Sharp Teeth - Part III

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Dean and Ashleigh pulled up to a small home, parking the impala when Sam called as he walked out of the Sheriff's Department in town.

"You there?"

"Yeah, we just pulled up." Dean and Ashleigh climbed out of baby, closing their doors and looking around "Nothing too sketchy yet."

"That's a good thing, right?"

Dean opened up the trunk, mooning Ashleigh over "Not betting on it." He tossed her a silver necklace, grabbing one for himself as well.

"Or are we just that jaded? I mean maybe Garth's right."

Dean shut the trunk to the impala calmly "Well, ain't you a glass half full? Any luck with the cops?" Dean asked as he and Ashleigh began to walk up to the house.

"Uh, sheriff should be rolling up any second. Be careful and don't lose sight of Ash." Sam said sincerely, knowing how reckless she'd been lately. He didn't want her to get hurt.

"Yeah." Dean spoke in a gruff voice before hanging up the phone as him and Ashleigh walked up the stairs to the porch. Ash looked up at the hunter, clearing her throat slightly "Don't you think we should have waited on Sam for this?" Dean scoffed slightly "We can handle it" the sound of a choir singing could be heard from inside, making bith hunters stop and listen in before knocking on the door.

A blonde, older woman answers the door with a friendly smile "You must be Dean and Ashleigh. I'm Joy, Garth's mother-in-law. Uh, step-mother-in-law which I always thought sounded too silly." She owned up the screen door with a giggle "please come in, we're just finishing up." Ashleigh started to step forward before Dean gently reached his hand out to stop her.

"Why don't you just tell Garth we're here."

"Dean, you have my word.. You're both safe under my roof. I only ask the same in return. After all... I'm not the one carrying silver." She smiles lightly before stepping aside as Dean and Ashleigh exchange quick looks before they hesitantly step through the front door.

As they enter, the singing and music before louder and the two are lead towards the choir group. They stabs in the doorway, watching and listening, Dean keeping Ashleigh closely against him the entire time. Dean's eyes scan the room, seeing Garth playing the piano as the group sings. Ashleigh gulped slightly as her eyes glanced between everyone. Were they really all werewolves? She hated being outnumbered.

The song soon comes to an end and the white-haired man up front speaks "Uh... Thank you, brother Garth. Wonderful accompaniment as usual. And I'll see the rest of you in the pews.. 9:00am sharp. No stragglers, sister Amelia." Faint laughter can be heard from the group as Dean glances around nervously, pulling Ashleigh closer, his hand gripping her side lightly. The two stepped aside to allow the group to exit.

"Oh, hi." Garth smiles and heads over to the hunters "So, what'd I tell you? Its all good, right?" Two children walk by, glancing up at the hunters curiously before exiting the home.

"Everyone here's a wolf?" Dean asks, knowing the answer.

"Yeah." Garth nods calmly.

"Yeah, not all good." Dean's voice was gruff, his grip beginning to loosen on Ashleigh, making her sigh in relief.

"Oh come on Dean. You just got to meet them. Thats Russ and Joba," he says, pointing towards two young men near the corner "Bess' first cousins on sister Joy's side. That's reverend Jim, Bess' dad" he says, pointing to the white-haired man from before. "Leader of the pack and a good man." Jim steps over, eyeing the hunters "Ashleigh and Dean, isn't it? Welcome" he reaches his hand out to shake Dean's "Jim Meyers. Fokks usually call me.."

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