first date

66 3 1

I woke up the next day with my phone ringing I looked at the caller I.D it was CC

I quickly sat up and awnserd the phone

" hello"

"hey luc , sorry to wake you"

" its okay C I was already awake " I smiled to my self I love the sound of his voice.

" what you doing to day?"

" erm, nothing why do you ask".

" I was just wondering if you erm, I,If you would go on a date with m,me" he said , I could tell he was shy about it.

" erm" I heard him sigh like he just been let down.

"yeah sure I would " I said smiling to my self this is the first time some one had asked me out.

" really , sorry I mean cool"

"its okay so where we going" I asked

playing with my hair.

"its a surprise ill pick you up at 8 " he said gigging in the background.

" okay ill see you then, wait do you even no where I live" I asked worriedly

" yeah your mate tiffany told me your address last night" that totaly made me reassured

" okay ill see you then"

" okay bye"

I hanged up with my checks blushing red I quickly jumped out of bed I went to get in the shower after picking out what I was going to wear.

* later the day at 7:30*

I was doing my make up and my hair I looked at my phone it was almost 8 I quickly went down stairs and got my convers shoes on I was wearing a white vest top under a red checker top with dark blue skinny jeans and black convers trainers.

I heard a car pull up and an engine cut off I went to go get my lether jaket I went over to the door as I heard it nock I opened the door to see CC wearing a blue buttion top , with black skiny geans and black cowboy boots on he looked amazing better than I did .

"H,h,hey" he said with a smile on his face I blushed at bit.

"hi" I said looking at him walking out of the door locking up behinde me taking his hand as we walked to the car.

" you look amazing luc" he said kissing my check .

" thank you , you look amazing too" I said blushing as he opened the car door for me, as I got in I watched him walk over to the drivers side.

" you ready" he said putting his keys in to his car and starting the engine starting to drive down the road.

"yeah , im ready " I said smiling as he took my hand and kissed it .

*at the place*

me and C got out of the car I looked at the place as C took my hand we both walked in.

" C this place is really expensive ill pay for my own food" I looked at him as we walked through the door.

" Luc I asked you on this date so ill pay dont worry " he said kissing my check softly as we went to get our table the waitress came over and led us to our table. C pulled out the chair for me as I sat down kissing his check as he went to go sit in his seat.

"such a gentle men" we both giggled

" I do try" he said holding my hand that I didnt even no he had.

we ordered our food I went for some thing cheap chicken salad and dite coke and C went for a burger with chips and jack & coke after we ate.

we payed and got ready to leave as we where walking back to the car C took my hand again kissing it , I smiled as he did .

" I had a fun time tonight " I said looking at C with a big grin on his face.

" so if your having fun why dont we go to the fair on the beach and spend more time together" he said with a wide grin I nodded as we got in to the car and went down to the beach which was not that far. we went on every ride there and C won me a soft toy a big tigger I named it Christan after him .

it was getting late and most of the rides where starting to close. we quickly went to get some cotton candy and then went back to the car . I looked at my phone to see it was 1:00 am I spent the hole night with C we got back to mine and parked out side I kissed C on the check and hugged him before I got out " thanks this was a really fun night thank you CC it was amazing" I said getting out the car getting Christian my soft teddy bear out of the back I walked to my front door put Christian down on the porch while I got my keys out soon I felt hands go around my waist I turned around it was C before I could say any thing his lips crashes against mine your lips sync together we both pulled away out of breath. as he pulled me in to a hug I huged him back " see you later luc" he said letting go and walking back to his car waving as he drove away me watching the head lights fade in to the night. I opened the front door and went up stairs and got changed in to my PJ's got in to bed and cuddled up to Christian the tigger and went to sleep.

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