●Chapter Nineteen●

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*These are the last couple chapters so get ready*


We were 30 minutes early. The doors of Anthony were wide open. A guy, Sam, was standing at the door. He muttered something into his shoulder when he saw us approaching. Tanaka had woken up just minutes before and complained of the pain he felt. Like I knew he would. Alexia and I had stopped to pick up more guns at her tree house a few miles outside town.

'Amanda.' She said softly as she threw me a small pink mp3 player she had took from her house. 'Make it count...no mercy. These are bad people.'

We are bad people: I replied in my head.

She used to say those exact words to me before every one of my missions; when I went to kill innocent people as well. She knew I had a good heart. I did, at one point in my existence. We walked up the stairs and reached Sam. He stretched his hand to direct us and I punched him in the gut. He groaned.

I flinched as I plugged in the mp3 and opened my hair to conceal them. I needed to slow my heart rate to go through with this. I was mad, and I thirsted for blood but I was also terrified, very terrified.

Although I had had enough, I knew very well that the injustices of the world wouldn't end with him, but the people I had harmed and the people he had harmed would find peace in knowing the truth. That's all anyone ever wanted, truth.

We turned the corner to Jacobs' office. I pressed play, and put the volume low. The bohemian rhapsody began.

'Amanda...' Jacobs greeted.

'AMANDA!' I heard Bradley echo. I held on tight to my gun in my hand. Jacobs noticed.

'Oh you don't want to do that now.' He indicated to the man behind us. I turned to see five tall, muscular men, heavily armed. Alexia now stood with them. Jacobs nodded to acknowledge her, she waved back. The five men and Alexia stopped walking as Tanaka and I walked into the office just as the words to the bohemian rhapsody finished off; ' Anywhere the wind blows.

Walking forward into the office I saw Bradley, tied up in a glass covered prison like room in the wall. 'I don't want to work for you anymore Jacobs.'

'Then leave...' He shrugged.

'Not without him.' I looked at Brad. He smiled. I didn't return the gesture.

'Oh, him? Your...brother? He's not your brother.' Jacobs smiled. 'He' He pointed to Brad. 'Is a figment of my imagination, he is what I say to you he is and for the last couple of months, I've let you believe he was your brother.'

I rolled my eyes. 'I know your games Jacobs, I'm sick of them.'

He laughed a real laugh. 'That's cute...very cute. Do you have what I asked for?'

'Let him out.' I said strongly. I reached for my hair and pulled out my earphones while Jacobs turned to press a silver button on his desk. The glass door opened and Brad disappeared. He was never here. My heart sank.

'It's a trap.' I whispered to myself. I turned to the door Alexia was gone. Only the five men remained.

'Oh yeah, that's another thing. Sister Lex is on my team.' He began laughing loudly. He opened his jacket as I immediately pulled my gun on him. He chuckled and pulled his own on Tanaka.

'Now did you really think I'd let my son be named after a person I hated most in this world? Silly little boy.'

I blinked, and the gun went off. I jumped in front of him but it was too late. Tanaka was already falling to the floor. He tripped me and I fell on top of him, my breasts lying on his knees. He was still breathing, gasping actually for air. His entire body was shaking and there was blood on my face spraying out from his wound. I quickly got up and searched his eyes. He couldn't see me. It was as if he was looking through me. I touched his face, he felt it. Then began trying to talk.

gasping, he sounded the fish did in the movies when they were removed from water. I held on to his hand and noticed how cold it was cold already.

His eyes were closing but he moved his lips slowly and whispered to me, 'Shaun.'

The shaking stopped and heaving ceased. Tanaka was dead.

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