Captives - Part I

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter feels a bit rushed, I was struggling to get through this one last night. I've been having a hard time lately with my mental state, but writing really helps me to be honest. Still, I apologize if this chapter feels kind of rushed. I'll try to make the next chapter better! Love y'all~


Dean walked into the kitchen as Sam loaded up shot gun shells with salt rounds. "How is this possible? I thought you said this was the safest place on the planet." He checked the coffee maker before turning it on and grabbing a glass.

"Look, I know nothing got in. I mean the bunker is awarded and sigiled from top to bottom. There's no way something came in from the outside." Sam explained.

"Okay, so whoever's haunting us died here." Dean grumbled before his eyes widened, Sam got the idea and they both raced to Ashleigh's room to check on her and see if she was still alive.

When they reached the room, Dean was the first to enter, stepping over to her bed quietly. His eyes scanned her helpless form before he reached out, placing his finger against her throat. The two hunters were silent before Dean let exhaled the breath he had been holding, shaking his head "Thank god... Her heart's still pumping." The man sighed before turning towards Sam.

"But... If it isn't her... Then maybe it's.." Sam muttered, making Dean shake his head in disbelief as he interrupted him. "No."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I burned his body myself, okay? Its not him."

"Okay, so you cremated him." Sam steps closer to his brother, glancing at Ashleigh for a second "We cremated Bobby, too. And he came back."

"Sam, I'm telling you--this ghost, its not Kevin." Dean argued. Just then, the lights in Ashleigh's room began to flicker, causing both brothers to freeze slightly.

"Kevin..?" Sam asked, the light bulb in the nightstand lamp shattered as an answer. Sam turned his head towards his brother with wide eyes.


Ashleigh was sitting at the war table, groaning in frustration. She wasn't dreaming now, this was all real. She had watched as Sam and Dean raced to her room to check on her and when her attempts to be noticed failed, she gave up.

She ran her fingers through her hair, jumping slightly when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she sighed "Dammit Kevin, you scared the crap outta me." Kevin smiled lightly as he sat down "Sorry... What's got you in such a sour mood? I mean you're technically still alive aren't you?"

The woman sighed, shaking her head slightly "Yeah.. But for how much longer, I don't know..." She lifted her head, looking up at him "Hey, so how's it going? Have you gotten through to those knuckle heads yet?"

Kevin shrugged "Well.. They believe it's me now. Sam's sitting in the kitchen asking questions to a coffee maker." he chuckled, earning a small giggle from the woman. "I'd love to see that." she stood up as her and Kevin stepped into the kitchen to see Dean just walking in.



"Eh, a couple of dings.. A little EMF but mostly... Silence." Sam said as Dean stepped down the few steps that lead into the room.

"So, he's back in the veil." Dean spoke as he sat down on the edge of the table.

"I guess so." Sam nodded before looking up at Dean "How's Ashleigh?"

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