Chapter 7: Yami's feelings

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2 years earlier
Yami POV
I sit behind him everyday in class, I eat lunch with him, I talk to him everyday, I hangout with him everyday. SO WHY IS IT HARD FOR ME TO TALK TO HIM ABOUT MY FEELINGS WITH HIM. I have known him for ever since my sister used to hang out with his sister I mean there are 4 years apart,but still, I have always thought of him as a friend, why all of a sudden I have this weird feeling when I'm around him. Like whenever he smiles it makes me smile or when he grabs my hand I feel my face getting hot and my hand getting shaky, or why do I think of him all of the time and when I say his name it makes my heartbeat go faster.
Today I have to go to his place we have an assignment to work on. I knock on the door to be greeted by Luna "Hey Yami, Yugi said you would come over. C'mon we have leftovers if your hungry." Luna said as she let me in "Where is Yugi." I asked "He'll be here in a couple of minutes grandpa asked him to do some errands for him." Luna said as she heated up the food "When did you get back Luna." I asked. Luna is a photographer that gets to travel around the world she honestly has the coolest job ever I wish I get travel like she does "Just about a week ago still getting used to the time difference." She said as she placed my plate down and grabbed me a drink "Luna can I ask you something." I asked "Sure go ahead." Luna said. Luna has always been there to listen to all of my problems she is almost like a sister since my biological sister is out in New York perusing her fashion career so me telling her how I feel shouldn't be too weird right? " What is this feeling when you think of a person and they have a weird effect on you." I started out "What kind of effect?" She asked "Like whenever you think of them your face gets hot or when they touch your hand they get shaky, when you make eye contact with them you blush and look away quickly." I said with my voice shaky "Yami are you okay you look awfully pale." Luna asked with concern "I don't know can you just tell me what I'm feeling." I asked hoping it isn't what I think it is "Well Yami the way you described it, it sounds like you might have fallen in love with someone." Luna said as she stroked her chin. That's when I finally broke down in tears "Yami! Why are you crying." Luna said as she grabbed my shoulders "I feel so disgusted with myself." I said as I continued sobbing "Why" Luna asked as she tried to calm me down "I have fallen for Yugi." That's when Luna force me to look at her I expected for her to look at me with such disgust, but she didn't she looked at me with caring eyes "Yami, its okay I get that you are scared and confused right now, are you sure this feelings are real." She said with a kind tone. It took me awhile to think about that's when I thought of Yugi. Every memory I could think my day has been better when he is around, I never had interest with girls, I enjoy Yugi's company, he makes me smile, laugh, nobody has ever made me feel like this like the way Yugi does. "I think I like Yugi, more than just a friend like a-" "boyfriend" Luna said as she finished my sentence "Yeah like a boyfriend." That word felt so right to say how its so smooth to say it "Does that mean that I'm-" "Gay?" Luna finished my sentence again "Possibly or maybe Bi. You need to be careful though unfortunate our society hasn't fully accepted there is more than one kind of love. You could be bullied, I don't want you to go through that." Luna said worryingly "Right, but Yugi might not like me that way. Do you know if he is into guys?" I asked "I don't know he hasn't told me anything about his sexual preference or anything about guys." She said "Luna I'm home." Yugi yelled. Yugi walked into the kitchen "Oh, hey Yami I hope I didn't keep you waiting long." He said as he put some bags down on the counter "No,not all I have been talking to Luna." I said "Well if you guys need anything I'm going to be upstairs in my room."Luna said as she rose from her seat and head to the stairs. "So shall we get started." Yugi said as he took out his books.
Few Months Later(Summer Break)
Yami POV
I have been going to Yugi's place a lot lately ever since summer Luna has told me that Yugi came out as gay which means I might have a chance with him.
Today we are suppose to meet up with the gang at Burger World. "Hello Yami." Yugi's grandpa greeted me "Hello Mr.Motou" I responded as he let me in "Yami how many times do I have to tell you call me Grandpa." He said "Sorry its a habit." I said as I scratched behind my neck. "Yugi is upstairs getting ready." Solomon said. I go to the living room to wait for Yugi "Is Luna here uh Grandpa" I said feeling awkward calling him grandpa "Oh yes she is in her room getting settled she just got back from her trip to Mexico." Solomon said. He left the room to work at the game shop I then hear a guitar playing, I follow the sound which leads to Luna's room. I knock on her door the guitar suddenly stopped playing the door swung open to reveal Luna "Yami!" Luna said as she gave me a big hug "Hey Luna long no time no see." I said as I hug her back "I know right sorry I have been traveling a lot lately." She said as she allows me in her room "I've also heard you've been practicing the guitar, I didn't know you played." I said Luna blushed a little bit "I used too I thought I would pick it up again." Luna said. "Can you teach me how to play the guitar." I asked "Uhh sure?" Luna said with uncertainty in her voice "I could show you a few cords." She said. She played a few simple notes and then handed me the guitar to play those notes. She had to help get my hands into position. I played the same way she played those notes "Not bad you changed the melody though." Luna said "What do you mean." I asked she pushes my fingers up a few inches "Oh oops." I said in embarrassment "Hey Luna have you seen my...Yami!?" Yugi yelled my name in a question "Well Yami is here and also yeah here is your choker." Luna said as she went through her drawers to find Yugi's choker "Luna i thought I told you to stop stealing them!" His voice cracked a little bit. I chuckled at how cute his voice cracks are "I hope I didn't keep you waiting." Yugi said "No not at all Luna has been keeping me busy." I responded "Here you go Yugi here is your choker. Also you keep leaving them in my room" Luna said. Yugi quickly put it on and with that we left to go meet up with the gang
Time Skip again (Graduation Day)
Yami POV
Today is my last chance to tell him how a feel I can't wait any longer or else I'm going to miss my chance. My sister's personal butler dropped me off at the school. I go into the school to find my friends just getting here "Hey Yami."Joey came up towards me "Hey you guys." I said "Well at look who got ready for little Yugi."Tea said as she inspected me. A few months ago told my friends except Yugi that I was gay they all were surprise at first but they were very supportive they even respected about sexual preference they even supported my crush. We were talking what we were going to do for summer break before we go our separate ways "YUG, OVER HERE." Joey yelled all of a sudden I look at Yugi "He looks incredible." I thought to myself "Uh Yami your kinda drooling." Bakura whispered and snapped me out of my thought I quickly wipe of my drool " Hello Yugi." I said trying to act natural as possible "H-hi Yami" Yugi said. We talked for a couple minutes until the speaker came on to tell us to head to the gym. I saw Yugi looking around "You know you don't have much time left." Tea whispered in my ear "I know but I don't know how I'm going to confess to him." I said trying to figure out a million ways to confess to Yugi. We got to the gym I find myself behind the curtains and also Yugi poking his head out on the other side of the curtain "Yugi are you alright." I said, he suddenly jumped to find Yugi and I being super close we both quickly back away"Sorry" we both said in unison we stood in silience. "Yugi Mutto would you please come in front of the podium to commence the ceremony." The speaker came on again "I guess you should get going." I said as I placed my hand behind my neck "Uh yeah." Yugi said as he slightly move the curtain he look back to me I smile at him he smiles back he goes up to the stage to start the ceremony.
After the Ceremony at the airport
Yami POV
We've all headed to the airport to say goodbye to Tea. "Bye you guys." She said as she got on her flight everyone said goodbye and waved to her behind the window if the airports "Hey Luna when do you leave for your flight" Yugi asked "Well I'm leaving in a couple of minutes I already got my stuff at the car wanna help me get them out." Luna asked Yugi nodded but I took a chance I grabbed Yugi's arm "Can I talk to him Luna for a moment." I asked Luna nodded and went any way to grab her stuff."Uhh you guys a bit of privacy." I asked everyone made sad sighs and left to give him and I some alone time "So...what did you wanted to talk about." Yugi asked "Uh, man this is going to be harder than I thought it was going to be." I said "Hey you can talk to me right?" He asked " Yeah, ok so I need to ask you something. So there is this person that I like."I started "Ok." He said "This person I have known them for a couple of years. The person and I have a lot in common they are also nice, caring, cute, funny, and so many things that I can't describe because he is incredible." I said it took him a while to process the things I've just said until "Wait your gay." He asks bluntly I chuckled at his sudden bluntness,but mentally I'm freaking out thinking this was a mistake "Well yeah any way let me continue. How do I tell him that I like him." I said he stroked his chin as he thought of many ways to confess "Well you should just say I like you." He said I then got up close to him this is my chance I'm taking a risk "Yugi" I said as I pulled him closer "Y-yeah Yami." he stuttered "I like you." I said I then put his lips on mine at first he was shocked which made me worry a little bit if I already mess this up but soon he melted in to the kiss his lips were soft and tender with a hint of strawberry. The kiss was not rough but gentle and so full of passion. We soon had to end to get air I soon heard cheering from my friends and from Mr.Mutou "Hehe" I chuckled "Well Yami I like you too." Yugi said I then soon sighed "Thank goodness it would've been super awkward if I just kissed you and you didn't feel the same way." I said "Yami!" We all turn around to find Luna walking towards us "Did you just confess to my baby brother." She said as she swung an arm on top if his shoulder "Hehe yeah." I said as I put my hand behind my neck "Flight to Egypt is about to open please start heading to the gates." The speaker said "My flight came early, well I better get going and Yami take care of him also if you break his heart death would be at your door step. Bye everyone bye grandpa." Luna said as she quickly hugged everyone and when she came to me she hugged "Take care of him for me." She said I nodded. She then hugged evryone else she hugged Yugi last said something to Yugi she then ran to the gates and took one more look at all of us and smiled. She disappeared into the crowd of people. We all left the airport Yugi and I are holding hands,but soon had to go our separate ways.

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