Chapter 3: Luna's side Job

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Previously on My Blue Eyes:
?: Is this agent 5097332
Luna: Yes
?: Agent Luna we need your help once again
Luna: Cheif I thought I told you I'm retire
Cheif: We need you to get out of retirement for this one.
Luna:.....Fine what's the mission.
Luna POV
Cheif: Our database says that you applied at Kaiba Corp as secretary.
Luna simply roolled her eyes as she lean against the wall
Cheif: We need you to protect Seto Kaiba the CEO of Kaiba  Corp
Luna: Why am I the one protecting him can't you get someone else to protect him. Also why does he need protection?
Cheif: I will explain everything once I get to Domino City.
Luna: Ugggh fine it better be worth it if I'm going to protect his sorry rich butt
Cheif: Don't worry Luna once I explain everything to you it will make sense. When are you having the interview?
Luna:Tomorrow morning at Kaiba Corp.
Cheif: Perfect, I know you won't fail me Luna.
After that the Cheif hung up I quickly got out of the building to catch up with my brother and Yami.
I quickly found them at the funnel cake cart not too far from the building "There you are Luna, where did run off?" Yugi asked "Uh, sorry guys I had to use the ladies room." I lied. For the rest of the night we dueled with other Duelist which was fun.
I drove us back home and through out the ride Yugi and Yami fell asleep in the back seat soon my phone dinged once I reached to a red light I looked at my phone and saw it was a message from the Cheif I grumbled quietly being cautious about waking up the boys.Its not that I hate the Chief it's just that I never thought I would be back to this old life again and I don't want to drag Yugi or anyone for that matter into this mess.
Yami stayed with us for the night since it was late he wanted to take the guest room,but Yugi invited him to sleep with him, I quickly grabbed Yami's hand and dragged him to the guest room "Night Yami." I said as I closed the door and speed walked to Yugi "What's up with you." Yugi asked I tapped my feet very quickly with my arms crossed "No funny business while I'm here." I whispered yelled. It took awhile for Yugi to get what I meant when he finally realized he quickly turned red "Ack, no Luna that's not what I meant. I meant I grabbed the air mattress so he could sleep in my room." Yugi said quickly trying to hide his face from embarrassment "You know what I'm going to sleep night Luna." Frustratedly Yugi said as he quickly walked to his room. I quietly walk to my room and closed the door, I turn to my closet I moved all of my clothes out of the way. There was a secret doorknob I quietly turn it, There was a glass case with a lock, I grabbed my keys out of my pocket it took awhile for me to find the right key.The glass door slid quietly and then the lights suddenly turn on to reveal a walk in room filled with weapons,treasures, different IDs and Passports, disguises. and last but not least my uniform.

As its stands gloriously on the maniquen

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As its stands gloriously on the maniquen. Just the way I left it and hoping it will stay that way. I quickly go to my trusty brief case where there are all of my equipment that I needed for an everyday mission, I opened my case to find deactivated weapons I grab my badge and scan it over the weapons to activate them they lit up purple once activated. I grab my brief case and leave the walk in room a place it next to my door so that way I won't forget it tomorrow morning. I climb into bed and left myself enter into a deep slumber.
Two Years Ago
You could hear someone running away,but from what.Gunshots were heard in the distance "There is no where to hide Luna"A manly voice echoed, but that didn't stop Luna from running "Who said I was hidding." Luna said as she reached a dead end "Give it up Luna give me the flash drive, you have no back up to help you." He said "If you think I'm giving you the plans for the nuclear weapon then you are sadly mistaken, c'mon out and fight like a real man unless you are too much of a chicken to fight a women." Luna said as she put out her fists. A tall slim man came out of the shadows with dark green eyes a scar going across his left cheek making him look tough "I'm not scared it should be you who should be terrified." He said "Not a chance Dr.Everbleed." Luna said as she threw her first punch which Dr.Everbleed doges and kicks Luna's feet which causes her to fall down "See you will never defeat me." Dr.Everbleed stated "I don't think so." Luna thought as she kicked in between his legs right in his manly hood (Ouch😥) he fell down from the sudden pain in the specific area. She then punched him knocking him out cold "I got him." Luna said in her piece "Good job Luna." Chief said in the other end "We will send back up to put him in high security prison." He said.
Soon back up came and put him in a truck that said police on the sides "I will be back!" Is what Dr.Everbleed said before they took him to his new "home"
At headquarters everyone made a big celebration party for Luna since she was the only agent to ever get the most ever wanted criminal Dr. Everbleed. "You should be quite proud of yourself Luna you got the guy we have been after for a decade now." The Chief said as he poured two glasses of wine and handed one of them to Luna "Hehe, Yeah I guess." She said as she looked at the wine and stared at her reflection "What's going on in that brain of yours." Chief said after he took sip of his drink "I have been thinking for awhile Chief." Luna started she waited until the Chief gave some sort of sign that he listening "I want to retire from the agency, and live a normal life with my brother and my grandfather." Luna said "I must be already drunk did you say you want to retire from the agency." Chief asked "That is correct." Luna confirming what she said "Why" was all the Chief was able to ask "I hate lying to my family, having to tell them I was at a place when I wasn't or having to tell them I have a photography assignment that will take a few days when really I'm out fighting crime. I am sick and tired of risking my life I just wanna enjoy life without having the constant fear that my life could end in jeopardy."Luna explains . The Chief placed his drink down and rubbed the sides of his nose "Is this what you really want to do." he said "Yes" she reasserts "Alright if this is what you want then tomorrow morning your equipment and your weapons will be deactivated. Your ID will also be deactivated and you will no longer have a way to contact us,but we will have a to contact you if we need you. Tomorrow don't come in to clean your office or check in for your missions. Your stuff will be delivered in the next couple of weeks." the Chief said Luna took in all that he said she nodded with everything he said "You will be missed agent 5097332" Chief said as he salutes me off. I drive home to find the game shop closed I grab my keys and enter I go upstairs to find grandpa reading a newspaper and Yugi arranging his cards "Where have you been Luna." grandpa asks "Business Party" I said which is not completely a lie "Here you go Yugi I got you a slice" I said giving him the saved slice "And you didn't bring your grandpa cake."grandpa said in a jealous tone "You know you can't eat sugar grandpa you still got 2 more days." I giggled
End of Flash Back

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