I'm Poison

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Dean breathed out heavily as he ran forward, Sam had taken out the two demons behind them as soon as Danielle, the demon who held Ashleigh hostage, was distracted. That blood curdling scream made both of the hunters tense up. It kept repeating in Dean's head, over and over again. This is my fault. I'm poison. People get hurt because of me.

Dean had reached Ashleigh just after the knife was plunged into her stomach, the scream ripping past her lips. The green-eyed hunter yelled out, stabbing the demon blade into Danielle's chest. Her insides lit up in an orange and red light show before she slumped to the floor.

Sam raced over with worry in his eyes as Ashleigh gasped for a stable breath. The bow legged man quickly untied her and picked her up bridal style. "Stay with me Ash! Sam, go get the car!" He tossed Sam the keys and the tall hunter raced outside to bring the impala to the entrance.

Dean hurried out, careful not to jolt the woman in his arms. "You're gonna be okay, you hear me?!" He yelled out in a shaky voice, trying to convince himself as much as her.

The woman's eyes fluttered as she looked up at him, her breathing ragged. "D..Dean..."

"Just hold on sweetheart.." Dean muttered as Sam pulled the car around. The eldest hunter climbed into the backseat, laying Ashleigh's head against his lap. Once the two were inside and secure, Sam took off towards the bunker without a moment to lose.

Ashleigh struggled to keep her eyes open as Dean ran his fingers through her bloody, matted hair "Stay with me Ash.. Don't you dare close your eyes." He scolded, earning a weak smile from the woman.


Sam pulled the impala into the garage, putting it in park as Dean climbed out, picking Ashleigh up carefully. The two hunters rushed the woman inside to tend to her wounds.

Dean carried the woman to her room, laying her down on the bed as Sam ran to grab the supplies he'd need. Ashleigh let out a pained groan as Dean grabbed hold of the knife still embedded in her stomach. "This is going to hurt..." He carefully pulled the blade from her torso as she bit back a scream.

Sam entered the room, ripping her shirt open enough to have access to the stab wound. The other injuries would have to be dealt with afterwards. This one was of priority right now.

As the tall man began to clean the wound, her body tensed up, her left hand balling up into a pained fist. Dean stared down at her sadly, beginning to wrap her broken and fragile looking right wrist to keep it stable so it could heal correctly.

Sam began stitching her up, not having time to give her alcohol or anything to numb the pain. The woman let out a weak whimper as she leaned her head back "S...shit.." Dean grabbed hold of her hand, intertwining her fingers with his. "I know it hurts, just stay awake for me okay?" He begged.

Ashleigh opened her eyes slightly, looking up at the hunter, her left hand reaching up and resting against his cheek. A faint smile graced her chapped lips as she stared into his eyes. Her eyes fluttered as she let out a pained gasp. Then, she was overtaken by the darkness that enveloped her.

"Deanie Weenie~!" Ashleigh called out in a sing-song voice as she stepped into the library to see the hunter researching. He let out an annoyed sigh, closing the book he was currently reading. "What did I tell you about calling me that?" He grumbled, earning a giggle from the hazel-eyed woman as she took a seat on the table he was sitting at.

"Yeah, not sorry." She shrugged before wrapping her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Dean smiled and shook his head, resting his head against the woman with a soft exhale.

"So... Where is everyone?" She asked, noticing that the bunker was empty. Dean didn't answer her, instead going back to researching as a bright light filled the room, nearly blinding her.


The next morning, Dean finally got up to leave the room, needing to find something to eat. He had stayed with her the entire night, not getting an ounce of sleep.

He entered the kitchen, running his hand down his face in an attempt to wake hinself up before heading to the coffee machine and pouring him a cup just as Sam entered the bunker with breakfast. He gpanced towards his brother before clearing his throat, setting breakfast down on the table. "Hey.."

"Hey." Dean mumbled, opening up the laptop and searching through the articles he had been reading up on last night while he watched over Ashleigh.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Sam asked quietly.

"No Sam, I was busy making sure Ashleigh would survive the night." He grumbled in response "I've been praying to Cas all night but he still hasn't showed up. I don't know what the hell he's up to."

Sam clenched his jaw, letting out a sigh "And you've been searching for a new case already?"

Dean glanced up at his brother with his eyebrows furrowed "I can't just sit around here and feel helpless, Sammy. I can't bare to go back in there and see her looking so broken and fragile."

Sam stared at his brother as he crossed his arms "Dean, her getting hurt was not your fault. You have to know that."

"No Sam, like I told you on the bridge that night, I'm poison. People get hurt because of me or worse. I don't even know if she's going to wake up!" He yelled out before his eyes softened sadly "She got hurt because of me..."


Later that night, Dean was laying in his bed, across the hall from Ashleigh's room, listening to Billy Squier's Lonely is the Night. His eyes were closed as he tried to relax when he had a wave of coldness wash over him, his headphobes filling with static.


Sam stepped out of his room, heading down the hallway towards his brother's room "Dean?" He reached his hand over, flipping on the lights only for the electricity to crackle and flicker.

The tall man hurried down the hall, looking into Dean's now empty room "Dean?" Quickly, he peaked inside Ashleigh's room, seeing her still unconscious on the bed. He let out a small sigh of relief before racing into the library just in time to see one of the chairs spinning on its own. The man stepped forward, grabbing one of the swords from the stand and heading further into the room.

Indistinct whispers echoed around him, making his breathing increase due to adrenaline as he stepped into the war room. He looked down at the map while its light flickered on and off. When he turned around to see a figure floating closer to him, it vanished with a bang. Sam turned quickly to see Dean standing in the doorway with a sawed off shotgun with salt rounds.

"So.." Sam breathed out.

"Yep. Bunker's haunted." Dean confirmed with a sigh.

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