●Chapter Eighteen●

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I realised Alexia was lying to me when she apologized. Alexia never apologized. That was her signal. She couldn’t break cover because Tanaka was there. When she put her head in her hands, I saw the reflection of the computer on the window, Jacobs was right there...listening to every word I had said.

‘Here’s the deal Amanda dear. I never wanted this to happen but then again, Alexia here always wanted a protégé. I have what you want, which I wouldn’t if Alexia hadn’t done as she was told even after you couldn’t. I’m not going to kill Bradley.’ I held my breath.

He was lying. ‘I mean it, Blade, I won’t. If, and only If, I get my codes. You hear that Gray!’ He called out. Tanaka swore under his breath. ‘You have an two hours to get here.’ He finished. ‘Are we clear?’ he raised his eyebrow and smirked.

I shot the computer and it went black. ‘Sit down, both of you. Where’s Susan?’

‘What?’ Tanaka said.

‘Your mother Gray Tanaka, where’s your mother?’

He didn’t answer. I opened the door and screamed out ‘Susan’ in the sweetest voice I could fake. I waited 15 seconds and called again. ‘It’s her.’  I said to Alexia.

‘What about her?’ Tanaka asked. I ignored his question as if it was rhetorical. Susan soon braced us with her presence a few moments later. ‘Is everything okay in here?’ she said to us.

‘How did you know, why were you even looking? So what did you keep from me. And what does she know ?’ I fired my questions like bullets. Her eyes shifted left to right and finally settled on Tanaka.

‘He, he… told me that you were....’ She looked at Alexia, her presence didn’t shock her as it should have.

‘Mother...’ Tanaka started. He stood up. I raised my arm and shot at the ceiling. Warning shot. ‘Hey!’ He screamed at me. He began walking towards us. I straightened my arm horizontally towards Susan. ‘Sit down Tanaka.’ I said. He walked closer. I pulled the trigger. Susan breathed out and fell to the floor. Tanaka screamed and ran to his mother. He caught her head just as her eyes closed.

‘Grab what you need, we’re leaving.’ I said as I jumped over the dying woman. Gin was standing at the end of the corridor, afraid to move closer when she saw me. I shot at her too.

Alexia placed her hand in my shoulder and pushed me forward. ‘Gray!’ she called out. ‘We’re moving.’ She pulled a bottled of yellow liquid from her bag, opened it and allowed it to drip in the whole house. Tanaka, walked out of the office then sped up when he smelt the liquid: paraffin. We got to the front door and turned around.

‘Turn it off.’ I ordered Tanaka. The fire alarm was by the door, he began pressing the codes with shaking shakes. I became impatient and smashed his head against it. It turned off and the keypad fell off with Tanaka simultaneously.

‘What did you do that for? Now I have to carry him.’ Alexia complained. I didn’t respond. I gave her room to drag Tanaka out the door and get to her truck. I pulled a lighter from my pocket I dropped it on the floor them shut the door.

‘Let’s go to work’ Alexia said to me. She laughed.

‘Last day on the job.’ I replied.

‘Oh yeah?’ she teased.

I never planned to kill Susan. It made me crazy mad that she was helping him. She was ruining my plan. No one knew the truth that Tanaka revealed. Not even Alexia, and she was Jacobs real best. Me, I was just his gate way to his precious codes. That’s why he had me come here in the first place. I turned to Tanaka whom we had thrown in the back. His head was tilted in an unnatural position. Now both his head and his neck would hurt when he woke up, if he woke up. I didn’t really care anymore. All I wanted was blood, and not just anybody’s blood, Jacobs’ blood.

‘To be honest, I didn’t know Susan was still alive.’ She said.

‘She is the one person Jacob could never harm.’ I said.

‘Is Brad really your brother?’ she asked.

‘You’re still asking?’  I replied and laughed.

TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! haha,  is Brad really her brother? What more is gonna come out of this? Do you think she's gonna kill Jacobs. And why were Jacobs and Susan working together. ..also, what do you guys think about Alexia,  can she be trusted? Mmmm...food for thought, cooment below and vote, see you next week. Xx

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