Chapter 2

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"Amandaaaaaaa" Michael exaggerates and snaps his fingers making me come back to reality. "The bell's gonna ring they all walked away already." he stated.

We rush to our lockers being the last people to enter the building. I wonder if I'll have classes with Calum. only because he's so close with Michael and Luke I wanna get to know him and that other one Ashton I think his name was.

I walk into ap English and there's one seat left-next to Calum. He's sitting there tapping his pencil on the desk but looks up once I take my seat. Class doesn't technically start for another five minutes so everyone's just sitting around waiting for Mr. Sole to walk in. I slide my books under my desk. apparently Calum chooses that moment to do the same and we collide heads as we go to sit back up.

He gives a sheepish laugh and I can feel my cheeks turning a deep crimson red. He opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by Mr. Sole's abrupt arrival. He's carrying two bags and a brief case and is clearly struggling to hold everything. He sets his belongings down on his desk only to have them fall to the floor. he decides to leave them there, adjusts his tie and gives us the same speech we're going to hear from every other teacher today.

I sneak a few glances at Calum thankfully he doesn't notice. I'm hoping this is our only class together because "crushes" aren't exactly my thing. mainly because I don't want to be crushed in the end. Having one class means I'll see him less. Not like it matters because I don't like like him.

It didn't work out that way.

• • •

The 4th period bell rings signaling it's time for lunch and I'm one of the last people out of the room as usual. I gather my books and head out the door and almost drop them due to bumping into someone.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry this has happened a lot today." Calum says with a small smile and awkwardly laughs.

"It's fine really. It's not your fault we have every morning class together and the hallways are quite crowded." Oh my god I'm so stupid, we're the only two in the hallway. Calum obviously takes note of my embarrassment and changes the subject.

" you know where the cafeteria is?" He asks. I simply shake my head but quickly offer to show him where it is after I realize how stupid it was for me to just nod.

We walk down the hall together looking at our schedules noting they're the exact same and before we know it the short walk is over and we find our seats next to Luke and Michael.

"Where's Ashton?" I ask trying to take some of my focus off of the way Calum's struggling with his sandwich. It's adorable.

just kidding it's weird. yeah that's what I meant.

"Found him." Luke states and points towards Ashton and Britney (the skank) Skantley. Her nickname doesn't come from coincidence, she's a total slut.

They begin to make their way over to our table but as she notices me, Luke, and Michael she detaches his arm from her waist and walks away with a disgusted look.


Ashton looks confused but continues to approach us and right then I knew he was the 'bad boy' type.

"So Ash how many ladies have ya picked up so far?" Michael asked sarcastically.

"Not counting that one, three but I'm hoping one more by the end of today." he replies winking at me. I gasp and turn bright red. I Decide to steal a glance at Calum who looks somewhat pale and catches me staring. I pull away as the bell rings letting us know we have to get back to class.

I'm glad I have 5th and 6th period with the rest of the boys as well, I feel a bit flustered sharing every class with Cal. I mean Calum. I've known for what like seven hours and I thought of a nickname? what the actual fuck is wrong with me?

• • •

I hop into Michael's car and wait for him to start the engine. We hardly move a foot before Ashton is running strait for the car.

"Um Amanda.. about what I said at lunch. Do you want to hangout sometime Friday maybe?" he says cautiously but confidence clear as day in his voice.

"Oh. sure yeah." I reply and he gives me a head nod and walks the other way.

The rest of the car ride was silent until we pulled up in front of Michael's house.

"So a date huh?" Michael nudges my shoulder. I blush and climb out of the car dodging the rest of his questions until he mentions Calum that is.

"He seems like a nice guy. same with Ashton." Was my final words to Michael that night.

I lie on my bed in thought, the radio on talking about the sunny Australian weather and then switching over to talk about Beyoncé and Jay Z's possible divorce and then plays her song XO. I climb off of my bed and reach for my sketch book underneath it. I grab it and begin to sketch.

I've been sketching for hours. flowers, cities, sunrises, you name it. I start to touch up some features on my latest drawing when a chirping bird outside catches my attention. when I bring myself to continue sketching the picture on my notepad alarms me. His beautiful and lively smile, his button nose, and tussled hair. Just looking at it the butterflies form. No not butterflies something smaller, ants. ants crawl in my stomach as I look at the drawing of the boy who for some reason won't leave my thoughts. Ew that's really gross. Just goes to show these feelings aren't real it's almost impossible really. I hardly know him and if he puts ants in my stomach that's not necessarily a good thing right?

A.N// holaaaaaa. so this prob hasn't gotten any reads yet but I'm trying here people okay. I have ideas for this story so either way I'll continue to update and hopefully people get interested in it . haha well yeah this is weird because I'm talking to myself so imma just leave it at that.


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