Chapter 3

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It's 6:50 and I've been lying upside down from my bed for about twenty minutes. It's too hot to move and I should've been in the shower already. I summersault off the edge of the bed nearly knocking everything off of my nightstand and I rush to my closet. I pick out a muscle tee of sorts with daisies on it and grab the first pair of high waisted shorts I find in my dresser.

I'm in and out of the shower within ten minutes. my hair is blow dried to the point it's only somewhat damp and is pulled once again into a sloppy side braid. I lace up my combat boots, run downstairs, and kiss my parents goodbye. I approach the car a few seconds before Michael walks outside and tosses me an apple to eat in the car.

The drive is silent and then I remember why. School started on a Wednesday this year meaning today is Thursday and tomorrow is my little date or whatever with Cal- Ashton. my date with Ashton. Michael stares at me intensely waiting for me to say something about it.

"Michael stop you're giving me the heebie-Jeebies." I laugh pushing his shoulder.

"Yeah and pretty soon Ashton will be giving you herpes." he says with a serious face but can't hold it for very long and bursts into laughter. "I'm kidding he's clean don't worry." he reassures me and I laugh.

• • •

We pull up to the school and it's basically the same scene as it was yesterday. I see Calum, Luke and Ashton walking our way and I slip my headphones in.



"Are we saying hi or hey?"

The four boys begin to laugh at some inside joke I don't understand so I pretend my music is too loud for me to hear them. Before I have time to greet them properly the bell rings and we pile into the building.

I take my seat, Calum following behind me. He seems to have something on his mind. It's kinda cute how he's so focused on his thoughts. Well it's not cute it's just entertaining? God I don't know.

"Ms. Greene. Amanda...Amanda! I'm sorry to interrupt you're oh so important thoughts but my class is not in your head it's here in the real world so try and pay attention." Mr. Sole's words pierce through me like that sharp pain you feel when you get salt in a cut. my world is very much real; sucky, confusing, boring, typical sure but it's real and just like every other persons life who fits in my "rebel" category. which makes no sense because I'm not a fucking rebel I just have self respect and I don't wanna be classified as another prissy teenage girl.

Mr. sole returns his attention back to the board and I hear a few smirks but the only one I notice is coming from the seat right next to me, and for some reason I'm hurt.

Besides first period the rest of the morning went by quickly. I now sit at the same table as yesterday. Michael on my left, Luke and Calum across from us and Ashton nonchalantly walking over to us. He plops down in the seat to my right and winks. I must say he's very attractive.

The boys don't seem to notice but Ashton has managed to snake his arm Around my mid back and pulls me closer. He leans into my shoulder as he laughs and I can feel his cheeky grin smiling into my shoulder, his giggles vibrating my whole body.

That skank Britney walks by and wiggles her fingers at Calum and turns to leave but glares at the rest of us as she goes. to be honest that made no fucking sense. Just yesterday she left Ashton because he was sitting with us and now she flirts with Calum. Why Calum she doesn't even know him. She probably thinks he'd be willing to get in her pants. Ha. I'm surprised she can even get them up her legs fricken thunder thighs much.

Holy shit. I sound like such a bitch right now. I cannot believe her little flirtatious gesture got me irritated. How could she do that to Ashton?....and me.

• • •

"Would you like to come to a band meeting tonight?" Michael asks during the drive home.

I nod and continue to look out the window. There's nothing much to look at but I normally do this when I think. I feel like I'm in one of those dramatic movie scenes or something.

"What's on your mind? C'mon tell Mikey, you know you want tooooooo."

"Nothing I'm just practicing for that new movie when the girl sits in the car and the depressing music plays."

"Oh well you're doing a horrible job." Michael teases and ejects the keys from the car. Michael has always been like that older brother to me despite the fact he's only a few months older than me.

I walk inside Michaels house and head strait for the kitchen. I grab the bowl of grapes off of the counter and follow Michael into the garage which has been converted into his own little area. there's a tv, a mini fridge, pool table, and of course band equipment. They don't usually practice here thought they always go to Luke's though I'm not sure why.

We sit on the couch together eating grapes and playing FIFA and wait. We wait for the guys to come at 5:00. We wait for them to have their meeting.

And I wait. I wait to find out what the meeting is about. And I wait for my date tomorrow. But I also wait for him.

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