Young and beautiful (Calum Hood fanfic)

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A.N// Okay so my first fanfic technically because I deleted the other one because it sucked haha but I'm hoping this one is good and what not and yeah no ones gonna read this but I'll pretend they will.. Enjoy:-)

Amanda's POV

The weather was hot and sticky because all it ever does is rain in this shitty town. I sat on the steps soaking it all in- literally, I was drenched. It didn't bother me though I liked the rain. The way it was so calming and so..there, unlike most people in my life. Don't get me wrong I have two wonderful parents and a younger brother who is annoying but still adorable and I have friends but it's all just here it's not meant to last. Nothing last forever. You're young once and even beauty dies away unless you have someone who sees it throughout you.

Ew I sound sappy but it's true. No one feels good enough if they don't have someone there telling them they are it's fact. That's why people bury their life and soul in music- because it's there when nobody else will be.

When I've finally had enough of the rain I get up and walk inside. The house is cool compared to the humidity outside. And I swiftly make my way up the stairs avoiding any human interaction. Tomorrow's the first day of school and senior year is going to suck.

• • •

I lie in bed, the window open with a small breeze coming through. Just as my eyes begin to get heavy my phone screen lights up. A text from my best friend and next door neighbor Michael Clifford appears on the lock screen.

"I got a surprise tomorrow for ya.. And close your window or at least turn your music down some people actually like to sleep." It read.

Instead of replying I get up and walk over to the window. I stick out my tongue and close it. His red lips opening into a wide smile as he laughs. He shakes his newly died black and green hair and waves goodnight and I do the same.

• • •

My alarm goes off at 6:00 and I drag my body off the bed but sleepily fall over. I stay on the floor for a good ten minutes before getting up and heading towards the shower. I bring my phone and put it on shuffle. as I thoroughly wash my hair Lana del Rey's perfect voice echoes throughout my bathroom. Then Arctic Monkeys followed by Blink 182. As I get dressed and put my hair into a loose side braid I sing along to Panic! At the Disco and the 1975. And because I'm so musically diverse during breakfast I put in my head phones and listen to Jason Derulo.

Almost on cue I open the door and so does Michael. we've been best friends since who knows when and he's funny, smart, out going, and fucking insane...just like me.

The moment he sees me we race to the car. His smile is brighter than usual.

"Oh my god Amanda you're not going to believe this!" He exclaims climbing into the front seat of his old run down Jeep.

"Exactly what is it I won't believe?" I question.

"Well Calum and Ashton, you know from mine and Luke's band, are coming to our high school for senior year!" His excitement is radiating off of him making the car a lot warmer than it already is if that's even possible.

I'm excited to meet them they seem to be all that Luke and Michael talk about I'm just worried Michael won't have time for me anymore.

We pull up the the school and I can tell it's gonna suck. Girls in their booty shorts riding up their croch and shirts hardly covering their boobs. I look simple, boring even, compared to them in my Ramones crop top layered with a red flannel and high waisted-faded denim shorts with a tear on the left side of my thigh and my vans. My hair is still together in my messy braid while their hair is curled or pulled back. They wear makeup that complements their complexion and all I used was Chapstick and some mascara. Michael and I walk out of the car together and usual and look for Luke. He's dressed as always in his nirvana t-shirt and black ripped jeans. Michael in similar jeans but in a regular three quarter sleeve shirt. We look like a group of misfits wanting to be rebellious or some shit.

A boy with light brown hair starts walking towards us. he's wearing a shirt ripped in multiple places and jeans. Behind him though, is what catches my eye. A tan boy, with black hair and a muscle tee. he walks a bit slower than the first but now he comes up next to him. The pair gets closer but I don't dare take my eyes off of the second boy.

Luke rushes into hug them and Michael tells me the first one is Ashton and the second one is Calum. they introduce themselves. My gaze still doesn't leave Calum. Not in a creepy way or anything I'm just taking in his features. like his dark eyes, small nose, adorable smile, perfect hair- wait...

Oh shit.

A.N// Okay so here is the first chapter please tell me what you think if you read this haha. The other ones will be longer I'm sure and if I get a lot of reads I'll update more often even if I don't I'll still update though haha.


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