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I hear baby Angel wake up crying I get out of bed and go to her cot and pick her up "shhhh mummys here , mummys got you" I said carrying her down stair and getting her a bottle, turning on the T.V but making sure it wasnt loud that is would wake up C.

I sat on the sofa holding the bottle and watching my number one girl  drink it away with in 5 minutes it was gone. I winded her and she stoped crying , I put the bottle on the table  and snuggle up to her she started cooing  and was trying to reach for my hair.

"awwww" I said , I felt like I was being watched I turn to look behind me and I see a sleepy C standing there smiling.

"sorry babe did I wake you" I said with sorrow eyes.

"na , this little munkin did though." he said as we both giggled , Angel started cooing again  and was reaching out for C .

I passed her to C and she was smiling it was so cute , I looked at the time  to see it was 6:45am.

I looked back at C who was watching Angel sleep , he had that beautiful smile I loved somuch.

"she is so beautiful" he said  looking at me kissing my check.

"she has your eyes C and nose " I said kissing him softly on the lips .

* the next day*

I woke up to Angel gigging down stairs , did I leave her down there .

then I looked at the other side of the bed C was not there , he must of taken her down.

I hear my phone ring I look at the I.D to see it was an unknown number .

I answered it  to see who it was.

"hello , who is this?"


Hey luc , its Danny "


oh hey dan how are you?"


im good thanks hows you ,C and little Angel?"


yeah where all good she only woke us up once at night to be fed"


thats cool , is it okay if me , Jeff  and Bruno come over Jeff has been talking about Angel nonstop."


yeah , sure hun but text me before you leave yours so I got a chance to get me and the baby changed "

"yeah sure thing luc ill be over by 2 its only 11 now so you got a while"

" thats good for me ill see you soon"

"  okay see you then bye"

"bye danz"

I hanged up and looked up at the door way to see at topless CC holding our beautiful little girl.

"Danny , Jeff and Bruno are coming over they will be here at 2 " I said getting out of bed walk over to them and blowing a raspberry on Angels check which made her have to most checky laugh and grin.

"yeah babz thats cool" C said kissing me softly then Angels head.

" I better get washed before they come" I said getting my towel and clean dry clothes from the draw.


baby angel is crying her little eyes out im doing the washing and C is sitting there on his phone WHAT THE HELL!! I put the last of the washing in the machine and go in to the front room  and pick up Angel  and rock her back to sleep .


"C " I said , he didnt look up from his phone . thats it ive had it he is doing nothing with her she crying for her dad cant he see that the guys will be over soon and he will just talk to them but at least Bruno helps me with Angel.

"CC!" I shouted , I looed at Angel making sure I didnt wake her but lucky I didnt.

he looked up at me  confused.

"yes" he said giving me a dirty look he has done that before and that was when we stopped talking  for 6 months.

I wss getting sick of this I text Bruno

hey hun .x

look I think I might come stay with you and bella for a threw nights , if thats okay im bring Angel with me dont Ask and please dont tell C why...

Bruno he is not helping his is busy on his phone I had to shout at him to get him to look at me .xx

I sent the text  and looked back at C.

"C im going to stay with Bruno and Bella for a threw days , please dont be mad of me but its cause you hardly doing anything for me to help out with the baby , yes you helped me out this morning by taking he down stairs , but she was just crying her little eyes out and you did nothing" I said looking at C I know he would understand or I hope he would

" NO!  your not taking Angel away from me luc yoy cant do that ill try my best babe please" he said giving me sad eyes  " C, babe its only for two days im not going forever ill never take her away from you" I said kissing his check , he nodded and understod.

"thank you babe , I love you somuch" I said kissing him on the lips, he kissed back.

*luc and C are having a threw days brake only two so they can clear there minds  when luc comes back C has somthing to ask luc*

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