Road Trip - Part I

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It had only been about three weeks since Ashleigh had said goodbye to the boys. She had been following a few leads and had heard about someone named Abaddon. This was getting bigger and more complicated by the day, she practically missed hunting simple salt and burns and low level demons.

She was loading up her Chevy after a successful demon interrogation when her phone began to ring. Lifting an eyebrow, the brunette reached into her pocketto pull out her phone, seeing it was Deans number. Her finger quickly answered it as she placed it to her ear.

"Ash? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me Dean-o. What's up?" She smiled lightly but as he remained silent, her smile quickly faded.

"Dean? What's wrong?" She asked worriedly as she leaned against the side of her car. Dean soon found the strength to speak, his voice distraught urgent "I need your help Ash.. How far are you from the bunker?"

"About four hours... Dean What's going on?" He was silent on the other end as the woman climbed into her car, cranking it up "Dean?"

"Kevin is dead and Sam's missing. Please... Just.." He let out a sigh and she could practically hear his jaw clenching "Just meet me at the bunker and I'll explain everything" the woman's eyes widened softly. She had only met Kevin Tran twice but he was a good kid. Her heart hurt to know he was gone. "I'll be there soon. Don't do anything until I get there. Understand?"

"Yeah, sure" she ended the call after he agreed before she placed her phone in the passenger seat, running her fingers through her hair to gather her thoughts. Letting out a sigh, the woman closed the door and quickly began speeding down the road, racing towards the bunker as fast as her engine would take her.


Ashleigh was seated at one of the tables in the library alongside the angel, Castiel. She listened quietly as Dean explained everything to the both of them.

"Sammy was dying.. What was I supposed to do?"

"You let an angel possess him.."

"He said it was the only way, and I believed him." Dean spoke defensively, his voice becoming a little softer towards the end as Cas and Ashleigh stared at him quietly.

"Now Sam is gone. Kevin is..." He trailed off, looking away with a shaky breath.

"Dean... I'm sorry." Castiel spoke softly as Ashleigh reached forward, taking Deans hand in her own "I'm sorry I wasn't here..."

"Yeah, well.. Sorry don't pay the bills does it?" He pulled his hand away from hers nd stood up from the table.

"Sure as hell isn't going to bring Kevin back" he spoke harshly, causing Ashleigh's eyes to begin to tear up before she cleared her throat and stood up. She quietly stepped over to him, placing her hand against his shoulder comfortingly, feeling him slightly relax against her touch.

"We gotta find this son of a bitch."

"We'll find him." The woman spoke quietly from behind him just before Castiel began again.

"Dean, Ashleigh... If the angel possessing Sam isn't Ezekiel, who is it?"

Dean lifted his head, finally turning around to face the two concerned faces "Dead man walking."

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