Chapter 5

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Terrene's Point Of View


The sounds of voices cause me to wake to the pitch black cave that we found. It was Aqueous and Sear. I close my eyes and just listen to their conversation.

"-ave we found." Sear.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Aqueous.

"Ya, sure"

"What happened back there?" My stomach drops, and I wanna stop listening, but part of me wants to know what Sear will say.

"Um...I'm not really sure." he answers, "I was knocked out but when I woke, All I saw was Terenne standing with vines hanging off her hands wrapped around the two men."

"Oh" My breathing starts to quicken.

"It took all my might to snap her out of what ever she was in" he continued voice cracking, "She almost killed them!" After stating this, he has to stop cause he's almost crying. I can't breath now and I honestly don't care if I live or die, I'm about to drift into sleep but catch Aqueous saying something that puts a glint of hope inside of me.

"I know a place where we'll be safe."


I wake up from another nightmare, I've been getting them a lot since the incident. They mostly consist of me...vines...the others...and then death. Sometimes it's me, but most of the time it's Sear. I don't get too much sleep anymore, maybe that's a good thing, I wont have to see the dre-nightmares anymore.

"You're up awfully early," a deadrat voice startles me from my thoughts.

"Ya..." I answer trying to hide the tired in my voice but failing miserably. 

"Not much sleep either," she states to my surprise, I thought I was the only one.

"Ya...why'd it have to be us?" I question, pausing to let the rhetorical question sink in. "I mean, why me... the nerd whose only dream is to be part of the stupid drama club," I finish my statement starting to get worked up.She obviously notices and wraps and arm around me to comfort me.


It's about an hour later when Sear wakes up. Throughout that time, all I've thought about is what Aqueous said to him. 

I know a place where we'll be safe.

I can't get the sentence out of my head. No matter how hard I think about it, it still confuses me. You can't just say something like that after what happened.I try not to think about that either but sometimes I just find myself doing it without thought, if that even makes sense. The craziest solution that I've thought of so far was that I had powers. I mean, the books I read are cool, but something like that can't actually happen...can it? 

My head starts to hurt and I have to distract myself with something...anything else that will keep me distracted. I stand and go to walk out of the cave but Sear, now awake and talking to Aqueous, stops me.

"Hey, hey....where you going?" he asks sounding kinda concerned.

"Just to get some fresh air." I answer and sarcastically ask, "But, I didn't know I had to get permission from you?"

Aqueous snorts and nearly chokes on the water she was drinking. We don't have a lot of food or water and we're running out quickly.

"I'm going to find a water source or some berries for food." I conclude after a look of disbelief spreads across Sear's face.

"She's fine, she can handl-" Aqueous starts but catches herself, "I" she stops.

"I can handle myself." I finish her statement. He looks at me for a moment before giving into the idea of more food.

"Fine, but I'm coming with you." he states and I make a pouty-noise like a five-year-old would.

Fine but this doesn't mean you're in charge."  I level with him before walking out of the cave. I don't know why but I get a nervous spawning of butterflies in my stomach as I draw closer to the entrance. Maybe it's the fear of the unknown, maybe it's because I'm going to be along with Sear in the unknown. When I snap back to it, I'm standing in the middle of a redwood forest. I gape in awe at the huge trees towering above me. I feel like I'm in a Eric Brevig movie called Journey to The Mysterious Woodlands. I walk up to one of the titanic trees and brush my hands against the bark but stop when I hear a mixture between a giggle and a snort erupt from behind me. I turn and see Sear red faced trying to hold in a laugh but failing miserably.

"What?!" I ask, knowing why he was laughing but wanting to hear it from him.

"No-nothing I j-just," he can barely spit out sentences due to the  discharge of laughter coming out of him. "Do you need a moment alone?" He blurts out and collapses into laughter. I roll my eyes and start to walk away and it takes him about two minutes before he actually knows I'm gone.

"Hey, wait up!" he calls.

I don't say anything just keep walking and eventually do find some berries, but they are all dead due to it being the off season.

"Well, I guess we're not having berries." he pouts and starts stalking away to find something else to eat. I swear he can act like a two-year-old some times.

I want to follow, but I don't move. Something in me's saying that I have to do something. Visions of what happened flash in my head causing my knees to collapse under me. I grip my head and grit my teeth. I might've been screaming but when I finally come back, there's a awful ringing in my head and Sear is next to me asking questions but just looking like a fish opening and closing his mouth.

The ringing eventually stops, but I still have a headache that feels like tiny people mining away at my brain. I hear Sear move and appear in my peripheral beside me. But out of the corner of my eye I catch the berry bush, which is now overflowing with an abundance of berries, behind him. The visions appear again and I start to panic with one thought in my head...did I do that?

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