Chapter 16: The aftermath

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Luna Pov
We stopped at Burger World to get something eat since everyone was hungry saying something about the food not being filling. Joey and Tristan ordered our food. Everyone was chatting and laughing while I just stared off into space rewinding what happened "Elizabeth Sennen." I announced everyone was cheering and as for Eliza I see her smiling as she came on stage right beside me "And the groom to be is...." I said again pretending like I'm reading the names "Seto Kaiba." I announced. This ruined the plan gotta contact Cheif what to do now, not only that now that the bride and groom have been announced the wedding will be here soon and I still have to visit head quarters to get my "date". That's not the only thing in my mind I keep replaying the moment when I perform. I still feel nervous but on stage I felt free from the stress and anxiety of the world I happen to find Kaiba in the crowd of people with a look I have never seen from him. He had a spark in his icy blue eyes. "Luna, yohoo any one there." Yugi waved his hand in front of me. "Uh, oh hey whats up Yugi." I said as I was snapped back to reality "You okay you are spacing out." Yugi asked "Yeah I'm fine just thinking about tonight's performance." I said not mentioning Seto at all. Soon the food came in and we all started to pig out "Luna how long are you going to be here." Mai asked "Oh I don't go back for a while." I responded "I see any ways Luna what happened with Ein." Mai asked. I froze when she asked me that I suddenly felt my scar burning but I make no sign of my pain as I also feel cold air hitting my skin.
Yugi POV
When Mai asked Luna about Ein Luna quickly paled I immediately felt worried "W-we haven't spoken in 2 years." Luna stammered out "Oh I'm sorry to hear that." Serenity said as she gave a look of sympathy. 2 years ago wait a minute 2 years ago was when......I came out could it been him that stabbed her "Is he the one who did this to you 2 years ago." I said with a hint of anger as I pointed at her stomach that there was once stitches now instead there is a scar. I could see at the corner of my eye everyone was shocked I didn't even need to look at Yami I knew he was pretty shocked at my tone. Luna didn't say anything she sat there frozen lost in space "Answer me!" I raged as I raised my voice "Yugi calm down." Yami said as he put his hand on my shoulder I love my boyfriend and all but right now I need to get answers from my sister once and for all. For the past month since she has been here she has been having nightmare of him threatening her and even worse. "He is." She breathed out. My eyes went wide when I heard her "Wait, what is going? What did Ein do to?" Joey asked "What he did, he freaking stabbed my sister!" I yelled. Everyone gasped "I never thought Ein would ever do that." Mai said "Wait you knew about Ein." I asked. When Luna told me that Ein was some friend of Mai that she set him up for her I was shocked she never mentioned it to grandpa or me whenever I asked her why she didn't tell us about him she would change the subject or pretend she didn't hear the question "Yeah Ein is a very close a friend of mine so when I heard that Ein liked Luna I tried to get them together." Mai explained. After that everything got quiet there was tension and it was very strong "Look lets not talk about what happened 2 years ago I'm still here breathing and walking so lets just enjoy this moment." Luna said as her color started to return. I try not to let this ruin tonight, but still I can't ever forgive a guy that traumatized my sister.
Luna POV
Everyone started to chatter once again I payed no attention to what everyone was saying while thinking what in the world am I going to do the plan was changed right in front of me now I have discuss to the chief about bringing in more agents to this mission now that the enemy knows the couple that are getting wedded. This was originally going to be a solo up until the wedding when I have to get a date.
After dinner we were dropped off to our homes immediately Yugi went to bed while I on the other hand getting into my spy uniform. I grabbed my dog tag, ID, wallet, phone, and car keys I went upstairs to check if Yugi was really asleep which luckily he was. I turned on the security system I installed before Yugi's graduation. I started to head HQ I parked my car in my old parking space where I used to have a motorcycle.
I showed the agent my ID and dog tag to get access. I went through the plainly decorated hallways to rach to the elevator I pressed to the top floor I waited patiently to get to the top floor as I allow my mind to wonder to the recent events especially when my brother got enraged for as long as I have known him he rarely gets angry at any one and when he does he gets very intense. The last time he ever got angry was back when Joey and Tristan gotten beaten up by some bully, back then Yugi wasn't exactly friends with them but when he heard about this he was enraged. Yugi actually talked back to the bully even though he's not a fighter he knows how to corner anyone when he needs to in the end Joey and Tristan became good friends with him.
When the elevator doors opened I walk towards the see thru double doors to find an old man with a black tuxedo working on paper work "Chief" I asked as I poked my head through the door "Oh,Luna come in come in have a seat would like something to drink." Chief asked "No thank you, we need to talk about my mission." I say as I take a seat "Right, what are suggesting we should do Luna obviously you want this to be a solo mission." Chief said using my words against me "I know sir but this puts Elizabeth Senen and Seto Kaiba in danger and unfortunately I can't be two places at once we need more agents out in the field." I proclaimed my idea "But Luna you haven't figured out who might ruin the wedding. Besides have you figured out a plan to find who the culprit could be." Chief said with clear concern on his face "Sir, I now have more suspects all I need to do is to lure them out of hiding all I need to do is know when they are planning to invade the wedding so my partner and I can have plan set up." I responded "You aren't even going to find who's the one that's going to sabotage the wedding that's very risky Luna your cover could be blown if you get caught." Chief said "You know me sir I prefer to take risks than playing it safe." I say. Chief doesn't say anything he looks off in to the side after a moment of silence he sighs "Okay Luna I will recruit more agents on the mission I will ,but you do realize that you must find a wedding date soon right." He says I tensed up a little bit but quickly relax "Okay." I responded I say good bye to the Chief and started to head back home and head into bed.
Time skip to Morning
Luna POV
After I dropped off Yugi at his college I went into work. When I entered everyone started to cheer "What's going on" I asked "What's going on is that we are cheering you!" Evan exclaimed"What why?" I asked " Oh come on Luna, you got the honor to perform with Acapella girls!" Evan said "Oh that's it." I said as I made my way to the elevator "Your not excited or star struck." Evan said in shock "Well I knew those girls and besides I have a small case of stage fright." I explained "Wait you knew the Acapella girls" Evan asked as we both entered the elevator "Yeah they were like my best friends and we had this idea to create a band and well..that's how the Acapella girls were formed." I explained. Once the elevator reached to my floor there was some one standing in front my desk "Uh hello can I help you?" I asked politely. The lady turned around "Oh who are you." She asked "I'm Luna Mutou ma'am are you here for an appointment." I asked "Oh why yes is he busy?" She asked. I got on my computer to see Kaiba's schedule to see he is currently free "No, he doesn't have a meeting now you said you had a n appointment with him can I have a name." I asked "My name is Veronica Schindler." Veronica said I typed her name on my computer "I don't see your name in my computer." I said "Oh that's fine I'll let myself in." She as she walked to Kaiba's office "Wait a minute." I said as I catch up to her.She was fast let me tell you that but as an agent you have to save up your energy she quickly ran out of energy and I quickly use my speed to catch her unfortunately she barged into Kaiba's office "Kaiba!" She exclaimed "Hold on a minute, I'm so sorry Mr.Kaiba tried to stop her I will escort her out your office." I said as I grabbed her arm "No actually that won't be necessary." Kaiba said "But sir she doesn't have an appointment scheduled." I responded "And I said it's fine." Kaiba repeated "Okay fine." I said as I let myself out of his office. "Actually Luna this also includes you so stay as well." Kaiba said. I quietly walk back and stand beside Veronica "Well Mr.Kaiba I am here to create the absolutely most incredible and most spectacular wedding ever made in history." Veronica said as she used very grand hand gestures "Alright keep blabbing on I'm listening." Kaiba said as he went on working with his paper work "Well tomorrow I'm going to visit the future bride, and I was hoping to work with you and just getting some information for the wedding and setting up appointments for location and for cake tasting." Veronica continued while I just stood there like an idiot " I'm sure my assistant can be there for the location and the cake tasting on my behalf right Ms.Mutou." Kaiba said. Veronica looked at me with a questionable look "Uh, I guess." I said "Are you sure." Veronica said as she gave me the most nastiest glare I have ever seen "I'm sure." I responded. Veronica then looked to the side and I'm pretty sure I heard a growl coming out of her "Well Mr.Kaiba I was wondering what kind of color palette you would like for your wedding." Veronica asked "Ice Blue and White." He responded "Of course" I mentally thought "Alright and what kind food you would like to serve." She said as she wrote in notepad "Ms.Mutou can you deal with this I'm very busy." Kaiba said as he rubbed his temples "Oh, of course." I responded.

Time skip to after the first portion of wedding planning

"Thank you for taking over for me while I finished with my work." Kaiba said "It was no problem,but I think you should answer those questions next time." I answered as I closed the doors "I'm very busy with my work that I don't have time to worry about some wedding that I never wanted to do in the first place." He said as he moved on to his computer "But its your wedding not mine." I said. He mumbled something but I didn't catch what he said "Any ways what did you want to talk about." I asked. "I don't know what your talking about." Kaiba said "I thought you said that something involved me as well and that I should stay." I repeated "I just needed you to take care of the wedding portion." Kaiba said "Oh,well then I'm gonna go." I said. I left his office and went straight to my desk "Well that was awkward" I muttered to myself.

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