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Harry's POV

I finished talking to Lulu and my parents before I said goodbye and got dressed to go out. I had no idea where we were going, but I assumed my usual skinny jeans and white t-shirt would be sufficient, so I threw them on and headed out into the living room to find all the boys were sitting around pre-drinking before we headed out.

"Styles! Grab a beer, there's some in the fridge." Shawn said as he motioned toward the fridge and I opened it to find a fresh case in it.

"Thanks." I smiled as I popped it open and went to sit on the couch, plunking myself down between Liam and Niall.

TJ emerged from her room a few minutes later, wearing a pair of jeans and a loose top, but it was the first time I'd seen her hair down and flowing over her shoulders. She sauntered to the fridge and grabbed a beer before she sat down beside Shawn, and she shot daggers at me that caught me off guard before she sat down.

"What?" I asked, and she just ignored me as Niall spoke up.

"Alright, let's play a drinking game!" He said excitedly. "What should we play?"

"Never have I ever?" Liam suggested and TJ immediately piped up.

"Oh hell no, we are not playing that." She said sternly. "You guys always gang up on me and only ask chick questions."

"Come on, Mouse. It'll be fun. I promise we won't only ask questions that only you'll have to answer." Niall told her.

"You are so full of shit, you say that every time! Then you turn around and say shit like never have I ever sucked dick."

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me, finding it hilarious, and once again she shot me a look. I had no idea what had crawled up her ass, but it was obvious she was annoyed by my very presence.

"Hey, that isn't specifically a chick question, any of us in this room could have sucked dick." Shawn said, throwing his hands up in defense.

"But we know you haven't, because you're not gay and fuck anything with breasts." She rolled her eyes.

"Alright, alright. Let's just play. No ganging up on Teej, deal?" Liam said, and she reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, I'll go first." Shawn announced, clearing his throat. "Never have I ever fucked a British chick."

All of their eyes immediately shifted to me, and I was obviously the new target.

"Oh alright, I see where this is going." I laughed as I took a sip of my drink, noticing nobody else did.

"I'll go." TJ piped up a little too quickly, eyeing me as she leaned forward and I immediately knew the question would be aimed at me. "Never have I ever cheated on someone."

I stared back at her, keeping my drink firmly resting on my leg as she waited for me to take a sip. It was obvious she thought I had, but I got a great deal of satisfaction out of proving her wrong. I hadn't been in a ton of relationships, but I'd never cheated on anyone, and she'd clearly formed an opinion on me that was incorrect. We were locked in some kind of weird staring contest so I didn't get a chance to see who drank, but after watching me for a few minutes, she huffed and rolled her eyes as she sat back in her seat.

I leaned forward and looked around at them, interested to know the answer to my question, as I eyed them up. "Never have I ever wanted to fuck someone in this room."

"None of you better drink to that." TJ laughed as she looked around at them, and they all hesitantly lifted their beers to their mouths. "Oh my god, stop."

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