Chapter 4

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"Uh, are you okay?" Chris asks me with a shocked expression on his face.

I know I look like hell but there's no need for you to be so rude about it. I think to myself.

I didn't sleep last night. Or at least I don't remember doing so. The last thing I remember is to tell Audrey my head was aching, and then I remember opening my eyes and feeling confused. My brain has no memory of resting, whatsoever.

I don't answer him and snap his cigarette straight out of his hand, leaving him rather surprised, a smirk pasted on his cocky face.

"Where's all the eyeliner and lipstick?" He questions and I sigh, annoyed.

"I didn't have time." I spat, taking the cigarette between my lips and sucking lightly on its end.

I usually do my makeup nice, I sometimes wing my eyeliner, work my brows, and mostly try to cover up spots and my awful dark circles. Makeup is something that I enjoy, so it's no big deal for me to get up earlier to get it done.

But it had been different today... I only smudged yesterday's eyeliner and applied lip balm. My incredibly greasy hair completing the look.

I look like I just killed a man and am ready to kill another one if he gets on my way.

"How long till the bus is here?" I ask, trying not to focus too much on my thoughts or I could end up going back to my house and fix the mess that is my face.

"It should have been here before you arrived so," Christian shrugs "I dunno."

It's not that I want to go to school, but I also don't want to stay in the cold, with Chris.

I sigh and sit down next to him, my legs feeling tired from the lack of sleep and the time I've been standing up.

The nicotine isn't helping slowing down the rapid beating of my heart. For some reason, I feel nervous and I can't stop stomping my feet lightly on the ground.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Christian asks, and takes the cigarette out of my hand.

"I already told you, no." I sniff, after cleaning my runny nose with the sleeve of my jacket, something I was used to do when I was too lazy to get the tissues out of my bag.

"I thought maybe you would have changed your mind." he smiles, taking a drag and handing the almost finished cigarette back to me.

I take it and give him a weak smile as a thank you. "Nah, I'm busy."

When I told him I couldn't go, I didn't actually have plans, but my dearest Ashton decided it was a good idea to give me some. Honestly, I'm everything but excited to meet him this evening. Mostly knowing he'll ask about what had happened last night.

"A couple years ago you were down to party!" he grins and I throw the object to the floor and step on it.

"Shut up." I slap his arm. "it's not a couple of years ago anymore and I wasn't down to party..." I frown.

Yes I was constantly going to parties, getting drunk and smoking things I shouldn't be smoking but it all had a reason. And I don't like remembering it.

"Sure..." he mocks.

As I look at the horizon, I spot the lights of the bus through the foggy atmosphere and smile. Finally.

"Get up, loser." I say, and we both get on our feet and wait for the bus to stop in front of us.

I hop on and slide the pass on the machine next to the bus driver. He looks worse than I do. His beard is long and his eyes are sleepy, a cup of coffee rests on his side as he tries to utter some words. "Morning." he manages to say without looking at either of us.

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