Blade Runners - Part VII

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Why was she here? Yeah, it was totally messed up, but she understood why Magnus had wanted Dean. She had nothing extraordinary about here, so why not send her off like he did Sam?

"Ashleigh here is a Kimbrell." He said, patting her shoulder, to which she pulled herself away "So?" She asked, staring at him in a mixture of confusion and anger.

Magnus smirked as Dean grabbed Ashleigh's arm and pulled her over to him, holding her protectively "You're the last of the Kimbrell's. There's much more to you than meets the eye. Your family wasn't killed just by sheer chance, you have to have figured that out by now. They were killed to set things up into motion for you."

Ashleigh stared at him, her eyes wide as Dean clenched his jaw "Leave her alone, just loan us the blade so that we can take care of business."

Magnus smiled "Dean, I'm offering you two the moon here... To be part of the greatest collection of all time, to be young forever. Let me teach you my secrets, hmm?" Magnus stated, stepping over to the two of them. Dean gripped onto Ashleigh a little tighter, holding her closely against his side now. "Be my companions." Magnus said, stepping in front of the two of them. "I have to be honest with you, it has gotten lonely over the years." He stepped around them slowly, reaching his hand out and lightly grasping at a strand of Ashleigh's hair as he stepped by.

Dean's eyes shot daggers at the man as he watched his every move "When you were saying any of that, did it feel at all creepy?" He asked.

Ashleigh couldn't stop staring at the floor, was her family dead because of some stupid plan destiny had in store for her? Was it all her fault?

She was snapped from her thoughts when Dean slapped his hand against his leg and turned, gently pulling her with him "Yeah, were just gonna grab the blade and go." He said.

"One little design flaw to the place..." Magnus started smugly. "No windows, no doors."

Dean looked around the room carefully as Ashleigh lifted her head to stare towards Magnus "Let me guess, you're the one who decides who stays and who goes?" Magnus smirked lightly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, in that case..." Dean began, pulling out his machete "I'll make my own."

"She to rán shao!" Magnus interrupted, blowing a puff of yellow powder at the machete.

Dean clutched Ashleigh against him "Hey! Ahh-" he stopped as the machete began to burn red hot, dropping it to the ground.

"Eh? Tricky little spell that first one.. right? Chinese." He stopped as Ashleigh and Dean both began to go through their pockets, trying to find their weapons. "Cheap magician's trick on that one.. picked your pockets" he said, holding up both Dean and Ashleigh's guns as well as Ashleigh's machete "Nice guns"

Dean grumbled slightly as Ashleigh pulled away from his grasp, glaring at the man in front of them.

"Welcome to the collection Dean Winchester and Ashleigh Kimbrell." Magnus smiled as Dean and Ashleigh shared a look.


Sam searched through the trunk of the Impala as Crowley stepped around to watch, getting a little too close for Sam's liking. Sam sighed and pulled out the demon blade, lifting it up "You mind?"

Crowley lifted up his hands in defence and stepped back slightly. "Who would have thunk it eh moose?" Crowley started as Sam continued searching through the trunk. "You and me, same team, in the trenches. When this is over, we can get matching tattoos.

Sam sighed, grabbing a file container from the trunk "Just to be clear Crowley, we are not on the same anything." He said as he stepped from behind the car, going to sit in the passenger seat with his legs hanging out "By the way, since the place is warded, your powers are useless, which means you are useless.. even more so than usual." He said, pointing the blade at him before setting it aside so he could go through the papers.

"You're gonna need another set of hands when you get in there, unless you have other volunteers in mind." Crowley smiled.

"Thanks. Pass." Sam stated simply.

"If memory serves me, I'm the one who helped your brother find Cain so that we could find the blade, so that Dean could receive the mark." Crowley argued. "I'm the one who flushed that lout Gadreel out of your noggin. I also know what's been going on with Ashleigh." Sam stopped and glanced up at Crowley, narrowing his eyes "So, lately, big boy, I've seen more playing time than you." Crowley finished.

"Crowley, will you please.. shut the hell up?" Sam asked in a frustrated tone.


A/N: I figured since it's been a minute since I've been able to update, I'd go ahead and post twice tonight. Sorry guys! Hope you enjoy.

What do you think Crowley was talking about, what do you think is wrong with Ashleigh?

And what about the fact that Magnus wanted her, a Kimbrell for his collection?

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