleigh is here." Dean said in a gruff voice.

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