Chapter 14

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Periods one, two, three, and four pass by quickly and are filled with awkward eye contact exchanged between Calum and I and loads of just plain old boring class work. By the time the lunch bell rings I am grateful.

I take a seat next to Ashton and wait for the Michael, Luke and Calum. They arrive within minutes and a familiar skank is following close behind. I watch as Britney tries to grab ahold of Calum's arm in attempt to drag him towards her table but he pulls away and continues to walk towards us.

"Hey guys." Ashton greets them and I smile.

"So are you two an item or something?" Luke asks pointing to Ashton and I.

"Well," I began searching for the right words, "I've decided that the whole dating thing is stupid and relationships never work out because even the happiest of people get hurt but I've decided to try and have a 'thing' of sorts with Ashton just to see how it goes really." I say as I let out a deep breathe from talking a little too quickly.

After a few moments of awkward silence Ashton turns to ask Calum what's Britney's deal. At first he seems confused but then responds with "she's attractive but bitchy, and not my type."

"So you don't like girls who dress and act like that?" Michael asks him whilst shooting a glance in my direction. I'm not sure as to what he's doing but it's pissing me off and I decide to get up and go somewhere far from there.

I soon hear footsteps following behind me, assuming its one of the guys I don't slow down. To my surprise however i soon come to recognize the sound as clicking heels and spin around to see the hideous Britney approaching me unaccompanied by her little followers surprisingly.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"Oh you know what I want. I want Calum and I'm sure as hell gonna get him even if that means pushing you out of the way." she folds her arms across her chest and sticks out her hip causing her to lean to the side in the most stuck up pose I've ever seen.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I question.

"Don't play dumb with me, I'll destroy you." Britney says before shoving me. I lose balance instantly and am slammed into a locker before I slide to the ground.

"Looks like daddy's little girl has been trying to toughen herself up." I fake pout in hopes to make her angry. It works well enough as she goes to step on my hand that's placed on the ground beside her in her 6-inch heels.

Her eyes search my face for any sign of pain but i know well enough to hold it inside until she leaves. she lets out a groan and stomps away in defeat despite the fact that I'm the one left in physical pain.

What does she mean I'm in the way of her chances of Calum? How was she not aware of what I claim to have with Ashton?

I glance at the clock on the wall above me and carefully pick myself up off of the floor. I let out a small whimper from the pain. everything hurts but I keep moving and head straight to my locker not bothering to spend the last five minutes of lunch with everyone else.

Thoughts of Britney's stupid halloween party tonight rush around my brain. What am I gonna wear? How am I getting there? Why do I even care so much?

I am not sure of the answer to the last question but I do however, have just the solution for the first two.

• • •

I'm the first one to enter the classroom after lunch and I ease myself into the seat trying to make the pain seem unnoticeable.

By the time the boys walked in I had managed to look as comfortable as possible. They believed it for a few moments until I dropped my pencil and struggled to move and pick it up.

As I bent down and let out a sigh I noticed a familiar hand reaching for my pencil. I lifted my gaze to see an expressionless Calum making my heart crumble.

When class lets up I am the last to leave. I do this intentionally so that no one sees me struggle to move. As clever as I thought this was, it didn't work. Outside of the room stood three of my best friends and in the distance was a slump Calum attached to a bitchy Britney.

I try to ignore this and walk with them to our final class. I'm bombarded with questions such as "what happened?" And "are you okay?" but I don't answer them and I don't plan on it, not now at least.

By the time class ends my pain has eased up slightly and I've become better at faking the whole "I'm not hurt" thing and all I want to do is go home and get ready for tonight.

"Hey Ash, can you drive me home?" I ask as he puts an arm around my shoulder.

"Of course babe." he grins and we leave Luke and Michael alone to wait for Calum.

He opens the door for me and I climb in. The car is nice definitely fits Ashton's style.

"So I was thinking do you wanna go to the party together like as in drive together, hangout things people in a thing would do? I ask with an awkward laugh.

"Well it'd be a shame to not get to use my car." He jokes as we pull out of the school's parking lot.

The rest of our conversation is small talk and even still a bit awkward. I'm not sure as to why I mean we are a 'thing' I suppose.

We pull up to my house and I thank him and say goodbye and he tells me he'll pick me up later. As I carefully walk towards my house I notice Calum, Michael and Luke hope out of Michael's car. The four of us glance at each other for a long time before I turn away and head into the house.

A.N// um hi you all must hate me lmao. so i haven't updated in the longest time. I basically went on vacation and didn't update then i didn't feel like writing so I didn't and now here I am just trying to give whoever reads this a small shitty chapter. I start school tomorrow so idk I've been too depressed to write lmao but don't worry I have a plan for this story I'm just taking my sweet time.

On that note I think that when this finishes (not for awhile though) I'm going to start a 5sos preference book so I'll let you know more about that when I figure it out myself. again sorry for the wait and the bad writing and the short chapters I'm just a loser what can I say.


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