Chapter 16

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I shove my red solo cup at Michael for the third time tonight and he hesitantly pours me yet another drink. Not enough to get me drunk, god no I can hold my own weight and three half-filled, tiny cups like those isn't even the equivalent to a regular beer. With a friend like Michael, he would never let me drink more than I could he's like a big brother, but a cool one.

I set my drink down on the round end table sat below the old mirror where our little group was huddled in the corner. I felt Ashton's arms link across my midsection and pull me closer into his large figure. we sat down in the chair behind us, I still remained in his lap and the four of us watched every possible exit and angle, waiting for Calum.

It seemed like hours had passed and we finally gave up on the thought of seeing Calum. We did exactly what every other teenager did when they lost a friend at a party; drank and danced with strangers, well I danced with Ashton but as for Michael he wound up caught in a tangled mess of five different girls and Luke watched amused from the corner refusing to get up and interact with anyone.

Ashton's hair was matted to his forehead from the swear and in all honesty it was the hottest he ever appeared to me. The thought of potentially losing Calum at a massive party completely drifted out of my mind.

"I need another beer," Ashton shouted over the music, "do you want anything."

I shook my head no and watched him walk into the next room in search of more alcohol. Within seconds a tall lengthy guy, Gary, I think approaches me stumbling the slightest bit.

"Sup babe, the names Gary," he boasted, "captain of the football team but you already knew that." he winked flexing in the process.

"Well, Gary, I did not know that and I don't wish to know more either." I begin to walk off but he pushes in front of me.

"No need to be stubborn like that, you're little friend won't even notice if I steal you for a moment."

"Hope off would ya?" I push him aside and make my way towards the exit Ashton had used.

"Hope off? hope off? Clearly you don't get that all I wanna do is get on that." Gary practically screamed.

He came closer and closer to me, and almost like in the movies I backed into a wall. As he drew closer the movie became more real when a guy dressed as zorro had jumped in front of me blocking the path between Gary and I.

"Whoa back up Batman, you're in the way of my girl." Gary was getting ticked off now and was about done with the bull shit, you could see it in his eyes.

"Ok first of all I am not Batman I dog even resemble Batman why do people keep saying that?" The new addition to this little scene and my current hero stated.

"Wait if you aren't batman who the fuck are you?"

"I'm zorro man, doesn't anyone know who that is?"

Gary shook his head.

"I know who that is." I peered around zorro's shoulder and butted in. He mumbled a thank you before continuing to defend me from Gary. After a good five minutes Gary got bored and walked away.

"So, zorro dude who are you really?" I asked.

"Um, I'm... just some guy in a zorro costume you know the usual." He sounded familiar, not just his voice but the way he spoke.

I laughed slightly at his awkwardness before spotting a pissed Ashton.

"The fuck bro?!" He screamed. "I walk away for to minutes and you think you have the right to move in on my girl?! I don't even know you but i suggest you walk away." Ashton was furious and my former hero rushed out of the room terrified.

I figured it'd be better not to mention anything that just happened so instead I went and sat with Ashton in our old spot waiting for Michael and Luke to return from wherever they ran off to.

The party was nearly over now and everyone was gathered in front of the large steps of Britney's home waiting for the announcement of the costume winners. With no surprise Britney had won and all that was left was who one "costume king". I expected to hear Calum's name called but when the Dj announce "zorro the mystery man" I was quite shocked.

I watched along with everyone else as the two awkwardly danced in front of us all.

At the end when Britney asked him to remove his mask he glanced towards Ashton and I and as Ashton tightened his grip around my waist the mystery man took off down the hall and out the front door.

A.N// hi another short chapter oops. I'm sorry I'm lazy ok but don't worry things are just getting started lmao. so I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween I was a ninja turtle and I tore shit up along with the rest of the turtles. I added a picture of zorro in case you had no idea who that was and yes I got the idea from Another Cinderella Story with Hillary Duff and Chad Michael Murray a.k.a one if the best movies ever. Anyways yeah idk if you picked up on it but I made Luke not end up dancing with some girl because Id end up getting jealous of a fictional character. Ok I have lots of days off and half days this week so imma try and get some writing in but hopefully this is enough for a few days unless I completely blank out and don't update lol pray for me..

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