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Today was Yami and Yugi's high school graduation. As Yugi was getting ready to leave for school for the ceremony that was about to start Luna was leaning against the wall "Well look who's all ready for graduation" Luna said "Well I gotta look my best for today." Yugi said as he combed his crazy hair "You mean you gotta look your best for Yami." Luna said teasingly "N-no ." Yugi said as he was blushing so bad Luna rolled her eyes at her younger brother "A-any ways aren't you leaving for your photography assignment today." He said while changing the subject "And miss my brother's graduation not a chance baby bro." Luna said in enthusiastic tone. Soon a honk was heard from outside which meant it was time for Yugi and Luna to head out, Luna took out an arm "Shall we" She said in a terrible British accent "We shall" Yugi said mimicking his sister's accent taking Luna's arm and walking outside towards the car. In a couple of minuets they were already there at the High School Yugi quickly left Luna and Grandpa to meet up with his friends. Meanwhile Luna and Grandpa went to the gymnasium to take their seats, they sat two rows away from the pedestal they have placed "Lulu isn't this exciting. Yugi is finally graduating from high school ." Grandpa asked "Of course grandpa, he has worked so hard this year I can't wait what will happen next." Luna said as she looked around to see when the ceremony would start "Luna when I'm gone I want you to run the game shop." grandpa said as he looked at the pamphlet that was given to the guests "Yeah sure...wait what." Luna said as soon as she realized what her grandfather said "You know I won't be here for ever I need someone to run the shop when I no longer can't" Grandpa said "But, grandpa I'm about to start my photography assignments in Africa and Yugi said he was going to stay and help you while he designs games. Why me?" Luna asks "Because Luna I trust you can handle the responsibility of running the game shop, besides that doesn't mean you have to stay here if you don't want to you can still pursue your career." Grandpa said as he stroked his beard as much Luna wanted to discuss more of this the ceremony was about to start.
Yugi POV
As soon as we get to the school I quickly get out of the car to meet up with my friends. I open one of the classroom doors to find many students hanging out. I walk in scanning the room to find my friends "YUG, OVER HERE." I hear a familiar Brooklyn accent turn around to find Joey and the rest group of my friends. I run towards my friends "Hey Yugi." Tea says as she gives me a high five "Hello Yugi" Yami said he leaning against the desk "H-hi Yami." I stutter. I can feel my face warm up soon, but that ended way to soon as I'm pulled under someone's armpit and gives me a nuggy " You ready to finally leave this old place Yugi." said Tristan as he violently rubs my skull "So much for looking good" I thought "Tristan leave the poor guy alone." Bakura said as he pulls me away from Tristan. "All students please start heading to the large gymnasium for the ceremony is about to begin."  The speaker announces, our teacher told us to get in alphabetical order so that way we don't have so  much trouble doing it at the gymnasium. We all walked down to the gym I took a final look at this school before graduation starts.
Soon we are lead backstage of the stadium. I quickly glance to see if I can find Luna and grandpa I soon find them in the second row I smile  "Yugi are you alright." I jump when all of a sudden I turn to find Yami and I being super close we both quickly back away"Sorry" we both said in unison we stood in silience. "Yugi Mutto would you please come in front of the podium to commence the ceremony." The speaker came on again "I guess you should get going." Yami said as he placed his hand behind his neck "Uh yeah." I said as I slightly move the curtain I look back to him I smile at him he smiles back I go up to the stage to start the ceremony.
Time Skip
After the ceremony the whole gang went outside to take group pictures. "Alright Yami go on the right side of Yugi. Hmmm Tea you go next to Tristan." Luna said as she is trying to adjust everyone to take a picture in front of a beautiful cherry blossom "Yami scoot a little closer to Yugi" she said as she pushed Yami and Yugi closer to each other the young boys let out a nervous giggle. Yugi had an idea of what his sister was up to he secretly thanked her "All right everyone say cheese." She said as she speed walked to her spot "Cheese" everyone said. "Look it's the dork convention." A sarcastic tone that belonged to one person "Kaiba." Joey growled "Hello puppy." Seto shot back. Joey almost jumped the emo teen until Luna had to hold him back "Calm down Joey he isn't worth your time." Luna said grabbing her camera Seto just rolled his eyes and went to his limo "Man I hate that guy." Luna said as soon Seto was far away "I don't blame you." Tea said. 
Everyone went to the airport to say goodbye to Tea "Bye you guys." She said as she got on her flight everyone said goodbye and waved to her behind the window if the airports "Hey Luna when do you leave for your flight" Yugi asked "Well I'm leaving in a couple minutes I already got my stuff at the car wanna help me get them out?" Luna asked Yugi nodded but Yami grabbed Yugi's arm "Can I talk to him Luna for a moment." Yami asked Luna nodded and went any way to grab her stuff.
Yugi POV
"Uhh you guys a bit of privacy." Yami asked everyone made sad sighs and left to give him and I alone "So...what did you wanted to talk about." I asked "Uh, man this is going to be harder than I thought it was going to be." Yami said "Hey you can talk to me right?" I asked " Yeah, ok so I need to ask you something. So there is this person that I like." He started "Ok." I said hearing my heart cracking a little bit"This person I have known it for a couple of years. The person and I have a lot in common they are nice, caring, cute, funny, and so many things that I can't describe because he is incredible." He said gazing some where else until I heard something he said this person was a he "Wait your gay." I ask bluntly Yami chuckled at my bluntness "Well yeah any way let me continue. So how would I tell him that I like him." He said I thought if it were me in this situation "Well you should just say I like you." I said he then got up close to me "Yugi" He said as he pulled me closer "Y-yeah Yami." I stuttered "I like you." He then put his lips on mine at first I was at shock but soon melted in to the kiss his lips were soft and tender. We soon had to end to get air I soon heard cheering from my friends and from my Grandpa "Hehe" he chuckled "Well Yami I like you too." I said he soon sighed "Thank goodness it would've been super awkward if I just kissed you and you didn't feel the same way." He said "Yami!" We all turn around to find Luna walking towards us "Did you just confess to my baby brother." She said as she swung an arm on top if my shoulder "Hehe yeah." He said as he put his hand behind his neck "Wait you knew about this! Since when and why didn't you say something?" I yelled "Flight to Egypt is about to open please start heading to the gates." The speaker interrupts us "My flight came early, well I better get going and Yami take care of him also if you break his heart death would be at your door step. Bye everyone bye grandpa." Luna said as she quickly hugged everyone and when she came to me she hugged very tight but not too tight for me to gasp for air "I'll try to call every day okay. If have any questions or problems call me." She said I nodded. She then ran to the gates and took one more look at all of us and smiled. She disappeared into the crowd of people. We all left the airport Yami and I are holding hands,but soon had to go our separate ways.
Hey you guys it's me Emma. I have wanted to do this kind of series ever since I started writing the Unknown Mutto.  Any way thanks for reading this chapter see you guys in the chapter bye 😄

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