Sharp Teeth - Part I

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Grantsburg, Wisconsin

A man walks from his home upon hearing his cows in distress, holding a shotgun. He had assumed it was a predator of some kind. When he sees a man in the middle of the panicked herd takw off running, he yells out, pointing his gun at the figure "Hey!" He cocks his shotgun and fires, barely missing the man as he leaps over the fence, he fires again.

The intruder keeps running, straight into the forest, breathing frantically as he dodges tree branches. The farmer spots him and fires again, yet he misses. The farmer looses sight of him just as the trespasser jumps through the brush, landing in the middle of the road. An oncoming car swerves, blaring their horn but its no use. They hit the man and he topples over the car as they came to a complete stop. They hop out quickly, the man unconscious.


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Sam and Ashleigh walk into Grantsburg Memorial Hospital, both dressed in FBI apparel. Sam steps up to the front desk "Good afternoon. We're looking for a John Doe that was admitted here a few days ago." They both lift their badges to show the woman as Ashleigh speaks "He's a uh... Skinny... Ichabod crane-looking kind of guy."

The woman smiles faintly "I know just who you mean. Room 113, agents." She points them in the direction of the hallway the room is located. Sam nods and Ashleigh smiles "Alright, thank you." As the two hunters are about to head down the hallway, the receptionist mumbles "Sure is a popular fella" she immediately goes back to work as Sam and Ashleigh head on down the hallway "what do you think she meant by that?" Ashleigh asked. Sam shrugged lightly as they reached the door "I don't know.." He opened the door to see Dean standing over Garth who was still unconsious on the hospital bed.

Sam entered the room, glancing at Dean for a moment as Ashleigh's eyes widened upon seeing the hunter. Sam quietly shut the door behind them with a scoff as he stepped over to Garth's bedside. Ashleigh crossed her arms as she looked between the two, her eyes landing on Dean's bright green ones.

Her eyes softened as she took in the look of him. She knew she had missed him, but it was only now that she had realized just how much. She stepped forward as Dean glanced in her direction. Sam finally cleared his throat, tired of the silence "Saw Garth's John Doe on the police wire. You?" He asked, catching Dean's attention.

"Yeah. Where you two comin' from?"

"New Mexico."

Dean nodded slightly "Well, that's a haul." Sam nodded slightly in agreement before Dean continued "Especially considering that I got this, uh.. Pretty much covered so if you guys want to.." He clicks his tongue, pointing his thumb in a leaving matter. Ashleigh's eyes nareow as she crosses her arms "Not so fast.. I have a few words to-" Sam interrupts her, clearing his throat.

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