Chapter 2

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Terrene's Point of View


"Lights, camera, CUT! Come on Terrene, what have we practiced this whole entire season?!"

"I know I know, I'm sorry. I promise I'll get it this time."

"You better or I've got no choice but to replace you with someone else."

The color in my face drained at the thought of getting kicked from the theatre arts group. I've worked so hard to get a main rule in this years play, and I can't give it up that easily. I never thought I'd have to kiss someone, especially Sear, the boy I've had a crush on for all of jr high.

I walked back to my position, this year we were doing Romeo and Juliet, the most boring play in the world. I"m Juliet and you guessed it, Sear's Romeo. I don't get it why everyone gets so worked up about it. I mean they fall in love with each other and I mean literally, fall in love, if you no what I'm talking about.

"Places everyone, places!" Mr. Humphrey shouted as he went to sit in his lawn chair which he called the 'Producers Throne'. He always said it either while singing oprah,  or in a voice like a game show announcer. Mr. Humphrey is the theatre arts teacher at my school. He's a bit overweight and tells us that he's on some diet to lose all his man flubber. But I've seen him sneak a few cookies in between rehearsal. "Terrene, are you ready? You better not let me down this time."

"Don't worry, I can do it!" I called out to him, with a fake smile planted on my face. I can't do this! I'm gonna freeze. I've never thought my first real kiss would be in theatre arts in grade ten!

"Lights, Camera, Action!"

Sear began, "See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, if I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!'

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou will not, be but sworn by love, and I shall no longer be a Capulet!" I followed after him, butterflies beginning to rise in my stomach.

Sear then gently caressed my cheek as told to and waited for my next line, but nothing came. The butterflies were beginning to feel more like crows clawing at my insides. 

Oh no! I've messed up! I'm going to lose my part! I've gotta do something. I thought to myself as panic began to spread across my face.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything. In an instant, I wished I hadn't,  but it was too late. I was bent over looking down at my lunch I ate two hours ago.

Sear backed away in disgust while I look back up with tears starting to stream down my face. I panicked and ran off the stage.

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I chose the handicap one so I could have space to pace back and forth. I had to think this through.

Sear's Point of View


Shock spread across my face as as Terenne barfs all over me! I tried moved away in time but it  still landed on my shoes!

These things are brand new  200$ Jordan's! I thought as I watched her run off the stage. What a lamo.

I walked over to the seating area and sat down to wipe off my shoes. I glanced up at the clock, 5:15, Only  15 minutes left, ugh, I can't believe my mom is making me do this stupid play thing. I mean, I only am failing one class, I have to be failing three in order to get kicked off the team.

I'm in basketball, baseball, soccer, and hockey. I don't really like soccer but it gives me more allies in case of emergency.

The rest of class was a bit awkward but the 15 minutes went by no sooner than later. As I was walking out of the class the short fat guy called my name.

"Sear! Wait up, I need to talk to you." he said attempting to run but quickly choosing to walk instead. I snorted to myself. When he caught up to me he was out of  breath, but he still continued. "Hey I've been watching you lately a-"


-nd," he paused to look at me in an annoyed manner. "Anyways, I think you have a real talent, an-"

"Thanks, I wasn't really trying, but I'll take the prai-"

"Stop interrupting me!" he said now getting angry, he stopped, causing me to stop, and took a deep breath, "I really think you should keep doing theatre, there, that's all I wanted to say, oh, but one more thing."

He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, "Can you go talk to Terenne, I mean I would but I don't think it would do anything, thanks!" 

And with that he sprinted away without even letting me protest. Jeez, that man can run when he wants to. I said with a chuckle.

I started walking to my car when I passed the girls bathroom and heard small whimpers from within. Wait! She's still crying, cry baby much?

I kept walking but something in my gut was saying to go and talk to her, or maybe it was just the rumbles because I was so hungry.

After about two minutes of internal discussion, I decided to go inside the girls restroom and wait their for her to come out of the stall. It wasn't really weird being in the girls restroom due to the fact there wasn't anyone in the school. 

I was leaning on one of the stalls when she finally came out. I don't think she saw me because she didn't even make an effort to acknowledge me.

When she turned to leave, well, that's when she saw me.

"Oh, I didn't see y-, I'm really sor-, I don't know what came over m-," she paused and took a breath. "Will you forgive me?"

"First of all," I started, "these shoes were 200 bucks, but luckily, you didn't stain them so I'm gonna let it slide, Mr. Humpy or whoever his name is, wanted me to check on you!"

"Oh, that's strange"

"I know, that's what I thought, right after he sprinted away!"

"Wait, Mr. Humphrey ran?!"

"Yup." we both were started laughing and could barely get our breaths right when the lights to the bathroom went out.

We both fell silent. "The janitor probably turned off the lights." I noted.

"Ya, but it's only 5:45, the janitors don't leave until about ei-" she started but was cut off abruptly.

"Terrene?" I asked trying to feel for her, my hands finally hit her, "Oh, jeez, why'd you stop talking like that?"

After no answer, I started to shake her to make sure she wasn't dead or anything, but nothing happened. I was feeling around to make sure it was her after a wild thought and when I got to her face, fear spread across mine.

The face did not resemble a 16-year-old girls face, but a middle aged muscular man's face!

I turn and try to run but everything goes black.

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