Chapter 11

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So, remember when I said I was gonna use Zeph and Q's P.O.V. more? Well I've change my mind. Oops. I'm gonna start writing in Terrene and Sear's instead. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I promise that it'll pay off. :) On the bright side, this chapter switches pov's a lot! That's all for now, enjoy the chapter.


Terrene's Point of View

The boat creaked as it hit the bank of the eerie island that scarily reminded me of a scene from Jurassic Park. We would've docked at the dock, but it was collapsed from not being used in so long.

The four of us hopped down, Sear helping me, and turned to see Aubin still standing on the boat.

"Aren't you coming dad?" Zeph asked his father. The fear resounding in his voice. I guess he's never been here either.

"Unfortunately not, I have to leave you cause it's up to you all now. I can't have any influences on what beast you pick." He stares, causing panic to flow through my body. Not only was I being forced to walk through this overgrown jungle, but the tour guide that was supposed to lead us through it, was ditching us. Great.

"Oh come on guys, it's not that bad." Q butts in, "I mean, we're literally giving the choice to pick a frickin mythical beast and you're all scared? You should be jumping for joy at the privilege!" She finished, spinning in a circle with her hands in the air subconsciously, making a little water mist around her causing her to flinch, before laughing awkwardly.

"There you go," Aubin exclaimed, "That's the response I like to here!" 

And before we knew it, we were standing on the beach watching the boat leave leaving us, with nowhere to go except into the jungle.


"So how much further do we have to go?" Sear asked while swatting away a horse fly.

Q was leading the way without a care in the world. Zeph followed behind her while Sear and I we're walking side-by-side behind him.

We had been walking for what felt like hours, with no luck in finding any so called beasts. I was beginning to think this was a test that we were tricked into and were miserably failing.

"It's not a matter of how far you go, it's a matter of when you know you gone far enough" Zeph answered, having become more comfortable with the environment.

"Well, I think I've gone far enough"

"That's not how it works. You have to actually find your beast first."

The two of them began to bicker back and forth when I heard a death curdling growl that seemed to rattle my whole entire body. It shook me out of a sleepy state that I hadn't realized I had fallen into. When I froze in my spot, everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" Q asked excited that something was happening. Even she had fallen hopeless we were gonna find something, but my sudden change in appearance made her liveliness come back instantly.

"You guys didn't hear that?" I asked, still standing very still. All of them shook their head and I began to feel a pull, like I was being called somewhere. I debated a while if I should follow it but when my feet began to move, even surprising me, I guess I chose to follow it.

The others, being surprised at my leap of action, could barely keep up with me at the pace I was walking. For a shy, inactive girl, I was still pretty fit and could run pretty fast. I was pushing through leaves and foliage forgetting that I was here with the group.

I finally burst out of the woods at the sight of a beautiful pond that led to what looked like, the end of the world, but came to a realization as I saw it was a waterfall. I walked over to the edge of the cliff and stared off at the view which was breathtaking of the whole entire island. I could even see the main island of Eloasis along the horizon. The trees were mainly willows and it reminded me of a little enchanted swamp. That's when I saw them. Pixies! The little bundles of energy fluttered over to me and surrounded me in a somewhat hug-like embrace. They varied from all the colors of a rainbow and I took a moment to take in the heavenly sight.

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