Morning cuddles goodbye & the fight

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I woke up the next morning in C arms they where so worm I didnt want to leave them.

I looked up at C to see he was already awake watching me sleep " morning C " I said rubbing my eyes then sitting up "morning beautiful" he said kissing my check, and both smiling at each other.

I then saw something flash past his eyes like it was pain "whats wrong?" I asked him looking in to his big brown eyes

"well this is my last day, im going on tour later well at 13:00 just to say" he replied . the voice in my head came back again

what no he cant go I need him , and I love him with all my heart I dont want to lose him what am I going to do theres only one thing I can do KISS him so he knows how you feel about him go , go on do it now GO!

I looked at C putting my hand on his check and leaning he moved closer till our lips touched it started of as a peck but then our lips began to sync together.

C pulled my on to his lap and  I moved and put my legs both sides of his legs still kissing him he laid back pulling me down aswell he soon flipped me on to my back out lips still syncing . he soon stopped  and looked at me ,I looked up at him and tilted my head confused.

" sorry , im sorry" he said getting off me and sitting on the end of the bed far away from me .

I sat up still confused "well im not " he turned and looked at me sorrowful I crawled up behind him and kissed his sholder blade. he tensed up as I did , I pouted as he would not look at me  then kissed his sholder " C please , please tell me why your sorry" I said kissing his neck he calmed down then tensed up again I looked at him worried and scared.

"argh luc please no " he said getting off the bed getting changed in to his clothes sitting back on the bed while putting his socks on.

"WHY C?" I asked getting him to look at  me , then getting up and sitting next to me " luc its not you its....." I cut him off " its not you it me right , really?" I asked looking annoyed.

" its is me , lucie im not good for you " he said putting his hand on my knee.

" not good for me that it?" I said getting off the bed mumbling " you are good for me , you all I need" but I think he didnt hear it , I walked dow  stairs trying to hold back my tears I heard him sigh and then walked down as well I sat on the sofa holding a pillow to my chest .

C sat next to me , I looked up at him with tears rollong down my face I moved a little closer to him " since when have you not been good for me C ?" I asked trying to stay calm  he looked down at me .

"since our first date I knew that if we did go out , you would probably get hurt and you will hate me for it" he said I could see that he was telling the truth I would of hated him but I loved him to much to hate him for ever.

me and C keeped on talking   and then it got to the point where I couldnt take it any more no matter what he said he was hurting me even more it was killing me for in side and out I just had to let it go.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" I screamed crying really badly he could not make me feel better he has hurt me somuch now. as I was pushing him out of the door Andy,Jake,Jinxx and Ash pulled up Jake came running out of the car and took me inside and asked me what happened he was not happy with C , while out side C was trying to hold back tears as Andy,Jinxx and Ash was talking to him.

I told Jake I didnt want to see C  for a while but that killed me more side  and when Jake told C I could tell it hurt him as well.

the other came to see how I was while Jake told C  when they had to leave I stood on thw front porch waving good bye after saying "good luck on tour" I was trying so hard to hold back the tears.

this was killing me so badly now.

* so luc and CC are not talking for a while well its turns out to be 6 months because the tour was for 8 but  C is not taking it well what are the guys going to do to get luc back talking with C again .xxx*

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