Chapter 7

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Hey Guys! So the upcoming chapters will be written with Kajoy46's new book: The 4 Chosen. As you may know, for the first few chapters, she and I wrote this book together. But we decided it was better to work separately. So go and check out her book, cause it might get a little confusing if you don't. I'm also going to start using Zeph's and Q's point of view more often from now on. Hope you enjoy!


Zephyr's Point of View


I climb out of my spot, and start to walk towards the three kids laying on the ground. I'm about two yards away when I feel something grab my ankle, causing me to fall flat on my face. I look down at my ankle to see a vine wrapped around my foot.

Wait? Do they know how to use thei- I start to think, but answer my own question with a yes when I see all three of them standing in front of me. The one girl, indeed, has vines hanging off her hand.

"Wait!" I intervene, "I don't want to hurt you." I reply trying to improve the situation. Instead, the other girl standing next to her, now with an orb of water floating in her hand, starts to walk closer and kneels in front of me.

"Who are you, and where have you brought us?" She questions ready to snap at any snarky response.

"Hi to you too..." I start causing her to raise her arm to bring the orb down, "Wait, wait! I can explain everything!"

After a minutes of silence the boy standing behind the two girls speaks, "Well then, answer the question!"

"Ok," I start, "My name is Zephyr, I'm the head of the air elementalist's son, also an air elementalist." I start and with the confusion in their faces, I know I'm losing them so I continue, "I brought you here because I've been having dreams about you..."

"Oh that's not weird at all!" The boy in the back states, "We've been brought here, wherever here is, and all we find is a deranged maniac who dreams about us and..."

"Let him finish Sear." The water girl states and I take that as my chance to finish.

"Anyway, I know that someone is chasing you, so I brought you here to be safe." I say finish satisfied with my response."

"Ok," The water girl speaks but continues, "But where is here?"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" I start and answer with, "Welcome to Eloasis! A secret elemental island where elementalists like you and I can live in peace."

"Wait," the vine girl finally speaks, "We're elementalists, is that why we can do scary things like this?" she says and with a flick of her arm, a berry bush forms beside me.

"Yes, except it's not scary" I correct her, "It's glorious, and magical and AWESOME!" I say getting a little carried away.

"So," I continue, "What are you're names?"

"Um..." The water girl finally says, "My name is Aqueous, you can call me Q, This is Terrene, and that's Sear." She answers.

"Zeph...what have you done now?" A voice I know too well asks from behind me.

I turn and view the skinny man standing, dressed in all white, with a clipboard in his hand and answer with two dull words,

"Hi Dad"


Aqueous Point of View


As the words leave his lips I see a tall man, looking to be in his mid thirties, approaching the so called Zephyr. His all white uniform reflecting off of his pale skin and making his diamond blue eyes seem like blinding lights.

"You said you wouldn't get into any trouble, mister!" The mysterious dad speaks, "It's safe to say you've got you're mom's stubbornness." He says while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Dad," Zeph says stretching out the word, "I only did it to save them, and like you said, you should only use the power given to you for the well being of Eloasis and all the Elementalists in it." He says deepening his voice to imitate his Dad.

"I know but we only let in four elementalists a year, and if I calculate them all.." The man counters.

"Three." Zeph interrupts, "There are only three, and that means you just need one more!"

"If you'd of let finish, we already have the four new elementalists." His dad says finishing his statement his son interrupted.

"What!" Zeph says almost pouting, "I thought we made a deal to wait for me to be there when you brought them here!"

"I know..." The man reply's.

They bicker back-and-forth for a little while more until Sear clears his throat causing them to look at us with deer in the headlight looks.

"Oh ya," Zeph says somewhat embarrassed, "This is Aubin, a.k.a. my dad. Dad this is Aqueous, Sear, and Terrene."

"Nice to meet you" Aubin reply's and I give a nod in response.

"Well we might as well take you three to the hospital to recover from such a trip." He says glaring at Zeph."

We all agree and before we know it he's leading us through Eloasis and between the conversation and falling, I didn't even notice the small and very overgrown village we were in. It's made up of multiple different shapes and styles of houses ranging from hobbit, to tree house. Each one with a name plate above it with a shimmering name planted on it. I pass a small one window home with the name Timothy printed on the nameplate.

Huh, I think to myself, So they do have normal names here, maybe I'll meet Timothy some day.

The village comes to an end as we reach two double doors, each green with the words Earth Quarter written on them. When we enter through the french doors, we are met by a rather plump secretary and four teenagers looking to be aaabout my age.

"Zeph," Aubin says gesturing towards to dumbstruck kid, "These are the knew Elementalists."

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