First Born - Part IV

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Dean turned his head as Crowley stepped into the living room "Nothing. Not even porn."

"Think I figured out why we went off the reservation so many years ago." Dean stepped over, handing the demon the picture frame.

"Lovely. A little plain. Who is she?" Crowley inquired, looking up at the hunter.

"Cain had a similar ring on. Father of murder got hitched." The two were interrupted by the sound of a door opening. "He's back. Come on." The two raced back towards the front door as quietly as they could but it was locked. They quickly turned to find Cain standing behind them with a brown paper grocery bag. "That belongs to me." He said, referring to the vintage picture. "Sorry." Crowley spoke quietly, handing the frame over to him "gorgeous by the way." The three men stood in silence as the sound of a vehicle pulling up was heard.

Dead walked to a nearby window, looking out to see a truck with more and more people climbing out. "I don't suppose they're with you."

"No." Cain stared out the window as the demon outside yelled "I guess we can't wait any longer. Your friend Tara was very helpful! Got downright chatty... After I peeled all her skin off. I was wondering if I was going to have to pay a visit to that Ashleigh girl. But it seems Tara knew what was best and didn't lie..." Dean clenched his jaw in anger "we don't want any trouble, Cain." The demon continued as Dean let the curtain fall "Just want the so-called king and the Winchester. I got a new master to impress, and I'm betting bagging those two will do just that."

Dean turned towards Crowley, lifting his eyebrow "Master?"

"Abaddon. This lot all need to die.. I count-" he leans over to look out the window before Dean interrupts him "too many." He turns towards Cain "the whammy you put on the doors keeps us in. Will it keep them out?"

"For now." Cain stated simply.

"I'm gonna barricade the entrances. Get ready for a fight." Dean begins moving large pieces of furniture to barricade the house.

"Well, good luck with that." Cain announces, grabbing Deans attention "What?"

"You exposed my home. You exposed me."

"Well, boo-boo!" Dean stepped up to Cain, glaring him in the eyes.

"Brave but impulsive. You truly have lived up to your reputation."

"I can't say you've lived up to yours."

"What can I say? I'm retired. If you survive, you're welcone to join me for the last meal I will eat in this house before I disappear again" Cain stepped away into the kitchen to out his groceries away. "Its the least I can do."

Back in the Bunker

"Sam?! Sam!" Castiel called out, the needle wedged in Sam's neck. Ashleigh squeezed his hand, chewing on the inside of her cheek before Sam spoke shakily "Keep going.."

"Why?" Castiel asked in a gruff voice.

"We...we have to find Gadreel." Sam spoke weakly, his eyes looking up at Ashleigh pleadingly. She reached up and quickly wiped the tear that had rolled down his cheek.

"No." Castiel shook his head "why must the Winchesters run toward death?" The angel asked through gritted teeth. Sam quickly reached up, grabbing the syringe to keep it in place "No, don't. Don't." The hunter begged "don't stop."

"Sam, when I was human, I died, and that showed me that life is precious, and it must be protected at all costs even a life as.. As pig-headed as a Winchester's."

Sam breathed heavily as he looked away from Ashleigh, his voice trembling "my life's not worth any more than anyone else's.. Not yours or Dean's or Ashleigh's...... Or Kevin's. Please. Please help me do one thing right. Keep going." He closed his eyes, squeezing onto the womans hand yet again as she let her hand go limp, staring down at the hunter sadly. Castiel was silent as he oushed the needle further in, making the hunter scream out in agonising pain. Ashleigh closed her eyes, turning her head as she held her breath, unable to watch.


Dean grunted softly as he pushed the fridge against one of the exits. "alright, I got this. You take the front." Crowley nodded his head, closing the glass doors that seperate d the kitchen and the living room.

Dean turned his head as Cain chucked the corn he got from the store. "So this is your play? Corn?" Dean asked, raising his voice. "What am I not getting here? I mean, its not like you're a coward."

"Since when does the great Dean Winchester ask for help? Well that doesn't sound like the man I've read about on demon bathroom walls. Maybe you've lost a step. Lets find out." Cain snaps his fingers, the door in the kitchen swinging open allowing two of the demons inside. "Oh don't mind me. Enjoy yourself" he points towards Dean before going back to shucking his corn.

Dean pulls out his demon knife, glaring at the two in front of him as one comes busting in through the glass door behind him. Dean quickly swings around before the demon grabs him, throwing him over the table. He then swings his knife towards the demon that Cain intentionally let in, stabbing it into his chest and letting his body drop to the floor in a flicker of light. The hunter turns just as the woman grabs onto him, the male demon landing a kick in the back of his leg. They both slam him onto the table as Cain watches silently. The demons pin the hunter down as his eyes scan over to Cain "You're doing great." The woman lands a punch into Dean's stomach before he pushes his legs up, kicking her back against the wall.

With his right side now free, he swings his fist, punching the male demon in the jaw, knocking him off of him. He grabs the mans arm, pulling it behind his back and standing up, quickly kicking him down to the ground. He then turns, the woman now holding the bloody knife. Dean grabbed the hand towel off the counter as the woman lunged, wrapping it around her throat and pulling it tight. Now, having control over her movements, he slammed her against the fridge before throwing her into the China cabinet.

The male demon slowly stands up and Dean throws a heavy pot at him, knocking off his balance before he kicks the man to the floor. The woman comes up behind him, but the hunter catches her arm, blocking her punches. As the male demon grabs a knife from the counter, Dean plunges the demon knife into the womans stomach before dropping her to the ground. The male slams Dean against the china cabinet as Cain slowly stands, dusting his hands off as Dean is tossed across the floor. As he stands, the demon kicks him in the leg before throwing a punch. Dean dodges, making him drop the knife as he slams the man onto the table, stabbing his knife into the demons torso. The room,goes silent as Dean lifts his head to look at Cain with a pant.

"What? Was this some kind of a test?" Cain smiled faintly as he stared up at the hunter "I felt connected to you right from the beginning. Kindred spirits, if you will. You and I are very much alike."

"Right." Dean scoffed "yeah, except I didn't kill my brother."

"You saved yours. Why?" Cain tilted his head curiously.

"Because you never give up on family... Ever."

"Where's your brother now then? Aren't you worried he'll steal the girl from you?"

Dean was quiet for a moment before responding "First off, she's not my girl.. Second, I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, and I don't really care. Just give me the damn blade."

Cain set his beer down on the table as he stood "sorry, Dean. I have nothing to hand over."


"I no longer have the blade. Its gone."

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