Sharp Teeth - Part IV

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Sam was standing outside the station, holding a pen pad, taking notes as the sheriff spoke. "Look, the good reverend Jim and his family are all a littlw new-age and hippie-dippy like, but they're clean as a whistle and pillars of our community. Why is the FBI even interested in them?"

"I just go where they send me, Sheriff." Sam shrugs "Truth be told, I'm more interested in uh.. Murders and 'X-Files'-y stuff. Anything of that variety around here?"

The sheriff chuckles lightly "no, sir. We're just a small town. Not much crime of any to speak of. I'm sorry agent. I wish I could be more help."

"Ah, thats alright. But if you do think of something, give me a call." He hands him his card calmly.

"Will do." The sheriff nods and the two part ways. Sam sighs and closes the pen pad, walking up to his car.


Dean opens up the fridge, taking a look inside, trying to find anything wrong. When he stands up straight, the two cousins from before are standing behind him. Ashleigh, no where to be found.

"Still hungry?"

"Yeah. I was just uh... Seeing if you had any beer." Dean lies with a small smile. "Hey, did you see where my friend went, she was just here."

"The sooner you realise that all is good here, the sooner you can go"

"Don't you two have a chew toy or something to go okay with?"

"Hey guys." Garth walks in with a smile, interrupting whatever fight was about to break out. "You mind if I grab a second with Dean, here?" The two cousins go silent, glaring at the hunter before leaving through the front door.

"Why are you being so hard on everyone?" Garth asks after the two men are out of earshot.

"Because there's no way that all of this is what it looks like. No way."

"Why not?"

"Come on, man. I know you drank the kool-aid okay? But come on."

"Look, amigo... I know this all looks nuts, but I found it. Love and a family? Who cares where that comes from?"

"I do."

"I get it." Garth shakes his head lightly "when I first got here, I couldn't let go, either. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. But when it didn't, I had to accept the truth."

Dean nods his head to the side "Well, I got another truth for you.. We were all left in the dark when you went awol. I didn't know whether you were dead or worse. You should have reached out and sent someone a message."

"And said what Dean? That I was a werewolf? I was embarrassed. I thought it best for everyone if I just stayed away. But that doesn't mean that I didn't think about and miss you and Sam, Ashleigh or Kevin." After hearing that name, Dean's eyes narrowed. The two became quiet before Dean spoke "Kevin's gone."

Garth shook his head slightly in disbelief "What?"

"Gone for good." Dean confirmed.

"What happened?"

"When he needed me, I wasn't there. That's what." Dean cleared his throat as Ashleigh stepped into the room, her hair up in a braid, Bess following behind her. Her smile quickly fell after the atmosphere of the room hit her.

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