Chapter 6

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"Wait what?"

"Do you want to be with Ashton?" Michael repeated himself for probably the fifth time.

Do I want to be with him? No, no I don't want to be with anyone. Dating just isn't my thing relationships should last a few weeks if anything I don't like commitment. Because if someone stops committing, they don't love you anymore or never even did. When you're young and beautiful you think your so called love will last forever until it ends. when you're older and you get married one day you won't be married. You'll be divorced because that person will get tired of you. At least that's how I'll end up.

My parents are fine sure but that's because it's easy to love them. Ashton is just looking for a fling I'm sure and trust me if he wants a "fling" that's all he's gonna get. Not because I don't think we would work out but because I know we wouldn't work out. That's how it's meant to be. I don't belong in a relationship and I'm fine with that.


"Well?" Michael's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Um.. I have to get changed for my date thing." I grab the clothes and hustle into the bathroom. Once I'm changed into the regular light colored shorts and dark flows top Michael handed me I stair at myself in the mirror. my hair is still in my braid, my white converse on my feet and the clothes on my body. I look boring. I don't look special. I don't look like I'd catch Cal-Ashton's attention. I honestly don't understand what I'm thinking anymore. I don't want anything with anyone especially Calum. I'm giving Ashton a chance in all honesty I don't see this to be serious and by his player type attitude I'm hoping he doesn't either.

I walk out of the bathroom and Michael isn't in my room anymore. I peer down the hall but he isn't in there either. I make my way to the stairs but stop short due to the sound of whispering.

"Mikey I don't get it."

"He's coming here to take Amanda on a date is all."

"But you said-"

"Shh, I think she's coming down the stairs. Remember this is our little secret."


Michael and Danny are keeping a secret from me?

• • •

The doorbell rings at about 7:00 and I make my way to the door. Ashton is standing outside in a grey ACDC muscle tee, skinny jeans, and surprisingly no bandana.

"Oh gosh, Amanda you look amazing." Ashton states making my cheeks blush.

I tell Michael I'm leaving and to take good care of Danny because I don't know when I'll be home and my parents are both working late.

I close the door and Ashton extends his hand out to me. I hesitate but grab it as we walk through the streets of Sydney.

"May I ask where we're going?" I say after a few moments of silence.

"Nope. I like to be secretive."

"Yeah I caught on to that." I laugh.

We continue to walk making small talk. He's extremely attractive I'll admit. But it's just a fling sort of deal I remind myself.

We continue to walk up until a dead end sign. what the hell?

Ashton laughs at my confused expression and climbs over the fence blocking off the field behind it. This field was meant for the next city over we weren't allowed there because we weren't residents. This didn't seem to face Ashton because there he was frolicking through the private field.

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