Chapter 9

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Weeks have passed. It's no longer late fall. The leaves fall and crumble to the ground in beautiful colors. It's now October 23, and Calum and I sit in class awkwardly waiting to present our English project.

We've been working on it for a majority of the first quarter. Our friendship has grown immensely ever since that night on the porch. We're almost as close and Michael, Luke and I. Of course, my relationship with Ashton is still as confusing as ever.

We haven't necessarily gone on any other dates, unless their band practices count, and we haven't kissed since our first(and only) date. I'm not sure exactly what we are right now. I guess it's a "thing" but isn't that when both people like each other and they know it but they're nothing more then that? Quite frankly, I still don't know how I feel.

My father came home last Thursday. He came, picked up his things and left. My parents went with the whole 'long business trip, don't know when I'll be back' lie and if they think they're protecting me and Danny, well then I've been raised by idiots. I've stopped caring to be honest. I mean love is, stupid. It doesn't last it just hurts. I believe that love can be happy, and wonderful and beautiful-until it dies. Then it's sad and horrible and down right sucky.

Calum stands up snapping me out of my thoughts and we head to the front of the room.

With a shaky voice I say my final line.

"Give me my Romeo and when he shall die take him and cut him out in little stars and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garnish sun."

The sound of small clapping rings throughout the class room. I look over at Calum out of breathe and smile. As we walk back to our seats Mr. Sole sends a small smile our way and I know we did a good job.

Calum and I walk out of class complimenting each other on our performance and stating how nervous we both were. As we reach the door Mr. Sole summons me back to his desk. I give Calum a look that says 'I'll meet you in second period' and walk back into the classroom.

"Yes Mr. Sole?" I ask hesitantly.

"Ah yes miss Greene I wanted to talk to you about your performance and your state of oblivion."

"State of oblivion?" what type of drugs is he on?

"Well the chemistry was undeniable and well as far as regular class time goes, it seems to me you and a certain someone are as you say 'meant for each other'." Is Mr. Sole on crack? I think he's on crack. "However, I've come to notice you have a little drummer boy on your mind. Yes? seems to me you have a decision to make. Keep that in mind for an assignment many great connections can be drawn miss Greene." He says collecting his things.

I walk out of the classroom and I'm in complete shock. Not only is he wrong but he's kind of creeping me out. It's definitely the drugs talking.

I step into bio with a minute to spare. I grab my seat next to Calum and he raises an eyebrow at me questioning what happened. I shake my head letting him no it was nothing. The thing is I can't stop thinking of what he said to me. What decision? What assignment? This is my senior year I should be having fun.

Bio drags on for another twenty minutes and Spanish is just a bore. When lunch comes I'm truly grateful. I practically run out of the classroom but walk back realizing I left Calum behind.

"Sorry about that I'm a bit hungry."

"When aren't you hungry." Calum laughs. "Wait no I didn't mean it like that I was just joking because-"

"Calum slow down I know what you meant." I laugh at his nervous state. We walk down to the cafeteria and find our way to our usual table. Not to long after Luke and Michael join us, Michael on my left and Luke next to Calum. Almost on cue Ashton runs and plops down into the seat beside me giving me a hug. The boys laugh but Calum looks away. I don't understand why he does that? maybe he has a hugging phobia? Yeah we've become close but clearly there's things about him I still don't understand and maybe I'll never understand.

As we all talk and laugh the mood is killed when a strong sent and clicking heels heads our way- Britney.

"Hey guys! Oh my god Amanda did you do something new to your hair?!" She squeals.


"Oh okay well I'm having my annual Halloween party so you better be there or you know you can be the losers that don't go. kisses." She says as she hands out flyers and moves on to the next table greeting them the exact same way.

"Dude this sounds great we gotta go." Ashton says excitedly.

"These parties suck. Everyone's in costume and theirs a costume contest and beer which isn't so bad but her parties are all about her basically and she only wants people to go so she can build up her reputation." Luke explains.

"We asked her if we could play like as the band last year but she said she only hires djs so we basically go for the free beer and girls are always a plus." Michael says laughing and I playfully push his shoulder.

"I think Calums 'the guy' this year." Luke says in between bites of his pizza.

"Oh my god dude you're right!" Michael agrees.

"What's 'the guy'?" Ashton and Calum ask at the same time.

"Every year Britney picks a guy and she they both win the costume contest and they get this whole dance together it's like that episode of The Fairly Odd Parents if you ask me." I say and continue to play with my fingers until the end of lunch.

• • •

I walk over to Michael's car and wait for him to unlock it. When he finally makes his way over I head into the jeep and look for a good cd. Michael hands me a mixed tape and I put it in. As we drive home we dance and sing along to All The Small Things by Blink182.

When we arrive on our street I follow Michael into his house. We head upstairs and as I do my history homework he starts playing chords on his guitar.

"New song Mikey?" I ask.

"What? yeah kind of."

"What's it called."

"Enough about the song. we should go costume shopping this weekend!"

"Mikey you're acting weird. what's going on?"

Instead of answering me he throws a pillow at my head and we have our little pillow fight for about ten minutes before my phone blinks on the dresser and a text from Ashton appears on the screen.

*holaaa. I think it's about time we go on a second date;)*

"Ughhh." I throw my head back and flop down on the bed causing Michael to giggle. "Hey it's not my fault, boys are very confusing." we both laugh his giggles almost contagious.

A.N// hi guysssss. okay so I wanted to say a big thank you for over a hundred reads I realize it's not a lot but it's a lot to me because I didn't even expect it to get one when I started writing. so bare with me this had to be sort of a filler chapter but every great story needs one am I right? also in terms of setting time wise and seasons and all that Ik it may seem rushed or unrealistic but like I said bare with me I need it like this for the plot and if you disagree of don't like it 1) I'm sorry and 2) pretend their in a different place or something because I have it set up and I know some people will be like they're in Australia it's not like that but I don't care haha it's the plot that matters and I really hope you enjoy the one I have planned. again really sorry for the filler but there's a lot of information in this chapter that's gonna be important later on keep that in mind. also album in two days omg I'm so excited ok this was long byeeee.


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