Chapter 1

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A new chapter of my life has officially started.

Everything has dramatically changed in only a couple of weeks. It's the second semester and I feel better than ever. I think.

I just finished getting ready to leave for school and I'm only ten minutes late. That's a record.

I never arrive at school on time. Whether it's because I wake up late, I take too long to get ready or I miss the bus. Arriving late to classes was actually something I wanted to change, because teachers are always saying they're going to fail me because of it. But they never do so, I guess I'll keep my mark.

I left home and walked to the bus stop, where Christian was sat. Chris is a boy from college, but I don't have any classes with him, I just know him because he lives a block away and we always catch the bus together, because just like me, he's always fucking late. We don't talk much, though. He's a year younger than me, and his older brother, Ethan, is a frat boy. Chris will join the fraternity next year.

"Hey Chris." I smiled.

"Hey." he smiled back. "Want some?" he asked, handing me the cigarette in his hands which I politely declined. I don't smoke very often, only when I go to parties, sometimes not even then.

The bus is supposed to come every twenty minutes, so I'll only have to wait about five. I really hate that my parents have to leave so early for work, I wish they could drive me to school until they finally get me a car.

I got the phone out of my bag and texted Audrey, asking if the teacher has already arrived.

She answers two minutes later, *yup, how long are you gonna take?*.

I looked to the left and a smile appeared on my face when I spotted the bus in the horizon.

"It's here." I warned Chris, and he got up, standing next to me.

When the bus stopped, Chris made a sign with his hand, telling me to hop up first, so I did. I smiled to the bus driver and got pissed off when he didn't do the same. I should be used to it by now. People here aren't what you can call 'nice'.

I scanned the bus and it took me a second to find a seat. I walked up to it and sat down, looking at Chris, that was walking towards me, and sat on the seat behind me.

I rested my head on the window and tried to ignore the jolts of the bus, "Fuck." I mumbled, as my head hit hard on the window. After a few seconds, I gave up and sat straight, throwing my head back for some support.

"Hey" a voice made me jump slightly.

"Jesus, Chris!" I almost shouted "What the hell do you want?"

"Sorry," he laughed "But I forgot to tell you something." he said, and I turned back to look at him.

"What?" I smiled.

"It's the beginning of the semester and the fraternity is organizing a party." he smirked.

"So?" I asked. Chris isn't the type to invite people to parties, and I'm not the type of person that goes to frat parties. I prefer to go to a pub or something, where I can meet new people instead of being with the ones from school.

"So... maybe you could come?" he frowned.

I forced a smile "When is it?" I asked, not that I was interested, I just didn't want to say 'no' without even knowing if I could or could not go.

"This Friday." he smiled. "Ethan told me it's going to be massive!"

"Oh no!" I tried to seem upset. "I can't go! Darn it, I have things planned." I tried to smile.

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