Chapter 12

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I walk towards Michael and he steps aside allowing me to open the door and take a seat in the passenger seat. As he walks around the front his eyes are still on me and he walks into the car. As he gets in I try to tease him for walking into the car but he doesn't give me the opportunity to speak.

"This," he says gesturing to my outfit. "this is a horrible idea, you, good, manda, but it's just a horrible idea." He says shaking his head.

"No Michael, it's just something I should've done a long ass time ago." I reiterate and don't speak to him the rest of the way. I love him; he's my best friend but if he knew me the way he says he does he'd be supporting me right now.

We pull up to the school and I go to push the open car door but it's locked. I give Michael am annoyed look and he sighs unlocking the car. I step out slowly and it's as if the whole world stopped. Everyone's eyes on me. Some jaws drop, others scan my body. Some girls seem to think I look "stylish" as they smile in my direction while others seem a tad jealous. However, every guys' expression is the same.

Michael gets out of the car and joins me as we walk up the steps not bothering to look for Calum, Luke and Ashton. We walk through the hallway, boys whistling as we pass and Michael glaring at them. I honestly didn't expect this to be the reaction from people but it's not necessarily bad is it?

I arrive at ap English just as Mr. Sole shuts the door. He impatiently holds it open for me to step inside. I stand before my classmates taking in their reactions. Calum's jaw might as well lay flat across the desk he seems quite surprised. I give him a wink and he almost chokes on his own breath. It's not like me to wink at him; or any guy, but then again this whole change isn't like me at all... it's so much better.

Mr. Sole goes on teaching and taking swift glances towards me here and there as if he doesn't believe what he sees. Every teacher reacts that way actually.

After what seems like ages of awkward glances and loud whistles I'm able to head down to the lunch room. Calum hasn't talked to me all morning which concerns me. I've noticed him staring but most of the time it's out of confusion.

I take my seat next to Michael and await the boys' arrival. Luke, Ashton and Calum begin to walk our way and Ashton and Luke do a double take when the see me. Luke site across from me stunned whilst Ashton is at my side telling me how 'hot' I look. Calum hasn't moved from where he was once standing and begins to make his way over. He's about ten feet away when Britney come up to him, begging and pleading for him to sit with her and her group of followers.

He struggles to open his mouth and respond before he's whisked away towards her table. He takes a seat where he's able to see us and we can see him, making this whole experience extremely awkward.

Michael is trying to talk to Calum but he's terrible at reading lips. Luke is watching trying to see what's going on. Meanwhile Ashton is all over me and I do my best to pay attention to him, my gaze however doesn't leave Calum.

He won't look at me at all though. Calum sits there with his head tilted slightly down. He's beyond confused and trying to piece everything that's happening together. But he just won't look at me. Is he mad? Did I do something? This is all too confusing and I wish it'd just stop.

And it does.

The obnoxious ringing of the lunch bell fills the lunch room and we pile through the door. People try to make way for me to get through, and once I do I wait for the rest of them.

Calum's the first one out of the four but he's with Britney. He gives me a quick glance before he's pulled down the corner and down the hall. As he leaves the three of them come up to me, clearly they've witnessed the whole thing because they're asking what just happened.

"I don't know. He just like glared at me almost- but it was a sad glare sort of I guess, I don't know." I explain as we all walk down the hall way.

"Did you do something to your hair Amanda?" Luke asks and none of us can help the laughter that escapes our lips.

• • •

Fifth and sixth period drag on and it feels like forever until I'm at my locker getting ready to leave. Calum didn't say a word to me at all this afternoon. I walk out of the building and am met by Ashton who pulls me into a hug from behind. We walk only a few feet before Luke is calling him telling him if he wants a ride then they had to go. I wave goodbye and continue to walk soon catching up to Michael.

"Mikey, I think I'm gonna walk home today." I begin as I approach him.

"L-like that that?" he stammered hesitantly.

"Michael I'll be fine." I give him my best reassuring smile and he shakes his head but hops in the car.

"Call me if you get lost manda." He jokes before driving away.

I begin to walk toward the parking lot exit but take my time as I'm one of the few students still here. As I walk I notice a figure a few feet ahead kicking at the sidewalk as he walks at a slow delicate pace. Calum?

"Calum! H-hey, you didn't ride with Luke?" I ask jogging up to him.

"No." His tone somewhat harsh.

"Do you mind if I walk with you?"

"Okay." He seems so different today.

"Cal, you're not acting like yourself, everything good?"

"Funny, your one to talk." He snaps and picks up his pace.

"Calum I don't understand-"

"No I don't. I don't understand why you changed for Ashton! Sure he's one of my best friends but this," he gestures to my outfit similarly to how Michael did, "will not change him and it will not change his intentions but if you think you're making a smart choice then by all means have fun."

What the fuck is he going off about? I don't have time to ask because he's already taken off, leaving me all alone in the middle of an empty street.

I take a seat on the bench a few feet away and sit there for about twenty minutes just replaying what happened before pulling out my phone. I scroll through my contacts and select Michael's name.

"Amanda, everything good?" he asks and I can hear muffled talking in the background.

"Um how about that ride?" I ask attempting to joke but my voice sounds weak and cracks, ready to cry.

"Uh, sure yeah on our way."

Our? And that when I hear the agreeing voices of Ashton and Luke in the background, and the groaning annoyed voice of Calum.

What have I gotten myself into?

A.N// wow sorry this was a short chapter I have a lot going on this weekend. I hope everyone's enjoying their summer. I'm gonna try to update really soon but I have a tournament this weekend so well see how it goes. if ya want you could follow me on twitter @doonpappas every single one of my tweets are about 5sos and one direction but I'm sure that wouldn't bother you guys considering the fact that you're reading this haha okay I hope you enjoy the book so far I promise you next chapter will be long and drama filled and exciting and you'll love it! I hope:)


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